Italiano / Italian Ministry: 4/20/2020 ![]()
Elo[h]i[m] - Geova (Signore) - Jesus ( Gesù ) Christ ( Cristo ) è God ( Dio ). Useful Resources Hebrew O.T., Greek N.T. English King James Bible.
French, Frioulan, Latin, Sardinian.
the Holy Bible ( la Sacra Bibbia )
**File: Giovanni / John (1576-1649) BPS
**File: Romani / Romans (1576-1649) BPS*printed Booklet: John & Romans (1576-1649) BPS, OH [pp. 52- 59: Bible Study 15, etc.]
**printed Book: N.T. (1576-1649) BPS [ Title Page ]**List: Bible portions (BPS) Ref: OH
**List: Italian Diodati Bibbia (1649) w/ King James Bible (1769) OLB
**List: Italian Giovanni Diodati Bible (1649) w/ King James Bible (1769) theWord [IDB]
*Software: Italian Giovanni Diodati Bibbia (1649) Bible-Discovery [Info only]
*File: LA SACRA BIBBIA (Giovanni Diodati) (1649)
[www.sdhs.co.uk]**File: Italian Bible History
**File: Italian--Other Bible HistoryBible Studies ( the Baptist = il Battista )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) Compiled by CHMBooks
Book: Italian / The Pilgrim's Progress {LRB} (until 1847) John BunyanBook: Italian (1964) / BIBLE HANDBOOK An Abbreviated Bible Commentary (1927, 1957) Henry H. Halley
*Booklet: DOMANDE DI FONDO / ULTIMATE QUESTIONS (1987, 1989) J. Blanchard, EP
Book: Italian / THE BLOOD OF JESUS (William Reid, ~1861)
Go to: Creation / Evolution Media--Italian
My. Paul Childers Family
Ron Parrott FamilyTracts ( the Gospel = lEvangelo )
"Ravvedetevi adunque, e convertitevi; acciocchè i vostri peccati sien cancellati, e tempi di refrigerio vengano dalla presenza del Signore," (Acts 3:19)*Tract: ...faccio tutto il mio possibile!--Italian / ...The Best I Can (BTI)
*List: Chick Illustrated Tracts--Italian (JTC)
*List: Fellowship Tract League--Italian (FTL)
*File: Il semplice piano di Dio per la salvezza dellumanità / God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) pdf n.d. has Acts 17:30
**Tract: God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) [ GSPS ] [ Web ]File: Title--Italian / Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? (2016) Hope Tracts
HFA, POG (WMP) https://www.wmpress.org/bksavail.htm#Languages
[Italian HFA, POG]
**List: WITNESSING DVD: Italian / THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD (2010) Chi. Pub. Pro. [Info: Evangelical narration.]**List: Christian Films
DVD: Italian / A Question of Origins (2004) Ref: ICR catalog 2006- 2007
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]