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- Chinese: Wenli, High - ...two translations of the whole Bible into Chinese appeared almost simultaneously: that of Joshua Marshman in 1822 and the Morrison version a year later. ...Morrison's Wenli Bible became known and used in China....
- Chinese: Wenli, Easy [Low] - a simplified form of Classical Chinese writing in which the literary balance and richly em- broidered figures of speech are abandoned in favor of the more direct communication of ideas.
- Chinese: Kuoyü - based on the Peking Mandarin usage (...among the numerous languages of China), but borrowings from other Chinese languages have been incorporated, giving Kuoyü a somewhat artificial or composite nature.
- Chinese: Cantonese
- Chinese: Chihli - Chihli Colloquial is the North Mandarin dialect spoken in Hopeh Province (formerly known as Chihli), south of Peking.
- Chinese: Foochow
- Chinese: Hainan
- Chinese: Hakka - The Hakka Colloquial dialect, is spoken in Kwangtung Province, south China.
- Chinese: Hakka of Wukingfu - The Hakka Colloquial usage of Wukingfu is spoken in eastern and northeastern Kwangtung Province, China.
- Chinese: Hangchow - the Wu dialect spoken in the Hang- chow area of northern Chekiang Province, China.
- Chinese: Hankow
- Chinese: Hinghua - The Hinghua Min Chinese dialect is spoken in the Putien (formerly Hinghua) area of eastern Fukien, China.
- Chinese: Kiaotung - Kiaotung is the North Mandarin dialect spoken in eastern Shantung Province, southeast of Peking.
- Chinese: Kienning - Kienning Colloquial is the Min dialect spoken in the Kienning area of western Fukien Province, China.
- Chinese: Kienyang - Kienyang Colloquial is the Min dialect spoken in the Kienyang region of north-central Fukien Province, China.
- Chinese: Kinhwa Colloquial - the Wu dialect common to the kinhwa area of central Chekiang Province, China.
- Chinese: Nanking
- Chinese: Ningpo
- Chinese: Sankiang
- Chinese: Shanghai
- Chinese: Shantung - Shantung Colloquial is the North Mandarin dialect of Shantung Province, China.
- Chinese: Shaowu - Shaowu Colloquial is the Min dialect spoken in and around Shaowu, a city of northwestern Fukien Province, China.
- Chinese: Soochow - Soochow Colloquial is the Wu dialect spoken in and around Soochow, west of Shanghai in Kiangsu Province, China.
- Chinese: Swatow - Swatow Colloquial is the Min dialect spoken in and around Swatow, eastern Kwangtung Province, China.
- Chinese: Taichow - Taichow Colloquial is the Wu Chinese dialect spoken in the Linhai (formerly Taichow) area of eastern Chekiang Province, China.
- Chinese: Tingchow - The Tingchow dialect is spoken in Tingchow Prefecture, south- west-central Fukien Province, China. It is reported to have much in common with the Hakka dialects.
- Chinese: Wenchow - Wenchow Colloquial is the Wu dialect spoken in the Wenchow area of southeastern Chekiang Province, China.
- English KJV
- Taiwanese
Ethnic Minorities 8%. Officially 55... closer to 150. Main groups:
Tai 2.1%.
- Zhuang - 15.4 Million
- Bouyei - 2.5 M
- Dong - 2.5 M
- Li - 1.1 M
- Dai - 1.0 M
- Gelo - .4 M
- Mulam
- Maonan
Tibeto-Burman 1.9%. Over 18 peoples:
- Yi - 6.5 M
- Tujia - 5.7 M
- Tibetan - 4.5 M
- Bai - 1.5 M
- Hani - 1.2 M
- Lisu - .5 M
- Lahu - .4 M
- Naxi
- Quiang
- Jinpo
Mongolian 1.35%. Over nine peoples.- Manchu - 9.8 M
- Mongolian - 4.8 M
- Xibe
- Daur
- Evenki
Miano-Yao 0.84%.- Miao (Hmong) - 7.4 M
- Yao - 2.1 M
Hui 0.76%.- Chinese Musl_ms 8.6 M
Turkic 0.76%. Over six peoples.- Uygur - 7.2 M
- *Kazakh - 1.1 M
- Kirgiz (Kyrgyz)
- Salar
- Yugur
- Tatar
Mon-Khmer 0.1%. Over six peoples.- Wa - .3 M
- Shui - .3 M
- Blang
Other 0.25%.- Korean - 1.9 M
- Tajik
- Russian
Some material above adapted from 1000 Tongues