Ελληνικά / Greek: Modern Bible History (1) ![]()
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**List: Greek: Modern Ministry
Holy Bible ( ἁγίαις γραφαῖς, Αγιας Γραφης )
**File: Greek: Ancient Bible HistoryGreek: Modern...
"Modern Greek is the language of almost 10 million people, in-
cluding Greek-speaking inhabitants of Greece, Cyprus, Turkey,
and the United States, as well as the unique theocratic republic
of Athos, home of the monastic colonies of Mount Athos.
Although Modern Greek is spoken with a remarkable lack of
dialectal variation, there are nevertheless two distinct levels of
language. The first is Katharevousa (pure), the language of
officialdom and of most literature, including the newspapers; it
maintains the vocabulary and syntax of Koine Greek. (See
Greek: Ancient.) The second is Demotiki, or Romatiki, the
vernacular Greek as it is now spoken. It is much simplified
grammatically, and employs considerable loan vocabulary.Although the movement to promote literature in the colloquial
usage emerged as early as the 18th century, and the two forms
have in fact drawn somewhat closer together, they still remain
distinct.With few exceptions Greek Scriptures have been prepared in
the formal literary idiom. In fact, the publication of the Pallis
vernacular version of [m]atthew in an Athenian newspaper in
1901 touched off so much public and political unrest that the
government prohibited publication of Modern Greek Scriptures
of any kind. This prohibition, which lasted 23 years, was re-
voked in 1924.The history of the Modern Greek Bible has been dominated by
two versions. The early (1638) translation by Maximus, a monk
of Gallipoli, has been often revised and reprinted. However, the
version (1844) by N. Bambas and others has become the standard
version, especially among Protestants. The first portion of the
Bible ever to appear in Modern Greek is an interesting bit of
Judaica - the polygot Pentateuch (1547), edited by the famous
Soncino family of Venice. It contains a translation of the Torah
into Greek, printed in Hebrew character.Modern Greek is the spoken language closest to the language in
--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
which the New Testament was originally composed. Thus the
translator of the Gospel into Modern Greek would seem to have
an advantage over the translator into any other tongue."
See NT Greek.]**File: Greek: Modern Bible History (3)--1860 S. Bagster [Info only]
"in 1547 at Constantinople, in the
dialect of Jews then living in Constantinople who no longer used the
Hebrew tongue. Printed in a Polyglot Pentateuch."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only:
See Aramaic, Hebrew, Persian, Spanish: Judaeo.]Greek Character unless noted
"1547 Pentateuch (Hebrew character) E. Soncino,
The first published Scriptures in Modern Greek, prepared by the elder
Soncino for Jews of Constantinople."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"1638 New Testament [Pierre] Aubert, Geneva
The first published Modern Greek N.T., printed with Ancient Greek.
The Modern Greek text, prepared by a Greek monk named Maximus,
was published at the expense of the Dutch States-General. A re-
vised text, edited by a defrocked priest named Seraphim, was published
by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in 1703."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
Maximos Kalliupolites.]
"1710 New Testament Orphan House, Halle
A revision of Maximus text, with corrections by Anastasius Michael,
edited by August H. Francke. It was often reprinted. The first edition
by the BFBS published in 1810; by the Russian BS in 1817.
Numerous editions with slight revisions appeared, notably recensions by
G. C. Renouard and Thomas Pell Platt, 1824; by D. Schinas, 1927;
by H. D. Leeves, 1830."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: 1927 probably should be 1827.
Pastor AHF, "the foremost representative of Pietism" per CC. Also Lutheran @ Danish East Indian Mission.]"He kaine diatheke tou kuriou kai soteros hemon 'Ie sou Christou di?lottos : tout esti, to Theion archetypon kai he autou metaphrasis eis koinen dialekton. (En Lonino (England) : Exetypothe par' 'Ioannou Tilliggou tes Chelseas, 1810)" [Info only: Koine Greek NT.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009713848"Hē Kainē Diathēkē tou Kyriou kai Sōteros hēmōn Iēsou Christou : metaphrastheisa eis koinēn dialekton. (En Londinō [London : British and Foreign Bible Society] : Echetypōthē para T. Rytt, 1814)" [Info only: Koine Greek NT.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008398277"He kaine diatheke tou kuriou kai soteros hemon Iesou Christou di?lottos : tout esti, to Theion archetypon kai he autou metaphrasis eis koinen dialekton. (Londino : Echetypothe para Tilliggou kai Hougoutes Chelsias, 1819)" [Info only: Koine Greek NT.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009716025"Tes Palaias Diathekes hapanta (En Londra : [s.n.], 1830)" [Info only: OT.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008917773"He Kaine Diatheke tou Kyriou kai Soteros hemon Iesou Christou diglottos : tout' esti to theion archetypon kai he autou metaphrasis eis koinen dialekton : pleiste akriveia anexetastheisa kai pase spoude epidiorthotheisa. (En Londra : Etypothe para Rh. Ouatts : Dapanetes en Vretannia kai par' Allogenesin Hetaireias tes Hieras Vivlou, 1830)" [Info only: Koine Greek NT.]
"1831 Psalms 1[8]33 Genesis- Joshua BFBS, London
1838 Gospels BFBS, Athens
1840 Old Testament BFBS, London
1844 New Testament BFBS, Athens
Translated for the BFBS by N. Bambas, assisted by N. Ioannides,
E. de Tipaldo, H. D. Leeves, and others. A revision of both Testa-
ments, the first one-volume Modern Greek Bible, appeared in 1851.
Although slight revisions have been made in it, it remains the standard
Modern Greek Bible."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
GREEK CHARACTER BAMBAS VERSION "1950" Mark 1:2 correct (προφήταις = prophets).]"He Kaine Diatheke tou kyriou kai Soteros hemon Iesou Christou, metaphrastheisa ek tes palaias eis ten kathomiloumenen Helleniken dialekton, dia dapanais tes en Amerike Hierographikes Hetaireias. (Nea Hyork, Ektes typ. Daniel Phansa, 1833)" [Info only: Greek NT.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008426538"He kaine diatheke tou kuriou kai soteros hemon 'Iesou Christou : mataphrastheisa ek tes Palaias eis ten kathomiloumenen helleniken dialekton ; dia dapanes en 'Amerike 'Iepographikes 'Etaireias. (Nea York : Ek tes Typographias Daniel fansa, 1842)" [Info only: Greek NT.]
"1854 John (Roman character) Church MS, Smyrna
1859 Luke Acts (Roman character) BFBS, Smyrna
Edited and transliterated by T. J. Wolters, CMS."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]"He Kaine Diatheke tou Kyriou kai Soteros hemon Iesou Chrstiou, paraphrastheisa ek tou hellenikou. Kata ten en Athenais ekdosin tou 1855. ([En Athenais?], 1861)" [Info only: Greek NT.]
"1900 Gospels Sakellarius, Athens
Translated at the suggestion of Queen Olga into popular Greek
usage."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: ?]MODERN GREEK--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Greek characters "1934" John 3:4b-17a, 22a-34a unknown.]
"1954-1955 Bible Bible House, Athens
Translated by Athanasios Chastoupis and Nikolaos Louvaris."-- 1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: ?]
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]