S. African Key

Bible-believing · Christ-centered · Evangelistic · Unaffiliated

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Mark 16:15

Ministry Address:
United States of America

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  1. sa: Afrikaans.
  2. Arabic.
  3. (Chi)Chewan.
  4. Dutch.
  5. English KJV.
  6. French.
  7. German.
  8. Greek.
  9. Gujarati.
  10. bot & sa: Herero.
  11. Hindi.
  12. Italian.
  13. bot & zim: Kalaña.
  14. bot per L&TG: Kalanga.
  15. zam: Lozi.
  16. bot: Nama.
  17. bot & zim: Nambya.
  18. bot & zim: Ndebele.
  19. Portuguese.
  20. moz: Ronga.
  21. moz & bot & zim: Shona.
  22. sa & les: Sotho.
  23. sa & les: Sotho: Northern.
  24. Swahili.
  25. swa: Swati.
  26. Tamil.
  27. sa & moz: Tsonga.
  28. sa & moz: Tswa.
  29. bot: Tswana.
  30. sa & zim: Venda.
  31. sa: Xhosa.
  32. sa: Zulu.

Angola, Botswana, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique,
Namibia [South West Africa], Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe [Rhodesia]