Couriers for Christ: 2000 - 2008 ![]()
My. Larry Ingalls; My. Don Stertz; My. Ken Stertz
Wyldewood Baptist Church, 3030 Witzel Ave, Oshkosh, WI 54904-9371 . USA
www.wyldewood.orgC. H. M. disclaimer. *=Library, **=Online
*Paper: (5-2008)
2008-Year of the Bible [Debrecen, Hungary; Zsolt Kovac.]
2009 Campaign [Siauliai, Lithuania]
2008 Bible Projects [Russian--Bible & Literature My. Foundation, Shelbyville, TN, Bro. Lemmon; Bulgarian; Hungarian; Lithuanian]
Campaigns Bring Encouragement [MiKong & Jeff Stewart, mies. to the Roma Gypsies]
Latest Check Up Results Tricia Stertz*Paper: (5-2004)
Lithuanian Campaign Update
Thank You Note from Ukraine
Twelfth Annual Northeast Seedline Conference DS
Revision of the Polish Bible DS [My. Joe West, My. Brent Riggs, My. Mike Wolski.
Polish New Testament; report from Riggs: finished John & Romans, pdf file; proofing Matthew, Mark & Luke; working on Acts; We have the files in Indesign & PDF format.]
Ingalls Family Update*Paper: (1-2003)
2003 Campaigns [Odessa, Ukraine; Moldova]
Containers of Literature for the Ukraine
A Testimony from one of our St. Petersburg Campaign Participants*Paper: (10-2002)
St. Petersburg Campaign
St. Petersburg Campaign - A Glorious Succees
All In A Day's Work DS*Paper: (4-2002)
St. Petersburg Campaign
Testimony of Lydia Priem forward by DS
Trombones and Baritones [My. Brian Nibbe]
20,000 Russian Bibles NeededPaper: (9-2001) [only partial print out]
Pray for Russia Inland Campaign!
The Battle Rages DS*Paper: (8-2001)
Seed for the Sowers DS [My. Mark Priem]
Russia Inland Campaign Begins!
Lots of Changes Laura Stertz*Paper: (7-2001)
Lviv, Ukraine DS
Shipment to Lithuania [My. Derek Thomas report: Vilnius Baptist Church; Container Contents]*Paper: (6-2001)
Zeal According to Knowledge Tricia Stertz
Jenya's Testimony DS [Ratamka, Belarus]*Paper: (5-2001)
An Amazing Turn of Events
Old Synagogue Purchased by a Baptist Church
First Russian Bible [2 pics]
Notes from the Ken Stertz Family*Paper: (4-2001)
Why Do We Do What We Do? Part II DS*Paper: (3-2001)
Why Do We Do What We Do? DS
Greetings From the Ingalls Family!*Paper: (2-2001)
Russia Inland Campaign Preliminary Trip Scheduled
2000 Literature Distribution
Mies. Assisted*Paper: (1-2001)
Scriptures and Clothing a Blessing to Hungarian Churches*Paper: (12-2000)
[many photos]*Paper: (11-2000)
Report From Hungary Laszlo Fortin forward by DS
New Campaign Developments
Ingalls Family Update*Paper: (10-2000)
Russia Inland Campaign
Russia Inland 2001 Campaign Update*Paper: (8-2000)
100,000 Russian Bibles Nearly One-Third of the Way There DS
"...Ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:" I Peter 1:8b LI
Pray for the success of the 2001 Russia Inland Campaign
Scriptures and Hospital Supplies*Paper: (7-2000)
Russian Bibles $850 Will Purchase 500
Pastor Sergey Lagutkin "...the labourer is worthy of his hire." Luke 10:7 LI
Update From Hungary
News From Don Stertz's*Paper: (6-2000)
New Language Being Translated DI [Chuvash Bible portions; Institute for Bible Translation, Moscow; ---, Stockholm, Sweden]
Important Prayer Requests
John & Romans Production Update [Dennis Deneau, Local Church Bible Publishers; Parker Memorial BC, Lansing, MI]
2001 Campaign Goals
Ken Stertz Family Update*Paper: (5-2000)
500 Russian Bibles for $850 DS
Journey from Communist to Capitalist to Christian DS*Paper: (4-2000)
Needed, 100,000 Russian Bibles DS
Container Shipment Update DS
News from the Ukraine*Paper: (3-2000)
Bibles, Blessings and Benefits Dave Darling forward by DS
Mies. Assisted
Literature Need for the 2001 Campaign [Denny Deneau, Local Church Publishers]*Paper: (2-2000)
Christianity on the Threshhold of a Third Millennium DS
Bible Studies in Ylianovsk DS
A Time of Praise and Fellowship*Paper: (1-2000)
An Intense, but Very Rewarding Mission Trip DS
100,000 Russian Bibles for the 2001 Russia Inland Campaign DS
2001 Russia Inland Campaign Brochures Available
My. Joe Offenberger from Romania just sent us this disturbing information. ....Go to: 1990's
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