Κνιδος (joining), a city of
Caria, on the coast of Asia Minor, Acts
COAL, a piece of wood or fossil burnt
as fuel, Lam. 4:8; Isa. 6:6: a living
representative of a family, as a son,
2 Sam. 14:7.
COALS, fuel for fire, John 18:18;
21:9. On account of the various pro-
perties of fire, use is made of this word
in reference to purification, Isa. 6:6:
jealousy, Sol. Song 8:6: and terrible
punishment, Psal. 120:4.
COAST, the boundary of a country,
Exod. 10:4; 1 Sam. 5:9: the border of
the sea, Num. 24:24.
COASTS, parts or districts of a country,
Exod. 10:14-19; Matt. 2:16; Mark 7:
COAT, an outer garment, Gen. 38:
3; John 19:23. God made coats for our
first parents of the skins of the sacrificed
animals, to teach them the art, to show
his paternal care, and to indicate the
need of their souls being clothed with
the righteousness of the Messiah, Gen.
3:21. See GARMENTS.
COCK, the male of the domestic hen,
Matt. 26:34.
COCKATRICE, a deadly venomous ser-
pent, thought to be the cobra di capello,
Isa. 14:29. The holy and peaceful
times of the gospel are predicted under
the idea of the cockatrice being rendered
perfectly harmless, even to infants in
their play, Isa. 11:8.
COCKLE, a poisonous herb, thought to
be the deadly nightshade, Job 31:10.
COFFER, a strong chest, 1 Sam. 6:8.
COFFIN, a chest to enclose a dead body,
Gen. 50:26.
COGITATIONS, deep reflections, Dan.
COLD, chillness, as of the weather or
season, Gen. 8:22; Job 37:9.
COLD, chilly, Prov. 25:25: declining
in religious affection, Matt. 24:12; Rev.
COLLAR, the part of the garment fit-
ting the neck, Job 30:18.
COLLARS, neck-chains of honour, made
of gold or silver, Judg. 8:26.
COLLECTION, a sum of money gathered
from the contributions of the people,
2 Chron. 24:6; 1 Cor. 16:1.
COLLEGE, a school for the education
of religious teachers, 2 Kings 22:14.
Huldah probably dwelt in a part of the
temple occupied as a college.
COLLOPS, lumps of flesh, Job 15:27.
COLONY, a new country or province
peopled from an ancient city, as from
Rome, Acts 16:12.
(punishment or cor-
rection), a city of Phrygia in Asia
where a flourishing church of Christians
was gathered in the time of the apostles,
Col. 1:2. This city was destroyed by an
earthquake, A.D. 65; and though it was
partly rebuilt, little more than the site
of the ancient city is now distinguishable:
the houses seen, as in the engraving are
those of the modern village and castle of
COMMEND, to praise, 2 Cor. 3:1; 5:
12: to recommend, Rom. 5:8; 16:1:
to commit, Luke 23:46: to render
illustrious, Rom. 3:5. God commends
His love to us in sending His Son to be
our Saviour, 5:8.
COMMENDATION, certified worthiness,
2 Cor. 3:1
COMMENDED, praised, Gen. 12:15:
recommended, Acts 14:23.
CONDESCEND, to yield in kindness of
behaviour, Rom. 12:16.
CONDITION, the stipulation or term of
agreement in setting peace, 1 Sam. 11:
2; Luke 14:32.
CONDUCT, to lead, guide, or assist, 2
Sam. 19:15; Acts 17:15.
CONDUIT, a water-course, 2 Kings
CONEY, the Hebrew word, thus ren-
dered, is saphan, signifying a small
animal nearly the size and somewhat
resembling a rabbit, but without a tail.
Dr. Harris, from Bruce and others, says
that this timid but sagacious creature is
the ashkoko, as best answering the de-
scription of the saphan of the Scriptures,
and that it abounds in the rocks of
Arabia and Syria, Lev. 11:5; Psal. 104:
18; Prov. 30:24-26. Our engraving is
a representation of the Syrian Coney.
CONFECTION, a preparation of spices
compounded as a perfume or incense,
Exod. 30:35.
CONFECTIONARIES, makers of sweet-
meats, 1 Sam. 8:13.
CONFEDERACY, a league or treaty be-
tween princes or nations, Isa. 8:12;
Obad. 7.
CONFEDERATE, an alliance or cove-
nant for mutual assistance, Gen. 14:13;
Isa. 7:2.
CONFERENCE, deliberation, Gal. 2:6.
CONFERRED, consulted, 1 Kings 1:7;
Acts 4:15; Gal 1:16.
CONSCIENCE, self-knowledge, or that
faculty of the mind by which we form
a judgment of our own motives and
actions. Conscience seems designed by
our Creator to be a light to the mind as
the eye is to the body; and this delicate
powerful faculty strikingly indicates the
goodness of the Deity. Conscience, how-
ever, may be in a healthy or corrupt
condition, according to the moral state
of the heart. A good conscience, 1 Tim.
1:5, is purified or freed from guilt by
feeling the efficacy of the blood of Christ,
1 Tim. 3:9; Heb. 9:14: it is illuminated
by the Holy Spirit, well instructed and
tender, forming right conceptions of
moral evil, according to the law of God,
Rom. 9:1; 1 Cor. 8:10; 2 Cor. 1:12.
Many have perpetrated the greatest
crimes conscientiously, ignorantly ima-
gining that they were doing God service
at the time, as was the case with Paul
before his conversion, persecuting to
death the disciples of the Lord, 1 Tim.
1:13. An evil conscience, Heb. 10:22,
is defiled, Tit. 1:15, and evil men wax
worse and worse, 2 Tim. 3:13: they are
given up of God to a reprobate mind,
Rom. 1:28; to believe a lie, 2 Thess. 2:
2: their hearts are hardened, and their
consciences are as if seared with a hot
iron, 1 Tim. 4:2.
CONVERSION, a change of
life from error and sin to
truth and the service
of God, Acts 15:3. Christian conversion
results from regeneration, in which
heart is renewed in divine knowledge
and true holiness, through the ministry
of the gospel by the power of the Holy
Spirit, Acts 15:3, 8, 9; 1 Thess. 1:5, 6.
Conversion is the principal work of the
gospel ministry, which is designed to
bring men from darkness to light, and
from sin to holiness and God, Acts 3:
19; Psal. 19:7; 1 Cor. 4:15.
CORMORANT, an unclean water-fowl
nearly the size of a goose: some suppose
that Moses intends the sea-gull, Lev. 11:
17. Isaiah uses a different word signify-
ing the pelican, Isa. 34:11.
between God and our first parents, thus
embracing all mankind in them: the
condition was perfect obedience; the
reward [fruit], life and
happiness on earth and
[was supposed by some]
in heaven; the penalty of disobedience,
misery, and death; and the tokens, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge
of good and evil, Gen. 2:9, 15, 17; 3:
17; Rom. 5:12; Hos. 6:7.
of which the rainbow was the token:
this secures the continuance of the sea-
sons of the year to the end of the world,
Gen. 8:20-22; 9:9-17.
ham and his posterity, securing to them
possession of the land of Canaan, Gen.
17:1, 8, 17; Deut. 9:5.
the people of Israel at Sinai,
obedience to the ordinances of God as
the condition of their inheriting Canaan,
Exod. 19:1-8.
securing, as the reward of obedience to
God, the throne of Israel to his family,
2 Sam. 7:8, 29.
CRUCIFY, to put to death by suspend-
ing the body nailed on a wooden cross:
this was a Roman mode of executing
slaves and the most infamous crimi-
nals; and thus the infidel Jewish priests
prevailed on Pilate to order Jesus to be
put to death, Matt. 20:19; 26:26-28.
Among the Romans, the body of the suf-
ferer sometimes remained on the cross
until the bones fell down; but in Judea,
the Jews were allowed to terminate the
life of the criminal before sunset, agree-
ably to the precept of their law, Deut.
21:22, 23. To "crucify...the Son of
God afresh" is to renounce, or abuse,
the doctrine of Christianity, Heb. 6:6.
CRUMBS, small pieces or fragments of
bread, Matt. 15:27; Luke 16:21.
CRUSE, a small urn or jar for holding
water, honey, or oil, 1 Sam. 26:11;
1 Kings 14:3; 17:12. Our engraving
represents various forms of the ancient
cruse as used by the Egyptians.
CRUSH, to bruise or break, Job 39:
15: to wound or kill, Lam. 1:15.
CRUSHED, did crush or bruise, Num.
CRUSHED, bruised or injured, Lev.
22:24: oppressed, Deut. 28:33.
CURSE, the sentence of the displeasure
of God on account of sin, Deut. 11:26-29;
calamity, as a judgment of God, Jer.
26:6: an imprecation, Neh. 10:29;
Acts 23:12: a recorded threatening,
Num. 5:22. Some curses, as that of
Noah, were predictions of evil, inspired
by the Spirit of God, Gen. 9:25-27.
CURSE, to sentence to degradation and
misery, Gen. 12:3: to vitiate or destroy,
Mal. 2:2: to utter imprecations, Jer. 15:
10; Matt. 26:74.
CURSED, did curse, 1 Sam. 17:43:
did execrate, Neh. 13:25. Holy men
were sometimes inspired to denounce an
awful curse on offenders, Gen. 9:25.
CURSED, execrated, Gen. 3:14-17:
under a curse, Gal. 3:10; Matt. 25:41.
CURSING, a curse, Deut. 30:19: an
imprecation, Psal. 10:7.
CUSH, a country, supposed to be Ethi-
opia in Africa, forming the present king-
dom of Abyssinia, Isa. 11:11.
CU'SHAN, [h] (blackness), the
Ethiopia, including the country of Midian,
Heb. 3:7; Num. 12:1.
CU'SHI, [h] (black), an officer in
army of king David, 2 Sam. 18:21.
CUSHI, the chief of a Jewish family,
Jer. 36:14.
CUSHI, the father of the prophet
Zephaniah, Zeph. 1:1.
CUSTODY, charge, as of persons, Est.
2:3, 8, 14; or of things, Num. 3:36.
CUSTOM, a common practice, Luke 1:
9; 1 Cor. 11:16: a duty or tax on per-
sons and goods paid to the government,
Ezra 4:13; Matt. 9:9.
CUT, to divide in pieces, as by a knife
or saw, 2 Kings 24:13: to separate,
Josh. 3:13; Acts 27:32: to vex or
grieve, Acts 5:33: to destroy by a divine
judgment, Exod. 12:15.
CUTTING, a mark or wound on the
body in token of mourning, Lev. 19:28.
CUTTING, wounding the body, Matt.
5:5: grinding precious stones, as a lapi-
dary, Exod. 31:5.
CYMBALS, hollow metal plates for
music, 2 Sam. 6:5. Knowledge and
eloquence, without divine charity, are
declared vain and useless, as a tinkling
cymbal, 1 Cor. 13:1. Our engraving
is drawn from an Egyptian painting,
representing a musician playing on the
cymbals of Egypt, probably identical
with those of the Jews.
CYPRESS, a large, beautiful, and fra-
grant evergreen, whose aromatic wood
scarcely ever decays; therefore it was
used for making statues of the gods in
the East, Isa. 44:14.
CY'PRUS, [g] (fair, beautiful), a
island in the Mediterranean, about 200
miles long and 75 broad, abounding with
cypress trees, from which it was named,
Acts 4:36; 11:19, 20; 13:4, 13; 15:
39. Venus was the chief
divinty wor-
shipped by the pagans of Cyprus, under
the names of Cypris and Cypria; her
chief temple was at Paphos. Cyprus
has a population at present of about
60,000 Greeks and Turks.