INDIGNATION, anger mingled with
contempt, as malignant passion in wicked
men, Neh. 4:1; Esth. 5:9; as a righteous
vindication of his honour and holiness in
God, Rom. 2:8; Heb. 10:27.
INDITING, forming thoughts for speech
and writing, Psal. 45:1.
INSTANTLY, urgently, Luke 7:4:
constantly, Acts 27:7.
INSTRUCT, to teach, Deut. 4:36. God
instructs pious men in the ways of holi-
ness, by His Spirit, Neh. 9:20; 1 Cor. 2:
20[?]; and by His word, 2
Tim. 3:16.
our High-Priest and Mediator with God
makes intercession for penitents, by ap-
pearing as their advocate in the presence
of God, pleading His own righteousness
and sacrifice on their behalf, Heb. 7:
25-28; 1 John 2:1, 2.
INVISIBLE, what cannot be seen with
bodily eyes, Rom. 1:20; Col. 1:15, 16. God's eternal power and
divinity, with
His infinite perfections of wisdom, good-
ness, justice, and holiness are manifest
to every rational being, from the visible
works of creation and providence; as
the apostle argues, leaving wicked men
without excuse in awful guilt, while they
neglect to acknowledge and worship the
glorious Creator, Rom. 1:20, 21.
INVITED, did invite, or call, as to a
feast, 2 Sam. 13:23.
INVITED, called or summoned, as a
guest to an entertainment, Est. 5:12.
INWARD, internal, secret, Prov. 20:27:
relating to the mind, Psal. 5:9; 51:6; Jer.
31:33: intimate, as near friends, Job
19:19. "The inward man," is a re-
newed mind, Rom. 7:22.
INWARDLY, mentally, Psal. 62:4;
Matt. 7:15: in the spirit or heart, Rom.
INWARDS, the bowels, Exod. 29:13;
Lev. 4:11.
I'RA, [h] (city, or heap of
vision), a prince
in the court of David, 2 Sam. 20:26: as
some suppose, one of his mighty captains,
I'RAD, [h] (wild ass), a grandson
Cain, Gen. 4:18.
I'RAM, [h] (their city, or their
watch), a
duke of Edom, supposed to be the last of
the family of Esau, Gen. 36:43.
IRI'JAH, [h] (the fear of the Lord),
captain, who arrested Jeremiah the pro-
phet, under pretence of his holding a
treasonable correspondence with the
Chaldeans, Jer. 37:13, 15.
IRON, the hardest and most useful of
all metals, Deut. 8:9. Iron was used
in the earliest ages of the world, the first
tools of which, it has been supposed,
must have been made by the Creator, as
the art of working in it must have been
taught by His inspiration, Gen. 4:22.
Moses mentions the iron bedstead of
king Og, Deut. 3:11: he refers to the
furnace for smelting iron, 4:20; and to
mines of iron, 8:9: to instruments of
iron, Num. 35:16, as the axe, Deut.
19:5, and other tools, 27:5: so that
the working of iron must have been
common, while the Canaanites had many
hundreds of iron chariots, Josh. 17:16;
Judg. 4:3. Various allusions are made
to this valuable metal in the Scriptures;
as obstinate disobedience is called a
"neck with an iron sinew," Isa. 48:
4; and an impenitent heart is called
a "conscience seared with a hot iron[,]"
1 Tim. 4:2.
IRON, made of iron, Deut. 37:5;
Dan. 7:7.
I'SAAC, יצחק
(laughter), the son of Abra-
ham, by his first wife Sarah,
to the promise of God, Gen. 21:1-6.
Isaac was a man of exalted piety, and
his whole history abounds with divine
instruction, especially his extraordinary
birth; his early years; his persecution
by Ishmael, 21:10-12; Gal. 4:22-30;
his being offered in sacrifice by his
father, Gen. 22:1-19; Heb. 11:17-19;
his marriage with Rebekah, and the
character of his sons Jacob and Esau.
Isaac was called to endure various severe
trials, some of which arose from his own
infirmities: but he died at the advanced
age of 180 years, and was buried by his
sons Esau and Jacob, Gen. 36:27-29.
ISH'MAEL, [h] (God who hears), the
son of Abraham, by Hagar, Gen. 16.
21. 25. He had a numerous family,
and became a daring chieftain in Arabia:
his personal history is instructive, Gal.
4.; and that of his posterity is remark-
ably illustrative of the Divine prediction,
Gen. 16:12, in the several tribes of
Arabs, under the designation of Ishmael-
ites, Hagarenes, and in modern ages,
ISHMAEL, a prince of the royal family
of Judah, who treacherously murdered
Gedaliah, who had been left as governor
of Judea by the king of Babylon, Jer.
ISLAND, an isle, a tract of land, sur-
rounded with water, as Melita, Acts
28:1, 7, 9.
ISLE, an island, as Cyprus, Acts 13:
4-6. The prophets, in speaking of isles,
referred not only to the isles situated in
the Mediterranean sea, or to islands pro-
perly so called, but to remote regions of
the earth separated from Canaan and
other countries by seas, Gen. 10:5; Est.
10:1; Psal. 72:10; Isa. 60:9.
IS'RAEL, ישראל
(a prince with God), the
name which God gave to Jacob, in hon-
our of his firm faith and ardent prayer,
Gen. 32:28; 35:10. The personal
history of this patriarch, both with re-
gard to his imperfections and his piety,
as well as his various domestic trials, is
most instructive. Israel died in Egypt
in the year B.C. 1689, aged 147 years,
Gen. 49:33; 50.
ISRAEL, the people of Israel, descend-
ants of Jacob, Exod. 4:22; 5:2.
ISRAEL: this name, as a title of hon-
our, is given to the true [family] of
God, including the whole body of pious
persons throughout the world in every
age, Gal. 6:16 ["the Israel of God"].