Česky / Czech Ministry: 4/20/2020 ![]()
Eló[h]i[m] - [Jehovah] (Páně) - Jesus ( Ježíš ) Christ ( Kristu ) je God ( Bůh ). Useful Resources
Alt. = BohemianHebrew O.T., Greek N.T. English King James Bible.
German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Slovak.
Holy Bible ( Bible, Biblí Svatá )
**File: Jana / John (1613) BPS [Windows 1250]
**File: Římanům / Romans (1613) BPS [Unicode]*printed Booklet: John & Romans (1613) BPS, OH ["Czechoslovakian J.R."] [pp. 44-46: Bible Study 15, 4.]
**printed Book: N.T., Psalms & Proverbs (1613) BPS [ Title Page ]**List: Bible portions (BPS) Ref: OH
**List: Czech Kralicka Bible (1613) w/ King James Bible (1769) OLB
**List: Czech Kralická Bible (1613) w/ King James Bible (1769) theWord [CzeBKR]
*Software: Czech Bible Kralicka (1613) Bible-Discovery [Info only]
*File: NOVÝ ZÁKON KRALICKÉHO / N.T. (1613) Web [Brno 2009] [ CD ]
Bible & N.T. (~2012) RBS
**File: Czech Bible History
**List: Russian Bible Society [Info only: Survey.]
Bible Studies ( Baptist = Baptista, Křtitel )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) Compiled by CHMBooks
**List: Books--Czech (BBCP)
Book: ABECEDA KŘEST'ANSKÉHO RŮSTU--Czech / ABC's of Christian Growth (~2006) BBCP**File: "The Trail of Blood" . . . . (1931, 1988) J. M. Carroll [ 1613 edition ]
*Booklet: CESTA SKRÁP[E<]NÁ KRVÍ (n.d.) J. M. Carroll, Challenge Press*Booklet: NEJZÁVAŽNĚJŠÍ OTÁZKY--Czech / ULTIMATE QUESTIONS (1987) J. Blanchard, EP
Title--Czech / The Bible and Modern Science. (Henry M. Morris, EEBM) Ref: Acts & Facts 2-1980
Title--Czech / The Bible and Modern Science. (Henry M. Morris) Ref: Acts & Facts 2-1985Prayer
Go to: Prayer Media--CzechTracts ( Gospel = Evangelium )
Tract: Všechno se změnilo / Everything had Changed (before 3-10-2007) Jon Rettig**List: Chick Illustrated Tracts--Czech (JTC)
**List: Fellowship Tract League--Czech (FTL)
*File: Jednoduch{y'} Plán Bo{z<}iho Spasení / God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) pdf 2007
**Tract: God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) [ GSPS ] [ Web ]*Booklet: POMOC SHORA--Czech / Help from Above (n.d.) WMP [Also HKG] https://www.wmpress.org/bksavail.htm#Languages
*VCD: Mission: Praha (before 6-3-2007) Jon Rettig
Introduction to the Work
Communicating to the Commuter
Building of the Baptists
Reaching of the Residents
Conclusion of the ProjectDVD: The Allison Family Mies. to the Czech Republic (~5- 2009) Jeff B. Allison
**List: Christian Films
Web Media
David Cloud's Materials--CzechMBBC Training Materials--Czech [ CD ]
Tract: CROSS CZECH PROJECT (10-1-1999) Jon Rettig
Tract: Baptistické shromáždění / Baptist Assembly (~4-2007)
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]