Swahili Ministry: 3/27/2020 ![]()
Elo[h]i[m] - Yehova (Bwana) - Jesus ( Yesu ) Christ ( Kristo ) ni God ( Mungu ).
[Elohim] - [Yehova] (Bwana) - Jesus ( Jesu ) Christ ( Masihi ) = God ( Mngu ).Useful Resources Hebrew O.T., Greek N.T. English King James Bible.
Amharic, Arabic, Kongo, Ngwana, Oromo, Shamba, Tswana, Xhosa,
S. African Key.
the Bible ( Biblia, al-Kitabu )
Swahili John (~1-2007) typeset, Myra Johnson
Swahili Romans (~1-2007) typeset, Myra Johnson**File: John / Romans (2006) RFM [pdf] [Info only: mentions Textus Receptus.]
**File: John / Romans w/ Tract (2006) RFM [doc] [Info only: mentions TR.]*File: Swahili John / Romans (BPS, 2006) Ref: OH [Info only: mentions TR.
pp. 61-62: Bible Study 5 points.] CD**File: Swahili Bible History
**File: Swahili: Union Bible HistoryBible Studies ( Baptist = Mbatizaji )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) Compiled by CHMSwahili Dictionary (1800s) J. L. Krapf [Info only: or E. Steere.]
Book: Swahili / BIBLE HANDBOOK An Abbreviated Bible Commentary (1927, 1957) Henry H. HalleyPrayer
Tracts ( Gospel = Injili )
"Nawaambia, Vivyo hivyo kuna furaha mbele ya malaika za Mungu kwa ajili ya mwenye dhambi mmoja atubuye." (Luke 15:10)**List: Chick Illustrated Tracts--Swahili (JTC)
**List: Fellowship Tract League--Swahili (FTL)
*File: NJIA RAHISI YA WOKOVU WA MUNGU / God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) pdf 2007 has Acts 17:30
**Tract: God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) [ GSPS ] [ Web ]File: Title--Swahili / What Is The Most Important Thing In The World? (2016) Hope Tracts
File: Title--Swahili / Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? (2016) Hope TractsHFA, WTG, BSS (Congo RDC, WMP) https://www.wmpress.org/bksavail.htm#Languages
[Swahili, Congo RDC HFA, WTG, BSS*
Kiswahili HFA, HKG, SvC, WTG, POG, MAT*, BSS*]
**List: WITNESSING DVD: Swahili / THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD (2010) Chi. Pub. Pro. [Info: Evangelical narration.]**List: Christian Films
Web Media
Resources for Missions--Swahili '11 [ CD ] [new 7-09, need to check this cd link]
[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]