Russian Bible Society: 3/1/2020 ![]()
Russian Bible Society
(Calvinistic Baptist)
[not Reformed, oppose Hyper-Calvinism]
P.O. BOX 6068
Asheville, NC 28816 . USA
russianbiblesociety.com (1-2015)Arden, NC 28704 (1-2015)
828.681.0370 & 1.800.252.8896 (1-2015)
E-MAIL: russianbibles@juno.comC. H. M. disclaimer . *=Library, **=Online
We do not endorse Hyper-Calvinism.
**Tract: RUSSIAN BIBLE SOCIETY (~2000) Dr. Bob Doom & Jerry Young
[What We Believe. Projects Completed.]**File: Russian Bible Society (n.d.) [Info: founded 1812, disbanded 1826, reopened 1944.]
[Our Past Our Purpose Our Projects Our Prayer]*Paper: Doctrinal Statement (6-20-2012) RBS [Info only: added .com 1-2015.]
[Projects completed since 1975]
*Paper: Translating the Russian Bible (Spring 1999) M. E. [1812-1826 RBS. 26 languages.]
["the RBS, working with the BFBS,
published the first Russian vernacular Gospels in 1819,
a complete Russian New Testament in 1821,
and a Russian Psalter in 1822.
(Translation of the first eight books of the Old Testament were completed by 1825 but were not circulated.)"]
["... a new translation of the New Testament, published in 1862,
and the first complete Russian vernacular translation of the Old Testament, published in 1876."]**Paper: THE RUSSIAN BIBLE SOCIETY--A CASE OF ... (Oct., 1948) Stu. R. Tom. [CHM notes.]
**File: Russian Bible History [old RBS @ Russia, etc.]
Goetze Bible Dictionary (n.d.) [Info only: RBS product.]
Goetze Study Bible (n.d.) [Info only: RBS product.]
New Thompson Study Bible (n.d.) [Info only: RBS product.]
[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]