Nkore Ministry: 1/14/2017 ![]()
[Elohim] - [Jehovah] (Mukama) - Jesus ( Yesu ) Christ ( Kristo ) = God ( Ruhanga ). Useful Resources Hebrew O.T., Greek N.T. English King James Bible.
Arabic, Ganda, Swahili.
the Bible ( al-Kitabo )
"My. Dan Olachea is working on a Received Text Bible
in the Runyankore language.He describes the translation effort this way:
"Believing that God is the One who must work through us to do
this work, we have a prayer chain going on in Africa and in
America with multiple churches. We use a report form to keep
these churches informed of our progress and what specific areas
of prayer are needed.The translators are all Banyankore men. They are nationals
who live here and work within the local church. Two of the
men are pastors of the churches in the villages here, one is
starting a church in a village, and the other three are active intheir local church.
The translation is done verse-by-verse from the Greek using the
translation worksheet to parse the GrSeek words and to bring a
literal translation. The parsing is done mainly by means of
Perschbacher's analytical concordance of the Greek New
Testament. The men use other reference works as well to
understand the Greek, including the King James Bible to arrive
at the nearest formal equivalent word in Runyankore.They will then work with the literal translation to bring a
natural translation while retaining the Greek word and format as
much as possible in the native language. The work is recorded
on the translation record as to the translator and the dates of
translation.On the worksheet a second translator will go through and check
the work of parsing to make sure there are no clerical errors that
would have come into the text. On the second check another
translator will make sure that the form of the Greek word as
indicated has been brought into the receptor language correctly
and that the final text includes each detail of the Greek. The
worksheet then goes to a committee who will review the entire
process again to make sure the Greek has been followed as well
as possible.The text is then typed and sent out with three of the men who
will review it for comprehension with four people in their
respective villages. These reviews are brought back and
examined to find any areas of misunderstanding or problems.
The review techniques include having the person restate the
verse in their own words, having the person read the passage
aloud and marking any areas where they stumble or hesitate,
asking questions about the passage, and letting the person
proofread the passage themselves.The text is then back-translated for checking against the King
--Phil Stringer [Info only:
James and for translation consultants."
RUNYANKORE (UGANDA).]**File: Nkore Bible History
Bible Studies ( Baptist = Naabatiza )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) Compiled by CHMBooks
**Book: TWICE-BORN MEN (after 1931) Compiled by Hy. Pickering
Tracts ( the Gospel = okwEnjiri, kwEngiri )
**List: Christian FilmsWeb Media
[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]