Lao Ministry: 4/13/2020 ![]()
[Elohim] - ยะโฮวา {Yehowa} (ພຣະຜູ້ເປັນເຈົ້າ) - Jesus ( พระเยซูทรง ) Christ ( พระคริสต์ ) = God ( พระเจ้า ). Useful Resources
Alt. = Laotian TaiHebrew O.T., Greek N.T. English King James Bible.
Burmese, French, Mon, Shan, Thai, Thai: Northern, Yuan,
Laos Key, Thailand Key.
Bible ( ຄໍາພີໄບເບິນ )
**File: John & Romans (n.d.) RFM ["Second edition of The Gospel of John and the Book of Romans translated from the Authorized Version of the Holy Bible, commonly known as the King James Version, in an attempt to provide the Lao people with the pure word of God."]
**File: LaoJRcover.pdf (n.d.) RFMLao - Gospel of John & Romans, 2nd edition; N.T.
**File: Lao Bible History
Bible Studies ( the Baptist )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) Compiled by CHMBooks
*File: Indochina Outreach (RFM)**Booklet: Thailand The Land of the Blind and Bound 30-Day Focused Prayer Guide (JDL)
Tracts ( Gospel = ພຣະກິດຕິຄຸນ )
**List: Chick Illustrated Tracts--Lao (JTC)**List: Fellowship Tract League--Laotian (FTL)
*File: Lao / All This I Did For Thee (FTL/RFM pdf)*File: Lao / What Is The Bible? (RFM pdf)
[Lao HFA*] (WMP)
Video: Lao / The Light of the World (n.d.) CP [Info: Evangelical narration.]**List: Christian Films
Web Media
Resources for Missions--Lao '11 [ CD ]
[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]