Cipriano de Valera: 1532-1602? ![]()
Pastor Cipriano de Valera
www.reinavaleragomez.comC. H. M. disclaimer . *=Library, **=Online
**Book: A History of the Churches from a Baptist Perspective (2002, 6- 2005) My. David W. Cloud, WOLL [Contents]
[p. 312: Cipriano de Valera.]Spanish Reina-Valera-Gomez Biblia / Bible (2010) Humberto Gómez, Web
"A separate edition of the New
Testament, with a few slight alterations, was published in 1596, by Cyprian de Valera; and, in 1602,
a thorough revision of De Reyna's entire version was printed at Amsterdam. This revision was effected
by means of a diligent comparison of the Spanish version with the original texts, and with other
translations, particularly with the French version of Geneva. De Valera was fifty years of age when he
commenced this revision, and he completed it in his seventieth year: he was zealously attached to the
principles of the Reformatlon, and his corrections of De Reyna's text, though not very considerable,
add greatly to the accuracy and value of the translation. He resided many years in England, and
graduated at both the universities. His New Testament was reprinted in the Nuremberg Polyglot in
1599, and another edition appeared at Amsterdam, in 1625."--1860 S. Bagster [Info only]
"Valera Version: New Testament, Ricardo del Campo (Richard
Field), London, 1596; Reinas version revised by Cipriano de Valera:
Bible, Lorenco Iacobi, Amsterdam, 1602."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
"1596 New Testament R. del Campo, London
1602 Bible L. Jacobi, Amsterdam
The de Reina version, revised by Cipriano de Valera."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
REINA-VALERA VERSION "1596" Mark 1:2 correct (los prophetas = the prophets).]1599 Hutter {Hugh} Polyglot [Info only: 1599 Spanish Mark 1:2 is correct (los prophetas = the prophets).]
https://www.bibles-online.net/hutter/*File: Spanish Valera O.T. (1602) ARC, Web [Scan.]
*File: Spanish Valera N.T. (1602) ARC, Web [Scan.]
Spanish Valera Bible (1602) ABS [limited edition $134.95]
"El Nuevo Testamento que es, los escriptos evangelicos, y apostolicos, revisto y conferido con el texto griego. Por Cypriano de Valera. (En Amsterdam, En casa de Henrico Lorençi, 1625)" [Info only]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009657029*printed Booklet: El Evangelio de Jesucristo según SAN JUAN ... REINA ... VALERA ... (n.d.) BPS
[Edición Marcada] [Spanish Little Red Book. Hymns.]*printed Booklet: El Evangelio segun Apóstol Juan y La Epístola del Apóstol Pablo Á Los Romanos ... REINA ... VALERA ... (n.d.) BPS
[Salvation message. Hymns.]*printed Book: Los Libros de Juan y Romanos de ... Valera Revisada ... y la Biblia Autorizada del Rey Jamie / The Books of John and Romans of ... Authorized King James Version (n.d.) Broken Arrow Baptist Church [Spanish & English] [Marked Edition] [FBC]
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course] [Spanish Ministry]