Revivals in the Old Testament

II Chronicles 7:14

1. The Revival under Jacob. (Genesis 35:1-15)

Time to Get Rid of Idols.

2. Revival under Moses. (Exodus 32- 33)

Time to Confess Sin.

3. Revival under Samuel. (I Samuel 7:1-13)

Time to Serve the Lord Only.

4. Revival under Elijah. (I Kings 18)

Time to Let God Be God.

5. Revival under Asa. (II Chron 14- 16)

Time to Seek the Lord.

6. Revival under Jehoshaphat. (II Chronicles 20)

Time to Pray.

7. Revival under Hezekiah. (II Chronicles 29; 30:1-9; 31)

Time to Turn Back to God.

8. Revival under Josiah. (II Chronicles 34-35)

Time to Humble Ourselves.

9. Revival under Zerubbabel. (Haggai 1; Zech 1:1-6)

Time to Renew God's Work.

10. Revival under Nehemiah. (Nehemiah Chap 8)

Time to Rejoice in the Lord.

11. Revival under Jonah. (The Book of Jonah Chap 1-4)

Time to Obey God.