Lithuanian Ministry: 1/1/2018 ![]()
Elo[him] - Jahvė (Viešpačiui) - Jesus ( Jėzaus ) Christ ( Kristaus ) yra God ( Dievas ). Useful Resources
Alt. = LietuviškaHebrew O.T., Greek N.T. English King James Bible.
German, Latvian, Polish, Russian,
Estonia Key, Latvia Key, Lithunia Key, Russia Key.
Bible ( Biblija )
**printed Booklet: John & Romans (1996) BPS, FGO [BUR] [ Title Page ] [pp. 1-11: Bible Study 15, 4, etc.] **File: Jono / John (1996) BPS, FGO [BUR]
**File: Romiečiams / Romans (1996) BPS, FGO [BUR]**List: Lithuanian Bible (2007) w/ King James Bible (1769) theWord [TWOFCF LT]
Bible & N.T. (~2012) RBS
*File: Markošiaus / Mark (1911) Reza, BFBS [Scan w/ English KJV side by side. Mark 1:2 correct (prarakuose = prophets).]
*File: Lukošiaus / Luke (1914) Reza, BFBS [Scan w/ English KJV side by side.]
https://www.archive.org/details/evangeliasvlukos00reza**File: Lithuanian Bible History
**List: Russian Bible Society [Survey]
Bible Studies ( Baptist = Baptistas, Krikštytojas )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) Compiled by CHM*printed Booklet: Ką man daryti, kad būčiau išgelbėtas? (n.d.) BPS, FGO [BUR]
Trail of Blood "Landmark Bapt. College Haines City, Fl" "(Off.) 813/422- 6493 or (Home) 421-4527" "Trail of Blood in LithuanianPrayer
**List: Couriers for Christ
My. Brian Johnson FamilyTracts ( Gospel = Evangeliją )
**Tract: KAIP ATGIMTI IŠ NAUJO / THE NEW BIRTH (BTI)**List: Chick Illustrated Tracts--Lithuanian (JTC)
**List: Fellowship Tract League--Lithuanian (FTL)
*File: Title--Lithuanian / God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) [wrong title in this file]
**Tract: God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) [ GSPS ] [ Web ]HFA, WTG (WMP) https://www.wmpress.org/bksavail.htm#Languages
**Tract: BAPTISTAI NĖRA PROTESTANTAI / Why Baptists Are Not Protestants (n.d.) Vernon C. Lyons
**List: Christian FilmsWeb Media
[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]