Dansk / Danish Ministry: 4/20/2020 ![]()
Elo[h]i[m] - [Jehovah] (Herre) - Jesus Christ ( Christus ) er God ( Gud ). Useful Resources Hebrew O.T., Greek N.T. English King James Bible.
German, Norwegian, Swedish.
Bible ( Bibelen )
**File: Danish Johannes / John (1819) DBS, Web
**File: Danish Romarne / Romans (1819) DBS, Web*File: Danish Bibelen / Bible (New Testament 1819, Old Testament 1871) DBS, Web [Info only: Den gamle Pagts hellige Skrifter]
*Software: Dansk Bibel (1871) Bible-Discovery [Info only]
**File: Danish Bible History
Bible Studies ( the Baptist = den Døber {the Dipper} )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) Compiled by CHMBooks
Book: The Pilgrim's Progress: English {LRB}
"French, Flemish, Dutch, Welsh,
Gaelic, Irish, Hebrew, Spanish {LRB}, Portuguese, Italian,
Danish, German, Armenian, Burmese, Cingalese,
Orissa, Hindostani, Bengali, Tamul, Mahratta,
Canarese, Gujaratti, Malay, Arabic, Samoan, Ta-
hitian, Pehuana, Behuana, Malagasy, New Zea-
land, and Latin" (until 1847) [p. 708, Wm. Cathcart.]Go to: Creation / Evolution Media--Danish
Tracts ( Gospel = Evangelium )
"Derfor fatter et andet Sind og vender om, at Eders Synder maa vare udslettede, paa det Vederkvægelsens Tider maa komme fra Herrens Aasyn," (Acts 3:19)**List: Chick Illustrated Tracts--Danish (JTC)
**List: Fellowship Tract League--Danish (FTL)
*File: Stedfortraederen-frelsens enkle vej / God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) pdf n.d.
**Tract: God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) [ GSPS ] [ Web ][Danish HFA, WTG] (WMP)
**List: Christian FilmsWeb Media
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]