ENEMY, one who hates and seeks to
hurt or kill, Exod. 15:6. Satan is the
enemy of God and man, Matt. 13:25,
39. Wicked men
are enemies of God
and holiness, Acts 13:10; Jam. 4:4.
God appears the enemy of wicked men
by his afflictive dispensations, 1 Sam.
28:16. Death is represented as an
enemy to the saints; but it will be de-
stroyed, 1 Cor. 15:26.
ENGAGED, did engage, bind, or devote,
Jer. 30:21.
EN'-GEDI, [h] (the fountain of the
a city not far from En-eglaim, called also
Hazazon-tamar, Ezek. 47:10.
ENGINES, instruments of war, 2 Chron.
26:15; Ezek. 26:9.
ENGRAFTED, implanted or deeply
rooted, as the divine doctrine in the
renewed mind, Jam. 1:21.
ENGRAVE, to cut letters or figures on
stone or metals, Exod. 28:11.
ENGRAVEN, cut or carved on stone,
2 Cor. 3:7.
ENGRAVER, one who engraves, a
sculptor, Exod. 28:11; 35:34, 35.
ENGRAVINGS, words or figures en-
graved on stone or metal, Exod. 28:
11, 21, 36. The art of engraving was
practised at a very early period; and
the perfection of it was given by divine
inspiration, 31:1-6; 35:35. The
art of engraving diamonds, which seems
to have been possessed by the workmen
who made the tabernacle, is now un-
known, 39:11-14.
EN-HAKKORE, [h] (the well of him
that cried), a well or spring miraculously
formed for Samson, Judg. 15:19.
ENJOIN, to direct or require, Phil. 8.
ENJOINED, ordered or commanded,
Est. 9:31; Heb. 9:20.
ENJOY, to possess with delight, Num.
36:8; 1 Tim. 6:17: to feel with
pleasure, Eccles. 2:1; Heb. 11:25.
ENJOYED, did possess in rest, 2 Chron.
ENLARGE, to extend, Deut. 12:20: to
increase, Gen. 9:27; Job 12:23: to ex-
pand, as of the heart, Psal. 119:23.
ENLARGED, increased in size, Isa. 5:
14: released or consoled, Psal. 4:1:
expanded, as with delight, 2 Cor. 6:11.
ENTERED, did enter or go within,
Gen. 7:13; Luke 1:40: did engage with,
Jer. 34:10.
ENTERED, gone within, Jer.37:
ENTERING, the entrance, the place of
entering, as into a city, Josh. 8:29; or
of a house, Isa. 23:1; or of an apart-
ment, 1 Kings 8:31.
ENTERING, approaching to the inner
part, as of a house, Acts 8:3; or to
a privileged state, Heb. 9:1.
ENTERPRISE, a hazardous undertaking,
Job 5:12.
ENTERTAIN, to receive hospitably,
Heb. 13:2.
ENTERTAINED, received hospitably,
Heb. 13:2.
ENTICE, craftily to persuade to what
is dangerous or wicked, Deut. 13:6;
Judg. 14:15; 2 Chron. 18:19, 20.
ENTICED, persuaded or deluded, Job
31:27; Jam. 1:14.
ENTICING, fascinating or alluring, 1
Cor. 2:4; Col. 2:4.
ENTIRE, complete, Jam. 1:4.
ENTRANCE, the place of entering, as
into a city, Judg. 1:24: the act of enter-
ing, as the apostles among a people,
1 Thess. 2:1; or as the saints into Hea-
ven, 2 Pet. 1:11.
EPHAH, a Hebrew measure of about
seven gallons and two quarts, Exod. 16:
3; Ezek. 45:11-14. See MEASURE.
E'PHES-DAM'MIN, [h] (the effusion
of blood), a place west of the Dead sea,
where the Philistines were encamped
when David slew their champion Goliath,
1 Sam. 17:1: it is called Pas-dammim,
1 Chron. 11:13.
had many sons, and his posterity mult-
plied in Egypt, so as to become a nume-
rous tribe, that the adult males, in the
second year of their emancipation,
amounted to 40,500. Joshua gave this
tribe their portion between the Jordan
on the east, and the Mediterranean on
the west; and after the division of the
Israelites in the reign of Rehoboam, the
kingdom of the ten tribes was frequently
called Ephraim, especially as its capital
was Samaria, Josh. 14:4; 16:5-10; Isa.
7:2-9; 1 Kings 13:32; 16:22-24.
EPHRAIM, a hilly district near Bethel,
famous as the birthplace of the prophet
Samuel, 1 Sam. 1:1-19. See RAMAH.
EPH'RATAH, [h] (abundance, or bear-
ing fruit), a name of the city Bethlehem,
Mic. 5:2.
EPH'RATH, the same as Ephratah,
Gen. 35:19; Ruth 1:2.
E'PHRON, [h] (dust), a Hittite
and friend of Abraham, Gen. 23:8-10.
E'SARHAD'DON, [h] (that binds joy,
or Sargon), Isa. 20:1, son of Sennacherib,
king of Assyria: he succeeded his father
on the throne of Nineveh, and acquired
Babylon, whither he carried Manasseh,
king of Judah, captive, after he had
conquered Jerusalem, 2 Kings 19:37;
2 Chron. 33:11.
E'SAU, [h] (he that does, or
acts, or finishes), the elder son of Isaac,
and twin-
brother of Jacob, Gen. 25:25. Esau
appears to have been a profane malevo-
lent man, by his selling his birthright,
and purposing to kill his brother: but
we know very little of his latter history
or character, ver. 34; 27.; 35:29;
36.; Heb. 12:16. See EDOM.
ESCAPE, to flee so as to avoid evil or
danger, Gen. 19:17-20; Matt. 23:33.
ESCAPED, did escape, Judg. 3:26:
did avoid injury, Acts 27:44: did get
away from, 2 Pet. 1:4.
ESCAPING, the person or thing deli-
vered from danger, Ezra 9:14.
ESH'COL, [h] (a bunch of grapes), an
ally and friend of Abraham in Canaan,
Gen. 14:13-24.
ESHCOL, VALLEY OF, a vale in Judah,
near Hebron, so called because of the
very large bunch of grapes which the
spies cut down to carry to the people of
Israel, Num. 13:23, 24.
ESH'TAOL, [h] (strong woman), a city
of Dan, where Samuel was born and
buried, Judg. 13:25; 16:31.
ESHTEM'OA, [h] (bosom of a woman),
a city of Judah given to the priests, Josh.
ESPECIALLY, chiefly, particularly, Acts
ESPIED, did discover, Gen. 42:27.
ESPOUSALS, the ceremonials of be-
trothing a man and woman previously
to marriage, Sol. Song 3:11: first en-
gagements in self-dedication to the ser-
vice of God, Jer. 2:2.
ESPOUSED, engaged with joyful cere-
monies in promise of marriage, Matt.
18; Luke 1:27.
ESPY, to search or discover, Josh. 14:
7: to question, Jer. 48:19.
ESTABLISH, to fix or confirm as a
covenant, Gen. 6:18; 9:9; 1 Sam. 1:23:
to perform or accomplish a revealed
purpose, Isa. 62:17: to strengthen and
comfort in holiness, 1 Thess. 3:2, 13.
ESTABLISHED, confirmed, Gen. 9:17:
strengthened, 1 Kings 2:12, 44.
ESTABLISHMENT, accomplishment, 2
Chron. 32:1.
ESTATE, condition in life, Est. 1:19;
Eccles. 1:16: a nobleman, governor, or
magistrate, Mark 6:21.
ETHAN, [h] (strong, or gift of the
supposed to be Jeduthun, a chief musi-
cian in the temple of Solomon, and
famous for his extraordinary wisdom, 1
Kings 4:31; 1 Chron. 2:6: he is believed
to have written the eighty-ninth psalm,
on occasion of the revolt of the ten tribes
from Rehoboam.
ETH'ANIM, [h] (strong, or
the seventh Hebrew month of the sacred
year, 1 Kings 8:2.
EVE, חוה (life), the
first woman, and
the original mother of all mankind, Gen.
2:20, 25; 3:20; 4:1, 2: the brief his-
tory of the creation, temptation,
and transgression, of Eve are singularly
structive; and though nothing is known
concerning the period of the death of
Eve, it has been presumed that she lived
930 years, and closed her life about the
same time as Adam.
E'VIL-MERO'DACH, [h] (the fool of
Merodach), the son and successor of Ne-
buchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and
father of Belshazzar, 2 Kings 25:27-30;
Jer. 52:31; Dan. 5:1-30.
EWE, a female sheep, Gen. 21:28;
EXACT, to demand with vigour, as
lent money, Neh. 5:7; or taxes imposed,
Luke 3:13; or undue labour from ser-
vants, Isa. 58:3.
EXACTED, did exact or demand, as
money in payment of tribute, 2 Kings
15:20; 23:35.
EXACTION, tax, tribute, or demand,
Neh. 10:31; Ezek. 45:9
EXACTOR, a receiver of taxes, such
were generally oppressive under the de-
spotic governments of the East, Isa. 60:17.
pretenders to expel evil
spirits by using the name of God: some
of these wickedly attempted this in the
name of Christ, Acts 19:13.
EXPECTATION, the prospect of some
advantage or good hoped for, Psal. 62:
10; Acts 12:11; Phil. 1:20.
EXPECTED, desired or hoped for, Jer.
EXPECTING, hoping, Acts 3:5: wait-
ing for what is secured, Heb. 10:13.
EXPEDIENT, suitable or profitable,
John 11:50; 2 Cor. 12:1.
EXPEL, to drive out or eject, Josh.
23:5; Judg. 11:7.
EXPELLED, did eject or drive out,
Judg. 1:2; Acts 13:30.
EXPENCES, costs or charges of work
or business, Ezra 6:4-8.
EXPERIENCE, knowledge gained by
trial or practice, Gen. 30:27.
EXPERIMENT, the trial of anything,
2 Cor. 9:13.
EXPERT, skilful by practice or experi-
ence, 1 Chron. 12:33; Acts 26:3.
EXPIRED, completed or brought to an
end, Est. 1:5; Rev. 20:7.
EXPLOITS, deeds of war, as some bold
men recovered and defended Jerusalem,
when the king of Assyria had abolished
the worship of God in the temple, Dan.
EZEKIEL, THE BOOK OF: this book of predictions confirms the truth of Jere-
miah's ministry, for which purpose Eze-
kiel was inspired and commissioned;
and the whole is remarkable for the
several descriptions of the prophet's
visions, which indicated the events of
Divine Providence in relation to the
recovery of the Jews from captivity, the
coming of Messiah, and the destruction
of the enemies of Israel, the Ammonites,
Edomites, &c.
List: Commentary.
EZ'RA, [h] (a helper), a priest of
skill, piety, and zeal, but a captive in
Persia after the first return of the Jews
from Babylon: he was highly respected
by the king Artaxerxes, who gave him
a commission, with valuable presents of
silver and gold, and letters of credit to
a large amount, to return and prosecute
the rebuilding of Jerusalem. Ezra be-
came, therefore, the leader of a new
colony of the exiled Israelites to Canaan,
and the chief reformer [revival] of the Jewish
church after the captivity in Babylon,
Ezra 7:1, 6, 12, 21, 25. Ezra was
divinely inspired to [read], [teach], and
arrange the books of Scripture; and he
established the preaching or expounding
of the word of God, Neh. 8:1-8: he
compiled the books of Chronicles, adding
the history of his own times, which,
some think, was finished by Nehemiah;
but it is not improbable that Ezra sur-
vived that pious governor, as it is sup-
posed that he lived to the advanced age
of 120 years, dying in Persia, on a journey
to visit Artaxerxes.