हिन्दी / Hindi Ministry: 11/7/2020 ![]()
[Elohim] - [Hindi] {[Yihováh]} (प्रभु) - Jesus ( यीशु ) Christ ( मसीह ) = God ( परमेश्वर ) . [Elohim] - [Hindi] (Parmeshwar) - Jesus ( Yíshu ) Christ ( Khrísht ) = God ( Ishwar ).
Useful Resources ![]()
wc: Hindoostanee, Hindui, HindeeHebrew O.T., Greek N.T. English King James Bible.
Arabic, Hindustani, Persian, Sanskrit, Urdu,
India Key.
Bible ( बाइबिल, Dharm Shastra {Religious Scripture} )
"Since 1995 Ruf. Sar. has been working to translate the King James Version of the Bible into two of prominent languages in India, Telugu and Hindi. .... Ruf. hopes to have the Bible translated within the next year."**List: Bible portions (BPS) Ref: OH ['08 not available]
Hindi Bible portions (John Hinton's Bible Restoration Ministry)
"The New Testament; altered from Martyn's Oordoo translation into the Hinduee language, by William Bowley. (Serampore, 1838)" [Info only: pro-KJV.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009730315"The Holy Bible in the Hindi language : translated from the Hebrew. (All.abad : Printed at the All.abad Mission Press for the North India Auxiliary Bible Society, 1866-1869)" [Info only]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009013697"HINDI (BTT 505. India)
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated from the original
Greek, into the Hinduwee Language. [Title also in Devanagari character as is the
London, British and Foreign Bible Society, 1860.
750p. 22cm.
NUC 55:NBi 0048179. D & M 5383. 251A/B" [Info only: f04.pdf]**File: Hindi Bible History
File: Hindústaní John / John (n.d.) [Info only]
File: Hindústaní Romans / Romans (n.d.) [Info only]
Hindústaní (n.d.) [Info only]
https://www.archive.org/details/pentateuchinhind00alla**List: Hindustani Ministry
Bible Studies ( Baptist = देनेवाला )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) Compiled by CHMBooks
Book: The Pilgrim's Progress: English {LRB}
"French, Flemish, Dutch, Welsh,
Gaelic, Irish, Hebrew, Spanish {LRB}, Portuguese, Italian,
Danish, German, Armenian, Burmese, Cingalese,
Orissa, Hindostani, Bengali, Tamul, Mahratta,
Canarese, Gujaratti, Malay, Arabic, Samoan, Ta-
hitian, Pehuana, Behuana, Malagasy, New Zea-
land, and Latin" (until 1847) [p. 708, Wm. Cathcart.]Prayer
My. John HintonTracts ( Gospel = सुसमाचार, Susamacher {Good News} )
*List: Chick Illustrated Tracts--Hindi (JTC)*List: Fellowship Tract League--Hindi (FTL)
*File: उदधार के िलए परमेश्वर का रल उपाय / God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) pdf
**Tract: God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) [ GSPS ] [ Web ]File: Title--Hindi / The Coming Plagues (2016) Hope Tracts
HFA, HKG, WTG (WMP) https://www.wmpress.org/bksavail.htm#Languages
**List: WITNESSING DVD: Hindi / THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD (2010) Chi. Pub. Pro. [Info: Evangelical narration.]**List: Christian Films
[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]