ATONEMENT (a reconciliation), as the
Greek word is translated, 2 Cor. 5:18,
19, and in the margin of Rom. 5:11:
in Rom. 11:15, it is rendered reconciling.
The Levitical atonement was the cere-
monial reconciliation, by means of sacri-
fices appointed by the Divine authority,
Exod. 30:10; Lev. 16:10-34, designed
to prefigure the atonement made by
Christ "as the Lamb of God, which
taketh away the sin of the world," Heb.
9:1-15; John 1:29.
The Christian atonement is
the satis-
faction offered to the Divine justice for
the sins of mankind by the obedience and
death of Christ, the incarnate Son of
God, Rom. 5:1-11. The virtue of this
atonement reaches back to the first
transgressor; and secures to all true
penitents, believing on Christ,
reconciliation with God; they, therefore,
enjoy the Divine forgiveness, and
constituted, through the righteousness
of the Mediator, heirs of eternal life,
Rom. 3:24-26; Isa. 53:4-12; 2 Cor. 5:
17-21. Viewing this atonement of Christ,
under the influence of the Holy Spirit,
believers can look up to God with confi-
dence and joy, notwithstanding His awful
perfections of glorious holiness and in-
flexible justice, Rom. 5:11.