Hrvatski / Croatian Ministry: 1/1/2018 ![]()
Elo[h]i[m] - Jahve (Gospodnji) - Jesus ( Isus ) Christ ( Krist ) je God ( Bog ). Useful Resources Hebrew O.T., Greek N.T. English King James Bible.
Russian, Serbian,
Yugoslavia Key.
Bible ( Biblije )
**printed Booklet: John & Romans (n.d.) CFC [ Title Page ] [pp. 61-62: Bible Study 15, 4.] **File: Ivanu / John (n.d.) CFC
**File: Rimljanima / Romans (n.d.) CFCNew Testament (n.d.) Ivan Vrtaric, BPS/CFC [Traditional Text based]
Old Testament (n.d.) Ivan Vrtaric [King James Bible based]**List: Bible portions (BPS) Ref: OH
**File: John / Romans (n.d.) RFM [pdf]
**File: John / Romans (n.d.) RFM [doc]
*File: NOVI ZAVJET / N.T. (2010) USZ/RFM [ISBN 978-953-56122-0-9]**File: Croatian Bible History
Bible Studies ( Baptist = Krstitelj )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) Compiled by CHMBooks
"The Trail of Blood". . . . (n.d.) J. M. Carroll*Booklet: TEMELJNA PITANJA / ULTIMATE QUESTIONS (1987, 1991) J. Blanchard, EP
Have You Been Brainwashed? Ref: Acts & Facts 3-1997
**List: Couriers for Christ
Pastor Ivan VrtaricTracts ( Gospel = Evanđelje )
**List: Chick Illustrated Tracts--Croatian (JTC)**List: Fellowship Tract League--Croatian (FTL)
*File: Bo{z<}ji Jednostavan Plan Spasenja / God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) pdf 1991 has Acts 17:30
**Tract: God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) [ GSPS ] [ Web ][Croatian HFA] (WMP)
**List: Christian FilmsWeb Media
Resources for Missions--Croatian '11 [ CD ] [new 7-09, need to check this cd link]
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]