Suomi / Finnish Ministry: 4/20/2020 ![]()
El[oh]i[m] - Jehova (Herran) - Jesus Christ ( Kristus ) on God ( Jumala ). Useful Resources Hebrew O.T., Greek N.T. English King James Bible.
Karelian, Lapp: Norwegian & Swe., Lapp: Fin. & Rus., Swedish, Russian,
Russia Key.
Bible ( Biblia )
Finnish Bible (1642/1776, ~2008, SFC) [Info: "Our Finnish brother Peka who is a young "born again Fin" of 22 years of age is holding Bible studies in his parents home. He is burdened to have the good but old Finnish Bible updated and then put it together with the King James English to make a bi-lingual English/Finnish Bible. Please pray for Brother Coats and this Bible project."] **File: Johanneksen / John (1776) BSO ["as is", Western European (Windows)]
**File: Kirje roomalaisille / Romans (1776) BSO ["as is", Western European (Windows)]
File: Bible / Bible (1776) BSO
Info Source: https://bible-server.org/Bible.php?translation=FIN*File: BIBLIA Pyhä Raamattu / Bible (1776 revision) Web [Info: "Cardo" fonts. 2016 update correct.]
[www.sdhs.co.uk]**List: Finnish Bible (1776) w/ King James Bible (1769) theWord [KR1776]
*Software: Fineish Biblia, Pyhä Raamattu (1776) Bible- Discovery [Info only]
"Romi Kovalainen is working at producing a Finnish translation
of the New Testament and making a bi-lingual Finnish-English
New Testament available. His work is recommended by
Scandinavians for Christ Missions."--Phil Stringer [Info only]**File: Finnish Bible History
Bible Studies ( Baptist = Kastaja )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) Compiled by CHMBooks
Booklet: ULTIMATE QUESTIONS (1987, 1998) J. BlanchardPrayer
My. Howard Nelson Family (Scandinavians for Christ)Tracts ( Gospel = Evankeliumin )
"Niin tehkäät parannus ja palatkaat, että teidän syntinne pyyhittäisiin pois, kuin virvoittamisen ajat tulevat Herran kasvoin edestä," (Acts 3:19)**List: Chick Illustrated Tracts--Finnish (JTC)
*File: Jumalan Yksinkertainen Pelastussuunnitelma / God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) pdf 2007
**Tract: God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LI) [ GSPS ] [ Web ]HFA, HKG, WTG (WMP)
**List: Christian FilmsWeb Media
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]