Español / Spanish Bible History (1) ![]()
Useful Resources
**List: Spanish Ministry
the Holy Bible ( la Santa Biblia )
Reina-Valera-Gomez Biblia (2010) [ My. Humberto Gómez about.htm ]
"In the late 1990s, Humberto Gomez, a Mexican my. and
church planter, began to work on restoring a Received Text
version of the Reina-Valera. He used the Received Text and
checked every translation with the time-honored King James
Bible.Rather than having a translation committee, he invited input
from everyone. He received input from hundreds of sources
and he served as the editor.In 2004, the Reina-Valera Gomez was released. The
purification process continues as Dr. Gomez welcomes input
from everyone.Several William Carey Bible Society board members were
involved in encouraging this process.Dr. Gomez may be contacted at: humberto__gmz@yahoo.com"
--Phil Stringer
*File: Spanish Gómez (2004) John / Romans (BPS) Ref: OH [Info: Evangelistic part at end.] [ CD ]
*File: Spanish (1909) John / Romans (BPS) Ref: OH [Info: Evangelistic part at beginning.] [ CD ]
[CHM note: Gomez 2004 may be different from BPS 1909.]Spanish...
"Spanish is spoken by about 150 million people, of whom only
some 15 per cent live in Spain. Spread by the conquistadors and
the administrators and priests who followed them, Spanish came
into use throughout Central and South America and in much of
the Caribbean area as well. It is now the official language of all
Latin America except Brazil, Guyana, and the territories of
Surinam, British Honduras, and French Guiana. Large Spanish-
speaking communities also live in Morocco, Spanish possessions
in the eastern Atlantic and Africa, the Philippines, and the United
States. In many of these countries, however, Spanish is not the
only language in vernacular use. In Spain more than seven and a
half million people speak Catalan, Galician, and Basque. In all
the Central and South American nations indigenous languages
are still spoken to a greater or lesser extent. Thus more than half
the inhabitants of Bolivia, Guatemala, Paraguay, and Peru
speak native Indian languages, although Spanish is often their
acquired second language. A Spanish Creole, known as Papia-
mento (q.v.) is spoken on Curaçao. Moreover, an estimated
100,000 descendants of Sephardic Jews, expelled from Spain in
1492, still speak Spanish, which they write in Hebrew character.
(See Spanish: Judaeo).Spanish is a Romance language, developed from the vernacular
Latin that replaced the unrecorded Celt- Iberian tongues
originally spoken in the Iberian Peninsula. The Latin of Roman
Spain [chang]ed into three distinct, but closely related, languages:
Catalan, Galician, and Castilian, the last of which is what is now
known as Spanish. Some dialectal differences can be noted in the
usages of Andalusia, Asturias, Leon, Navarre- Aragon, and the
Standard Castilian of Madrid, which is the basis of literary
Spanish. Dialectal differences can also be noted in New World
Spanish, primarily in pronunciation and vocabulary.The first translation of the Scriptures in Spain was in Arabic, not
Spanish. In fact, beginning with the 13th-century decree of King
John I of Aragon, which forbade both clergy and laity to own a
copy of the Old Testament in the vernacular, we find a 600-year
history of vigorous Spanish opposition to the Bible in Spanish.
Unlike France and Italy, Spains Latin and Roman Catholic
sisterlands, Spain did not become a Reformation battlefield in
which the War of the Word was waged, with exchanges of
protestant Bibles and Catholic rebuttal versions. Not until 1793
was a complete [b]ible in Spanish printed on Spanish soil. That
was an unwieldly 10-volume set (the second edition had 19
volumes), hardly calculated to give the Spanish man-in-the-
street the Bible-reading habit.However, since the middle of the 16th century the Bible in
Castilian had been published in foreign lands. Men of Spanish
birth, studying abroad, or compelled to live in exile because of
their adherence to faiths denounced by the Inquisition [RCC], labored
and suffered to give Spain the Scriptures in the vernacular.
Others risked, and often lost, their lives in smuggling forbidden
Bibles into Spain. History records the feat of a certain Julian
Hernandez, who arrived in Seville in 1557 with two great casks
filled with copies of J. Perezs translation of the New Testament
and Psalms. Unfortunately, his activities were detected and
death was the penalty exacted of him, as for all those who dared
import these Bibles in Spanish.The Tyndale of the Spanish Bible was a young Spaniard, who,
in the fashion of the time, translated his name, de Enzinas
(Oak Tree) into Greek as Dryander. While a student at
Wittenberg, living at the home of his teacher, Melanchthon, he
prepared the first translation of the Bible into the Spanish
tongue. He had the book printed in Antwerp in 1543, but both
he and it suffered a strange fate. Charles V was at that time
Emperor of the Low Countries and of most of the rest of Europe,
and his native Spain. Desirous of having the distinguished
patronage of Charles, the last of the emperors to be crowned by
the Pope, Enzinas dedicated his book to him and removed from
it whatever he thought might offend. Unfortunately, he failed
to alter certain sentences which he had had printed in capital
letters because of their importance to Christian doctrine as he
had learned in Wittenberg to construe it. Though received by
the Emperor at Brussels in a friendly way, Enzinas was shortly
thereafter seized and cast into prison, for the Emperors con-
fessor had examined the book and denounced it as heretical.
More fortunate than Tyndale, Enzinas managed to escape to
Antwerp. However, as the Testament was suppressed by
imperial order, few copies survived. Thus, the Perez New
Testament, published 13 years later at Geneva, and the de Reina
Bible of 1569 (the first complete Spanish Bible)
, serve as the
basis of later revisions of the Spanish version.The violent persecutions that drove from Spain great numbers
of her most learned and prosperous citizens, the Jews, are also
responsible in part for the early appearance of the Spanish Old
Testament. The Ferrara Bible, the first Old Testament ever
printed in the Spanish language, was prepared for those exiled
Spanish Jews, under the patronage of the Duke of Ferrara. This
version is still in use by the descendants of those who fled from
the Spain of Ferdinand and Isabella more than four and a half
centuries ago.Since the beginning of the 20th century, a striking contrast to
--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
this early opposition to common language Scriptures has been in
evidence in Spain."See THE SPANISH VERSIONS--1000 Tongues, 1939
"Spain was furnished at a very early period with versions of the Scriptures in the vernacular
tongue; but little is known concerning these translations except that some of them are attributed to
the Albigenses, who had found their way into Spain. Several Spanish MSS. are extant, but in many
instances no date is affixed to them, and they seem to possess comparatively little interest."--1860 S. Bagster [Info only]
"1514 Job Toledo?
Translated by Alonso Alvares of Toledo."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: ?]
"The first version printed in the pure Castilian idiom was a translation of the New Testament
from the original Greek, published at Antwerp in 1543. Enzina, the translator of this work, was by
birth a Spaniard, but he had spent part of his life in Germany, in company with Melanchthon, and had
embraced the principles of the Reformation. He dedicated his version to Charles V.; and, on its
completion, presented it to that monarch. He was, in consequence, thrown into prison at Brussels,
whence, however, he effected his escape in 1545, and what afterwards befell him is totally unknown.
His translation adheres with tolerable fidelity to the Greek text, and it is evident that in many instances
he consulted and followed Erasmus."--1860 S. Bagster [Info only]
"New Testament, Esteuan Mierd-
manno, Enueres (Antwerp), 1543; tr. by
Franzisco de Enzinas."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]SPANISH The first Spanish Testament, 1543--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Enzinas version "1543" John 3:8-20 unknown.]
"1543 New Testament Miermann, Antwerp
Translated from the Greek by Franzisco de Enzinas (Dryander)."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
1ST PRINTED SPANISH N.T. ENZINAS VERSION "1543" Mark 1:2 correct (lo prophetas = the prophets).]
"Old Testament, Yom Tob Atias, Ferrara (Italy), 1553; edited from
an old manuscript version, by Abraham Usque, for Spanish-speaking Jews
expelled from Spain and Portugal."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
"1553 Old Testament Ferrara
Translated by Abraham Usque, a Jew from Portugal, and published
by Yom Tob Atias, a Jew from Spain, under the patronage and
protection of the Duke of Ferrara. Known as the Ferrara Bible, it
was intended for Spanish-speaking Jews exiled from the Iberian
Peninsula."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"An edition of the New Testament with notes, published by
Perez at Venice, in 1556, is said by Le Long to be merely a revision of Enzina's version. Perez also
published In 1557, at Venice, a Spanish version of the Psalms from the Hebrew, which he dedicated
to Mary of Austria, queen of Hungary and Bohemia."--1860 S. Bagster [Info only]
"Perez Version: New Testament, Jean
Crispin, Geneva, 1556; tr. by Juan Perez de Pineda: the Psalms, 1557."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
"1556 New Testament 1557 Psalms J. Crispin, Geneva
Translated by Juan Perez de Pineda. Copies smuggled into Spain
were discovered and most were destroyed."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]**List: Casiodoro de Reina
**List: Cipriano de Valera
"Revised, Amsterdam, 1630, by Me-
nasseh ben Israel. Further revision, Joseph Athias, 1661; made by Samuel
--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
de Cazeres."
"1630 Old Testament Amsterdam
A revision of the Ferrara Bible, edited by Menasseh ben Israel, a
famous Jewish Rabbi from Amsterdam. A further revision by S. de
Caseres appeared in 1661."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"Valera Version: First BFBS edition: New Tes-
tament, 1806; Bible, 1861. First ABS edition: New Testament, 1845;
Bible, 1865. BS editions give various revisions of the text. The text of
current editions was prepared in 1909 by J. B. Cabrera and C. Tornos."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only:
1806?, 1861?; 1845?; 1909 CT.]
"1858 New Testament [BFBS] Watts, London
1861 Bible [BFBS] Clowes, London
A revision of the Reina-Valera text prepared for the BFBS. In 1865 a
further revision, prepared by Angel H. de Mora and H. B. Pratt,
American Presbyterian Mission, was published by the ABS."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: 1861?]
*File: Valera Marcos / Mark (~1858) Web
*File: Valera Juan / John (~1858) Web
*File: Valera Romanos / Romans (~1858) Web*File: Valera Nuevo Testamento / New Testament (~1858) Web [ CD rtf ] [ CD htm ]
"La Santa Biblia : que contiene el Antiguo el Nuevo Testamento / Version de Cipriano de Valera: rev. y corr. (Nueva York : Sociedad bíblica americana, 1865)" [Info only: ABS.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/007035285*File: Valera Biblia / Bible (1865)--Angel de Mora & H. B. Pratt, ABS, Web [ CD ]
**printed Booklet: ... SAN JUAN y ROMANOS VALERA (1602, 1865, 2005) / ... JOHN and ROMANS AKJV--BPS [ Title Page ] [Spanish & English]
**printed Book: Valera Biblia / Bible (1602, 1865)--Local Church Bible Publishers [ Title Page ]
*printed Book: Valera Nuevo Testamento / New Testament 3rd Edition (1602, 2003)--My. William Park, La Iglesia Bautista Bíblica De La Gracia / Grace Bible Baptist Church in Monterrey, Mexico
[pp. 458-501 Glosario
pp. 502 (Ten Commandment), etc.
pp. 504-527 CANTOS [29 Hymns]
pp. 528-533 ¿CÓMO PUEDO YO TENER LA VIDA ETERNA?]**File: Spanish Critical Text History
**File: Spanish: Asturias Bible History
**File: Spanish: Judaeo Bible History
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]