ภาษาไทย / Thai Ministry: 11/18/2020 ![]()
Elohim ( พระเจ้า ) - ยะโฮวา {Yahowa} (พระองค์เจ้าข้า) - Jesus ( พระเยซูทรง {Ayso} ) Christ ( พระคริสต์ ) = God ( พระเจ้า ). Useful Resources
CHM note: Thai Bible study should be supplemented with standard texts.
The Thai KJV project requires prayer and purification.Hebrew O.T., Greek N.T. English King James Bible.
Burmese, Pali, Shan,
Chinese Key, Myanmar Key, Thailand Key.
Bible ( คัมภีร์ไบเบิล )
**File: John (n.d.) PP [Info only: Thai (Windows), CD ]
**File: Romans (n.d.) PP [Info only: Thai (Windows), CD ]
File: Bible (n.d.) PP [Info only]Thai KJV John-Romans [Available from philippope@thaipope.org ]
Thai KJV New Testament [See P. Pope]
Thai KJV Bible [See P. Pope]*File: Thai John / Romans (BPS) Ref: OH [Philip Pope, First Edition of Genesis 1 - 3, John & Romans] [Info only: CD ]
**List: Thai Bible (2003) Philip Pope w/ King James Bible (1769) theWord [ThaiKJV]
*Software: Thai KJV Bible (n.d.) Bible-Discovery [Info only]
**File: Thai Bible History
Bible Studies ( Baptist = พระที่ทำพิธีศีลจุ่ม )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) Compiled by CHMThai Bible Institute Material
Old Testament Studies
New Testament Studies
Doctrinal Studies
Cult Studies
Memory Verses, Etc.Books
Thai ABC's of Christian Growth (n.d.) BBCP & JDL
Booklet: "What is a N.T. Church?"'The Trail of Blood'.... (n.d.) JMC
Trail of Blood, $5.00
Dr. Carroll's classic book on Baptist beginnings
Available from emailBook: Thai (1959) / BIBLE HANDBOOK An Abbreviated Bible Commentary (1927, 1957) Henry H. Halley
Booklet: Thai / ULTIMATE QUESTIONS (1987, 1998) John Blanchard, EP
Family Time with God, $3.50 @ month
Daily devotional booklet
Available from emailThai books & tracts, Contact for more info
Available from philippope@thaipope.orgThai Correspondence Course Material
Original Correspondence Course
Twelve Lessons of Spiritual Growth (Pope Srichai)
New Correspondence Course Book of John
New Correspondence Course Book of RomansThai Creation to Christ Correspondence Bible study (n.d.) JDL [4 booklet course]
Thai The Light of the World (Gospel of John Study) (n.d.) Pastor Hammett & JDL
[Thai] Salvation Bible Basics course (LVBC)Prayer
Go to: Prayer Media--ThailandTracts ( Gospel = พระกิตติคุณ )
*List: Chick Illustrated Tracts-- Thai (JTC)*File: โครงการง่ายๆ ของพระเจ้า สำ�หรับ ความรอด / God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) pdf n.d.
**Tract: God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) [ GSPS ] [ Web ]
God's Simple Plan of SalvationWhat Is Your Life? (OSC) [ CD ]
File: Title--Thai / Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? (2016) Hope Tracts
File: Title--Thai / The Greatest Love Of All (2016) Hope Tracts
File: Title--Thai / It Is Finished (2016) Hope TractsHave You Been Brainwashed?--Thai [Info only: Source: Acts & Facts 2-1985.]
[Thai HFA, HKG*[], WTG*[], POG, BSJ*, GEN*] (WMP)
*File: Thailand Video Presentation Web 2.wmv (n.d.) JDLThai God's Story (n.d.) See JDL
An 80 minute Creation to Christ video.
"If you know any Thai person who could benefit from this video, please let me know. I will burn them a FREE VCD and mail it to them."*DVD: Thai Video (~9-2006) Bruce Martin
*DVD: Thailand Land of freedom... ...Land of darkness (~2-2007) White Unto Harvest
*DVD: Where is Their Hope? Thailand's Role With Refugees (~4-2007) White Unto Harvest
*DVD: Through the Eyes of a Child (~5-30-2007) White Unto Harvest [dramatized]
*DVD: Thailand 2006- 2007 (~8-31-2007) April Wilson
**List: WITNESSING DVD: Thai / THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD (2010) Chi. Pub. Pro. [Info: Evangelical narration.]
**List: Christian Films
Web Media
Resources for Missions--Thai '11 [ CD ]
[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]