Bahasa Indonesia / Indonesian Ministry: 1/30/2020 ![]()
Elohim - Yehowa (Tuhan) - Jesus ( Yesus ) Christ ( Kristus ) adalah God ( Ilah ). CHM note: The word "God" has been translated in more than one way in Indonesian.
We believe that generally Elohim should be the correct translation for the N.T.Useful Resources Hebrew O.T., Greek N.T. English King James Bible.
Arabic, Javanese, Madurese, Malay,
Malay-Indonesian Key, Philippines Key.
Go to: Indonesian Bibles
Bible Studies ( Baptist = Baptis, Pembaptis )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) CompiledIndonesian Dictionary LAT [Info only: See John 3:16.]
Malay Dictionary (~1685) Dr. Leidekker [Info only]
**Tract: Introduction (b. 7-2001)
**Tract: Update (b. 2-26-2006)
**Tract: Update (b. 7-6-2008)*File: FIRMAN ELOHIM / THE WORD OF GOD (RFM pdf) [used Allah for God]
*File: FIRMAN ELOHIM Ujian / The Word of God Exams (RFM pdf)Books
*File: DIKUBURKAN BERSAMA DENGAN DIA DALAMBAPTISAN / Buried With Him In Baptism (2007) Norman H. Wells [LAT pdf.]*File: INJIL YESUS KRISTUS Bagi Dunia / Little Red Book (RFM pdf) [Info only: used Allah for God.]
Book: Indonesian (1964) / BIBLE HANDBOOK An Abbreviated Bible Commentary (1927, 1957) Henry H. Halley
Go to: Prayer Media--IndonesianTracts ( Gospel = Injil )
"Karena Elohim sedemikian menga- sihi dunia ini, sehingga Ia sudah memberikan Putra kandungNya yang tunggal, supaya ba- rangsiapa yang percaya kepadaNya tidak akan musnah, tetapi mempunyai hidup yang kekal." (John 3:16, LAT)*File: John 3:16 in the Indonesian Literal Translation (n.d.) LAT [Info only: Exposes Jay P. Green's errors.]
**List: Chick Illustrated Tracts--Indonesian (JTC) [uses Allah? for God]
**File: Rencana Keselamatan Elohim Yang Sederhana / God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) [Info only: replaced Allah w/ Elohim.] pdf 2007 has Acts 17:30
**Tract: God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) [ GSPS ] [ Web ]File: Title--Indonesian / Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? (2016) Hope Tracts
File: Title--Indonesian / Saved, Sure & Serving (2016) Hope Tracts*Booklet: PERTOLONGAN YANG DATANG DARI ATAS / Help from Above (n.d.) WMP [Info only: used Allah for God.]
[Indonesian HKG, WTG, SvC, MAT*[], BSJ*[]] (WMP)
**List: Christian FilmsWeb Media
Resources for Missions--Bahasa Indonesian '11 [ CD ]Resources for Missions--Indonesian '11 [ CD ]
**List: Alkitab milik Elohim Atau Alqur_n milik All_h (~2016) [Info only: o.k.]
[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]