Hrvatski / Croatian Bible History (1) ![]()
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**File: Croatian Ministry
Bible ( Biblije )
"Ivan Vrtaric has published a Traditional Text based New
Testament in Croatia. It was printed by the Bearing Precious
Seed ministry in Oshkosh, Wisconsin and endorsed by Couriers
for Christ.William Carey Bible Society advisory committee member, Rex
Cobb says that, "Ivan is a well-educated man in several
languages, including Greek. . ."He is working on a translation of the Old Testament based upon
--Phil Stringer [Info only]
the King James Bible."Serbo-Croatian...
"Serbo-Croatian is, with Slovenian and Macedonian, an official
language of Yugoslavia. It is spoken by 8 million people in the
Republic of Serbia, 4 million in the Croatian Republic, and 3.5
million in the Republics of Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Monte-
negro. Serbo-Croatian is essentially a homogeneous linguistic
community, although slight regional dialects can be noted, and
Serbian and Croatian were earlier listed as separate tongues.Despite the linguistic relationship of these five Yugoslav (mean-
ing South Slav) peoples, they have historically been separated
by political and cultural factors. The Croats, with their Slovene
neighbors, were long associated with Austria and Hungary,
which explains the predominance of Roman Catholics among
them and the use of Roman script. The other Serbo-Croatian-
speaking peoples are primarily Eastern Orthodox and use the
Cyrillic character. The Glagolitic character was also used ex-
tensively in central and coastal areas of Yugoslavia, but it died
out (except among certain Montenegrin and Dalmatian Roman
Catholic communities who have special license to use the
Slavonic liturgy) because of early opposition by the Pope.Until the 19th century Serbo-Croatian literary efforts were
--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
generally in the tradition of Latin and Slavonic writings, and the
idiom used was little more than a Serbanized Church Slavonic.
However, in the early 1800s a literary form and usage that re-
flected the oral tradition of Yugoslavian balladry and folklore
developed, and the Serbo-Croatian vernacular became respected
as a worthy literary vehicle. Before that time most published
Scriptures represented recensions of the Slavonic texts or trans-
lations from the Vulgate into one of a number of greatly variant
local dialects."
"1804 Bible (Cyrillic character) Budapest
The first Serbo-Croatian Bible, prepared by an unknown translator."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: ?]
"Stojković Version: New Testament (Cyril-
lic characters), Russian Bible Society, St. Petersburg, 1824; tr. by Ata-
nasije Stojković (BFBS, Leipzig, 1830)."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
"1824 New Testament (Cyrillic character) Russian BS
Translated by Atamasije Stojkovic, a Serb."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
NT was a mixture of Church Slavonic & Servian.]
"Vuk Version: New Testa-
ment (Cyrillic characters) (publisher not given), Vienna, 1847; tr. by
--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
Vuk Stefanović Karad{z<}ić (copyright purchased by BFBS, 1847)."
"1847 New Testament (Cyrillic character) Vienna
Called the Vuk Translation. Translated by Vuk S. Karadzic, a
leader in the reform of the Serbian language and orthography, in an
attempt to create a common literary language, but it was not approved
by the Serbian Church. The BFBS obtained the copyright and re-
printed it often. Published in Roman script, 1864."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]"Novi zavjet gospoda nasega Isusa Hrista / preveo Vuk Stef. Karadžić. (U Beču : U S̆tampariji Jermenskoga manastira, 1847)" [Info only: NT.]
"Dani{c<}ić Version: the Psalms
BFBS, Vienna, 1864; tr. by Gjuro Dani{c<}ić, printed in Cyrillic and
Roman character editions. Genesis, 1865; Pentateuch, Budapest, 1866;
Bible (containing Vuks New Testament), Belgrade (Budapest printed),
1868."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
"1864-1868 Bible (Roman character) BFBS, Belgrade
Translated by Gjuro Danicic, a friend and colleague of Vuk Karadzic.
He agreed in 1865 to prepare a fresh O.T. translation for the BFBS.
The Bible was completed in 1868, with a slight revision of Vuks N.T.
(The same year, 1868, four years after his death, Vuks system of
orthography was accepted by the Serbian Church.) After 1877 a
number of slight revisions of the text, prepared by D. Sulek, were
published."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]"Sveto Pismo : Staroga i Novoga Zavjeta / preveo Stari Zavjet Gj. Daničić, Novi Zavjet preveo Vuk Stef. Karadžić. (U Budim Pesti : Izdanje Britanskoga i Inostranoga Biblijskoga Drustva, 1874)" [Info only: BFBS.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008415969SERBO-CROATIAN--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Cyrillic characters--Serbian "1903" John 4:15-21, 37-43a unknown.]
"Sveto Pismo Staroga i Novoga Zavjeta, Preveo Stari Zavjet D. Daniċić. Novi Zavjet preveo Vuk Stef. Karadzhić. (U Biogradu, Izdanje britanskoga i insotranoga biblijskoga drushtva, [1903])" [Info only: BFBS.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001928145"Sveto Pismo Staroga i Novoga Zavjeta. Preveo Stari Zavjet Gj. Daniċić. Novi Zavjet preveo Vuk Stef. Karadżić (Pregledano izdanje.) (U Budimpesti, Izdanje britanskoga i inostranoga biblijskoga drustva, 1912)" [Info only: BFBS.]
"1930 New Testament (Roman character) 1933 Bible
BFBS, Belgrade
A revision of the Vuk text by [Dr.] Lujo Bakotic."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: ?]SERBO-CROATIAN--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Roman characters--Croatian "1933" John 3:13b-21; 4:1-10a unknown.]
SERBO-CROATIAN--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: Roman Character "1950-1951" Mark 1:2 correct (prórôkâ = prophets).]
"1961 New Testament Pastoralna Biblica, Vol. 7
Translated by Ljubevit Rupcic; a revision appeared in 1967. A
translation of the Bible by Ivan E. Saric is also reported."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: ?]
"1963-1968 Gospels Serbopress, Belgrade
Translated by E. M. Charnic."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: ?]**File: Croatian Bible History (3)--1860 S. Bagster [Info only: Croatian, or Dalmatian-Servian.]
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]