Desiderius Erasmus: 1466 - 1536 ![]()
Desiderius Erasmus
The Netherlands (Holland); Paris . France; England; Italy;
Basel . SwitzerlandC. H. M. disclaimer. *=Library, **=Online
**Paper: Ancient Bibles, Scrolls, Manuscripts and Cuneiform 4021 Years Old. (~1995) Pastor Jewell E. Smith [Info: FBC color photos too.]
**Book: The Bible Version Issue A Course on Bible Texts and Versions and a Defense of the King James Bible (2006) My. David W. Cloud [ Index ]
Greek New Testament (March 1, 1516) D. Erasmus [Info only:
Title: Novum Instrumentum
"Erasmus' own Latin translation" too.]Greek New Testament (1519) D. Erasmus [Info only:
Title: Novum Testamentum
a revision. Luther used this.]Greek New Testament (1522) D. Erasmus [Info:
correct I John 5:7,8.]Greek New Testament (1527) D. Erasmus [Info only:
Latin Vulgate & "Erasmus' Latin translation" too.]Greek New Testament (1535) D. Erasmus [Info:
Latin Vulgate omitted.]**Book: The History of Baptists (2004) Pastor Doug Hammett [Robert Sargent outline] [ Contents ] [p. 160: Erasmus.]
**Book: A History of the Churches from a Baptist Perspective (2002, 6- 2005) My. David W. Cloud, WOLL [ Contents ]
[pp. 217-218, 220, 297-300: Erasmus.]*Book: In the Footsteps of Bible Translators (2006) My. David W. Cloud [Info only:
pp. 62, 63-64: Erasmus.]*Book: The King James Version Defended (1956, 1973, 1984) Edward F. Hills, C. R. Press [Info only:
pp. 62, 106, 107, 193, 194-203, 204: Erasmus.]Landmarks of CHURCH HISTORY (n.d.) Pastor Robert J. Sargent
[pp. 209-211a: D. Erasmus--
The Works: The Greek New Testament.]
**Book II FROM THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION TO THE PRESENT DAY**Book: Landmarks of ENGLISH BIBLE: Manuscript Evidence (1989, 4-2001) Pastor Robert J.Sargent
[pp. 158, 159-165a, 165b-168a, 168b-169a, 171, 207: Erasmus.]Latin translation of the New Testament at Oxford (1506-6) D. Erasmus [Info only: See 1516 & 1527 Greek above.]
*Book: Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity (1993) Edited by David W. Cloud
[pp. 134b-139: ERASMUS.]
Latin "(New Testament) Novi Testamenti Aeditio Postrema, per Des. Erasmus Roterdamum,
omnis picturis illustrata.
Tigvri in Officina Froschouiana, 1554.
[8 unnumbered leaves], 304 numbered leaves, aa1-bb8, cc1-4. illus. 16cm.
NUC 55:NBi 0048679." [Info only: f06.pdf]
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