KL Paulson update 11-11-2017South Africa & Its Missions 1. Introduction
The intent of this paper is to survey South Africa and its missions both past and present. The main country observed will be SOUTH AFRICA (Republic of South Africa).
I became especially interested in these people during my looking for a Textus Receptus based Afrikaans Bible. I found a real good Afrikaans translation available for the 35 million plus souls of South Africa. There has been discussion over the Internet among Independent Baptists to find or translate decent Afrikaans Bible portions. This is good news about The Good News.2. South Africa's Area
1,222,000 sq.km. 1. Four quasi-independent states: Transkei 45 K; Bophuthatswana 40 K; Ciskei 9 K; Venda 6.5 K. 2. Walvis Bay, 1.1 K.3. South Africa's Population
35,248,000. Annual growth 2.2%. People per sq.km. 29.4. South Africa's Peoples (source: P. Johnstone, 1993)
Black 72.5%.
Nguni 43.6%. Zulu 6,820,000; Xhosa 6,734,000; Swazi 1,025,000; S. and N. Ndebele.
Sotho 23.7%. Tswana 3,440,000; North Sotho/Pedi 2,818,000; South Sotho 2,091,000.
Other 5.2%. Tsonga 1,196,000; Venda 642,000.
White 14.2%. Afrikaner 2,565,000; English- speaking 1,709,000; Portuguese 617,000; Greek 70,000; German 45,000.
Coloured (mixed race) 10.1%.
Asian 3.2%. Indians 916,000; Chinese.
Migrant labour from surrounding lands. est. 2,700,000.
Refugees: Mozambicans maybe 500,000.5. South Africa's Literacy (source: P. Johnstone, 1993)
64%. National languages: Afrikaans, English. All languages 32. Bible translations 18 Whole Bibles, 2 New Testaments, 1 portions.6. South Africa's Capitals
Pretoria (admin) 865 thousand; Cape Town (legis) 1.74 million; Bloemfontein (judicial) 220 thousand. Urbanization 56%.7. South Africa's Economy (source: AFRICA TODAY, 1990)
The relatively large and devel- oped economy, based on mining and man- facturing, is more comparable to West- ern developed countries than other African countries. Manufacturing is the most important sector, contributing 22% to GDP in 1986. Mining, finance, insur- ance, real estate, business services, and domestic trade sectors are next in impor- tance. The mining and agricultural sectors are more significant to the economy than suggested by GDP data, with both sectors being major employers. Almost 65% of exports come from mining, with gold con- tributing about 40%. In 1987 real GDP rose an estimated 2.6%, and early indica- tions of a good agricultural year and higher mineral prices suggest continued modest growth in 1988. The high unem- ployment rate of 15-20%, particularly among black workers, is expected to con- tinue as long as the economy grows less than the annual 5% needed to absorb new entrants into the labor force.
Income/person $2,460 (11% of USA) per OW.8. South Africa's Politics
The Union of South Africa was formed in 1910. A white minority parliamentary republic was created in 1961. The 1984 constitution extended a limited sharing of power with the Coloured and Asian minorities but excuded Blacks from national politics. ....9. South Africa's Religions--Generalities (source: AFRICA TODAY, 1990)
Most whites and Coloreds and roughly 60% of blacks are Christian;
roughly 60% of Indians are H_ndu, 20% Musl_m.
Freedom of religion. Government statis- tics and some denominations omit the figures for the TBVC states. .... The future government is likely to have a strong humanist slant; racial and religious toler- ance may include a law against proselytizing chil- dren under 18.10. South Africa's Religious Groups (source: P. Johnstone, 1993)
African traditional religions 17.7%. .... Musl_m 1.25%. Jews 0.25%. 'Christian' 72.6%. Growth 2.7%.11. South Africa's 'Christians' and Christians
Protestant 38.4%. Growth 2.6%.
Dutch Reformed Ch
Baptist Conv. C634 M35,572 A71,100
Baptist Union C489 M38,175 A64,000
Africa Evang Ch
Evangelical 16.6% of pop M3,418,000 A5,847,000
Roman Catholic 7.8%. Growth 1.1%.
Foreign Marginal 1.83%. Growth 5.9%.
Indigenous Marginal 24.3%. Growth 3%.12. South Africa's Mies. (source: P. Johnstone, 1993)
Mies. to South Africa 1,294 (1:27,200 people) in 113 agencies.
Important note: Brother Tom Gaudet reported in 1995 that there were just 38 Independent Baptist mies. in South Africa.13. South Africa's Topography (source: J. Thiessen, 1961)
A narrow coastal belt around three sides of South Africa.14. South Africa's Principal Physical Features (source: J. Thiessen, 1961)
The interior is a great plateau from three thousand to six thousand feet in elevation, which is separated from the costal lowlands by a chain of mountains.15. South Africa's Climate (source: J. Thiessen, 1961)
Generally moderate. Most of the rain falls during the summer, the heaviest at Durban on the east coast. Frosts are frequent every winter inland, and heavy snowfalls occur in the mountains of the southwestern Cape region.16. South Africa's Principal Products (source: J. Thiessen, 1961)
The crops raised are such as would be common to a warm, tem- perate climate--the usual grains, potatoes, suar cane, fruits, cotton. Rich in mineral resources. Produces many diamonds--about 10 per cent of the world's output--and about 35 per cent of the world's gold supply.17. South Africa's My. History--Bible BC, GF, ND (aa-2011)
My. Gary Norberg & My. George Wyatt18. South Africa's My. History--Lehigh Valley BC, E, PA (aa-2011)
My. George Hammett & My. Jerry Wilhite19. South Africa's My. History--BC, a, aa (aa)
aa20. South Africa's My. History--BC, a, aa (aa)
aa21. Others
Robert Moffat, David Livingstone, John Mackenzie, King Khama, James Stewart, Andrew Murray22. Churches Should Support the Team Ministry Idea (Two-By-Two)
The Biblical Model for Sending Out Missionaries23. The Great Commission
We must Pray, Study, Give and Go.24. South Africa's Needs
Many eternity bound souls have never heard the Gospel even one time.
Symptoms of a national heart problem are divorce and abortion, violence and suicide.
Obviously there is a lack of sound Bible (Baptist) preaching & teaching.
Missionaries as such may enter South Africa.
King James Bibles (and other TR based translations) are needed in many areas.
Scripture, song & preaching tapes should be distributed.
Christian Gospel radio would be an excellent tool to develop.
Christian literature should be available, and is in great demand. Chick Publications has had Afrikaans title(s) on its tract list.
Cross-cultural evangelism and indigenous, local Baptist church planting must be accomplished God's way and in His timing.25. References [Info only]
AFRICA TODAY An Atlas of Reproducible Pages 1990 Revised Edition WORLD EAGLE, INC.
HIGHLIGHTS OF CHRISTIAN MISSIONS A History and Survey Harold R. Cook Moody Press 1972, pp. 190-205.
OPERATION WORLD A day-to-day guide to praying for the world Patrick Johnstone 1986, pp. 377-382.
OPERATION WORLD The Day-by-Day Guide To Praying For the World Patrick Johnstone 1993, pp. 493-498.
A SURVEY OF WORLD MISSIONS REVISED EDITION 1961 John Caldwell Thiessen Moody Press, pp. 259-272.