Why Baptists Are
Not Protestants
By Pastor Vernon Charles
In our country, people are put in one
of three religious groups. If you are not
a Jew or a Roman Catholic, then auto-
matically you are a Protestant. Con-
sequently, Baptists are usually called
"Protestants." However, this does not
match the facts. Baptists never have
been Protestants.
The Protestant Reformation is usual-
ly dated from October 31, 1517, when
Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to
the door of the Castle Church in Wit-
tenburg, Germany. However, this was
only one of a series of acts that led
to the open rupture with Rome.
An event of utmost importance but
often unnoticed is the Second Diet (or
Council) of Speier, April 25, 1529. This
was a Roman Catholic Council for the
purpose of taking action against the
Turks and checking the progress of Lu-
therans and others who were not co-
operating with the Pope. Certain Lu-
theran princes appeared before this
Roman Catholic Diet with a formal
written protest against those matters in
which the Diet went contrary to the
Word of God as they understood it.
This protest was signed by Elector John
of Saxony, Margarve George of Brand-
enburg, Dukes Ernest and Francis of
Braunschweig-Luneburg, Landgrave
Philip of Hesse, Prince Wolfgang of
Anhalt and the representatives of four-
teen imperial cities. The protest was
designed to protect them from the de-
cisions of this Council. It was a defen-
sive measure. The celebrated church
historian, Philip Schaaf, makes the
noteworthy statement "From this pro-
test and appeal, the Lutherans were
called Protestants." (History of the
Christian Church, Volume VII, p. 692).
The same facts are stated in the Cath-
olic Encyclopedia (Volume XII, p.