српски / Srpski / Srbin / Srbijanski / Srpkinja / Serbian Ministry: 2/26/2020 ![]()
Ело[х]и[м] - [Jehovah] (Господњи) - Jesus ( Исуса ) Christ ( Христа ) је God ( Бог ). Useful Resources Hebrew O.T., Greek N.T. English King James Bible.
Croatian, Russian,
Russia Key, Yugoslavia Key.
Bible ( Библије, Biblije )
John (___ {n.d.}) [mentioned in CFC paper]
Romans (___ {n.d.}) [mentioned in CFC paper]**File: Joвaн / John (BSO, 1847) ["as is"]
**File: Pимљaнимa / Romans (BSO, 1847) ["as is"]
File: Bible / Bible (BSO, 1847, 1865)
Info Source: https://bible-server.org/Bible.php?translation=SRB**List: Serbian Bible in Cyrillic script (n.d.) [D/]uro Dani{c<}ić (OT) & Vuk Karad{z<}ić (NT) w/ King James Bible (1769) theWord [Info only: Cp6.]
**List: Serbian Bible in Roman script (n.d.) w/ King James Bible (1769) theWord [Info only: Ser.]"[Servian New Testament]. ([Leipzig : Tauchnitz], 1830)" [Info only: RBS.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008408675"Novi zavjet gospoda nasega Isusa Hrista / preveo Vuk Stef. Karadžić. (U Beču : U S̆tampariji Jermenskoga manastira, 1847)" [Info only: NT.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/006021325"Sveto Pismo : Staroga i Novoga Zavjeta / preveo Stari Zavjet Gj. Daničić, Novi Zavjet preveo Vuk Stef. Karadžić. (U Budim Pesti : Izdanje Britanskoga i Inostranoga Biblijskoga Drustva, 1874)" [Info only: Bible.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008415969"Sveto Pismo Staroga i Novoga Zavjeta, Preveo Stari Zavjet D. Daniċić. Novi Zavjet preveo Vuk Stef. Karadzhić. (U Biogradu, Izdanje britanskoga i insotranoga biblijskoga drushtva, [1903])" [Info only: Bible.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001928145"Sveto Pismo Staroga i Novoga Zavjeta. Preveo Stari Zavjet Gj. Daniċić. Novi Zavjet preveo Vuk Stef. Karadżić (Pregledano izdanje.) (U Budimpesti, Izdanje britanskoga i inostranoga biblijskoga drustva, 1912)" [Info only: Bible.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001928158**File: Serbian Bible History
**List: Russian Bible Society [Survey]
Bible Studies ( the Baptist = tхe Баптист, Крститељ, Krstitelj )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) Compiled by CHMBooks
*Booklet: TEMEЉHA ПИTAЊA / ULTIMATE QUESTIONS (1987, 1991) J. Blanchard, EPPrayer
**List: Couriers for ChristTracts ( Gospel = Јевандјеље, Jevandjelja )
**List: Chick Illustrated Tracts--Serbian (JTC)[Serbian HFA, WTG[]] (WMP)
**List: Christian FilmsFile: Serbian / *VHS: A Question of Origins (1998) Eternal Productions [Info only: some non-KJV refs.]
DVD: Serbian / A Question of Origins (2004) Ref: ICR catalog 2006- 2007Web Media
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]