Ελληνικά / Greek Ministry: 11/21/2020 ![]()
Elohim ( Ἐλωῒ[μ] ) - Jehovah ( Ἰεοβά ) - Jesus ( Ιησους ) Christ ( Χριστός ) εστί ho Theos ( ʽο Θεός ). ʽο Θεός is the one true God.
Useful Resources Hebrew O.T. English King James Bible.
Greek: Modern Bible.Alphabet
Holy Bible ( γραφαῖς ἁγίαις, Αγιας Γραφης )
The Textus Receptus Greek New Testament Underlying the KJB (1894) TBS
[printed by The Trinitarian Bible So- ciety, 487 pp.; this is a reprint of Dr. Frederick Scrivener's Greek text which exactly underlies the King James Bible. It is based on Beza's 5th edition of 1598 and should be the basis for any New Testament translation in any language. BFT #471 @ $14.00]*File: Greek N.T. (1894) F. H. A. Scrivener, Cambridge University Press, ARC [1st ed. 1880, 2nd ed. 1893.] [Info: scan.]
**List: Greek: Ancient Scrivener Textus Receptus N.T. (1894) OLB [Info only: Lower case; no punctuation.] [IGNT]
*File: Η ΚΑΙΝΗ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ (Textus Receptus) (1550/1894) [Info]
[www.sdhs.co.uk]**List: Greek: Ancient Beza Textus Receptus N.T. (1598) w/ King James Bible (1769) theWord [Beza]
**printed Book: Stephens N.T. (1550, 1897) GRB [ Title Page ] [2-1990] *File: Stephens Ιwannhv / John (1550, 1897) GRB [Research only: Unicode. CHM added some capitols & some punctuation to OLB text.] [2-1990]
*File: Stephens Ρwmaiouv / Romans (1550, 1897) GRB [Research only: Unicode. CHM added some capitols & some punctuation to OLB text.] [2-1990]**List: Greek: Ancient Stephens Textus Receptus N.T. (1550) OLB [Info only: Lower case; no punctuation.] [TR - TR 1550]
*File: Greek Stephanus Textus Receptus N.T. (1550) HBF [ CD ] [THE COMPLETE NEW TESTAMENT] [Τ{Η~}Σ ΚΑΙΝ{Η~}Σ ΔΙΑΘ{Η'}ΚΗΣ {Α''}ΠΑΝΤΑ] [Info only: Accents on words; upper & lower case; some punctuation.]
Greek New Testament, Stephanus 1550 TR (Scrivener's Cambridge edition) [Info only]
https://www.bibles.org.uk/Greek_New_Testament_Textus_Stephanici_AD_1550.djvu**List: Greek: Ancient Stephanus & Scrivener Textus Receptus N.T. (1550 & 1894) w/ King James Bible (1769) theWord [TR]
**List: Greek: Ancient Stephanus & Scrivener Textus Receptus N.T. (1550 & 1894) w/ King James Bible (1769) theWord [TRa]**File: Greek: Ancient Stephanus & Scrivener Textus Receptus Ιwannhv / John (1550 & 1894) theWord [TRa]
**File: Greek: Ancient Stephanus & Scrivener Textus Receptus Ρwmaiouv / Romans (1550 & 1894) theWord [TRa]**Software: Greek: Ancient Elzevir Textus Receptus New Testament (1624) Bible-Discovery [Info only]
**File: Greek: Ancient Bible History
**File: Greek: Modern Bible HistoryBible Studies ( the Baptist = ʽο Βαπτιστής )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) Compiled by CHM*CD: GREEK DICTIONARY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT (1997) James Strong [Info only]
*CD: KING JAMES VERSION NEW TESTAMENT (WITH STRONG'S NUMBERS) (1999) [Info only]The Classic Greek Dictionary (1951) George Ricker Berry [Info only: Greek to Eng. & Eng. to Greek] [on Web]
Book: Greek (1964) / BIBLE HANDBOOK An Abbreviated Bible Commentary (1927, 1957) Henry H. Halley*Booklet: BAΣIKEΣ EPΩTHΣEIΣ / ULTIMATE QUESTIONS (1994) J. Blanchard, EP
Go to: Creation / Evolution Media--Greek
Tracts ( the Gospel = τὸ Ε{υ}αγγελίου )
**Tract: Dυo ειδων Θανατoς / TWO KINDS OF DEATH (BTI)*List: Chick Illustrated Tracts--Greek (JTC)
*List: Fellowship Tract League--Greek (FTL)
**File: To Aπλο Σχεδιο Του θεου Гια Τη Σωτηρια Σου / God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) pdf 2007 has Acts 17:30
**Tract: God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) [ GSPS ] [ Web ]HFA (WMP) https://www.wmpress.org/bksavail.htm#Languages
**List: Christian Films
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]