العربية / Arabic: Sudan Bible History (1) ![]()
Elohim ( إلوھيم ) - Jehovah ( أو يهوه ) Lord (ar-Rabb) - Jesus ( Yasū‘ ) Christ ( al-Masīḥ ) = God ( al-Ilaah ) { الإله }. [The true God is reported to be al-Ilaah. Not All_h.]
[Some Chr. resources incorrectly use Allah for the real God of the Holy Scripture. See John 1:1.]Useful Resources
**List: Arabic Ministry
Holy Bible ( الكتاب المقدس )
Arabic Van Dyck Bible (1860) ArabBible [2004-2013 NT & OT {Gen, Deu, Psa, Pro, Isa, Dan, Jon, Mal}.] [Info: Classical Arabic w/ al-Ilaah.]**File: Arabic Bible History
**File: Arabic--Other Bible HistoryArabic: Sudan...
"The Sudan Colloquial form of Arabic, close to Egyptian usage,
is spoken, primarily in the north, by about 5.5 million Sudanese.
The Omdurman dialect is the most respected of the colloquial
Arabic forms in use in the Sudan."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]Arabic Character unless noted
"1927 Mark (Roman character) BFBS, London
Translated by Lillian V. Jackson and Kate Moore, Church MS."-- 1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
"1927" Mark 1:2 correct (al-anbiya = the prophets); used Allah @ Mark 1:1.]
"1955 Luke BFBS, Cairo
Translated by Mary Reimer, Sudan Interior Mission, assisted by
Mahmud Edd. Kamal and Faith Hamadin."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
ARABIC CHARACTER "1955" Luke 3:1(a)-4 unknown.]
"1964 John BSS, Khartoum
Translated by Leander Finley, American United Presbyterian Mission,
assisted by F. Hamadin, William Mussaad, and Su’ad Nadim."-- 1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]