Bible Baptist Church Publications: 1978 - Present ![]()
founding Pastor Gary S. Prisk; Pastor Robert J. Sargent
1701 Harns Road, Oak Harbor, WA 98277 . USA
Telephone: 360.675.8311
E-mail: bbcp@whidbey.net
www.bbcoakharbor.orgC. H. M. disclaimer. *=Library, **Online
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Book: ABECEDA KŘEST'ANSKÉHO RŮSTU (Czech) RJS / The ABC's of Christian Growth
CD-ROM: edition RJSBook: Grandir Dans la Foi (French Ostervald) RJS / The ABC's of Christian Growth
Book: A keresztyén növekedés alapvetó lépései (Hungarian) RJS / The ABC's of Christian Growth
Book: OCHOBbI XPИCTИAHCKOГO POCTA (2004, Russian) RJS / The ABC's of Christian Growth
CD-ROM: edition RJSBook: Los Primeros Pasos para el Crecimiento Cristiano (2003, Spanish) RJS / The ABC's of Christian Growth
CD-ROM: edition (pdf format) RJS*Tract: Title (2001) / THE GOSPEL BBCP [Arabic]
Tract: El Evangelio (Spanish) / THE GOSPEL
Tract: The Gospel in RUSSIAN / THE GOSPEL
Booklet: Los Dones de Se¤al (Spanish) RJS / The Sign Gifts
Booklet: ¿Que Es Una Iglesia Neotestamentaria? (Spanish) RJS / WHAT IS A New Testament CHURCH ?
Book: (Russian) / Baptist Doctrine (2 volumes)
Book: (Russian) / Church History
Book: (Russian) / Expository Bible Teaching
Book: (Russian) / The Life of Christ
Book: (Russian) / The Life of Paul
Book: (Russian) / Old Testament History
Book: (Russian) / Personal EvangelismBook: Mojones de las Doctrinas Bautistas -- Libros I (Spanish) RJS / Landmarks of Baptist Doctrine Volume I
CD-ROM: edition RJSBook: Pilares de la Doctrina Bautista -- Libros I (Spanish?) RJS / Landmarks of Baptist Doctrine Volume I
Book: Pilares de la Doctrina Bautista -- Libros II (Spanish?) RJS / Landmarks of Baptist Doctrine Volume II
Book: Pilares de la Doctrina Bautista -- Libros III (Spanish?) RJS / Landmarks of Baptist Doctrine Volume III
Book: Pilares de la Doctrina Bautista -- Libros IV (Spanish?) RJS / Landmarks of Baptist Doctrine Volume IV
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