God Says...
You Need
The Local

God Says... You Need
The Local Church!
God commands the Christian not to
forsake the assembling of himself
together with other believers in the
local church.   (Heb. 10:24,25)   There are
many important reasons for this.
Through the ministry of the local
church you will grow spiritually.   You will
become a stronger Christian in the
following areas of your life:
  1. Assurance of salvation -- knowing
    for sure that you are going to
    Heaven. Jn. 1:12, 3:16, 5:24, 10:9;
    Rom. 10:9,13; I Jn. 5:13
  2. Believers baptism -- the first step of
    obedience to Christ. Matt. 28:18- 20;
    Acts 2:41, 8:36-38; Rom. 6:2-5; Jas.
  3. Bible study -- knowing God's plan
    and purpose for your life. II Tim.
    2:15; Rom. 10:17; Heb. 4:12; I Pet.
    2:2,3; II Pet. 3:18; Josh. 1:8; Ps. 1:1-3
  4. Prayer -- talking to God. Jn 16:24; I
    Jn. 1:8-10; Matt. 7:7,8; Jn. 14:13,14;
    Eph. 5:20; I Thess. 5:18; Phil. 4:6,7;
    Jas. 5:16-18; Jer. 33:3; Ps. 81:10
  5. Fellowship -- mutual friendship and
    encouragement with other
    Christians. Acts 2:42, 4:32-37; Heb.
  6. Surrender -- submission to God's
    will in your life. Rom. 12:1,2; Eph.
    5:16; Luke 9:23; Rom. 6:13; I Cor.
    6:19,20; Prov. 27:1
  7. Separation -- living a pure, vic-
    torious life. I Jn. 2:15-17; Jas. 4:4;
    Rom. 12:2; II Cor. 6:14-18; I Cor.
    10:31; Col. 3:17
  8. Stewardship -- proper use of time,
    talent and money (possessions and
    resources). Matt. 6:33; Luke 6:38;
    Eph. 5:16; II Cor. 9:6,7; Mal. 3:10
  9. Soul winning -- winning your ac-

    quaintances to Christ. Matt. 28:18-
    20; Acts 1:8; Mark 16:15; Jn. 15:16; II
    Cor. 5:20; Ps. 126:5,6


As defined in the New Testament it is a
group of born-again believers.   These
believers have been scripturally bap-
tized (immersed) and meet together
regularly.   Their purpose is to carry out
Christ's Great Commission (Matt.
28:19,20).   Their beliefs and practices
are based entirely on the Bible.   Those
who minister in the local church are:

Pastors -- The pastor is placed by God
in the local church as the bishop
(overseer).   He provides leadership and
oversight for the benefit of all of its
members.   As the shepherd of the flock
he will provide strength, encourage-
ment, and guidance as he teaches you
the Bible. Acts 6:4; I Thess. 5:12,[13]; I
Tim. 3:1-7; 5:17; Heb. 13:17

Deacons -- The deacons are the ser-
vants of the local church serving the
pastor and its members. Acts 6:1-7; I
Tim. 3:8-13


The local church is to a Christian what a
home is to a child.   The home provides
shelter, protection, nourishment, in-
struction, love, fellowship, discipline,
inspiration, and encouragement.   In
time, it produces a productive, capable,
mature adult -- and so does the local

Remember, God says that you need the
local church.   You should resolve right
now to be baptized and join a gospel-
preaching, Bible-believing church.

  The people of our church
  really care about you.

. . . . . . . . .

We're an Independent Baptist
Church centering our services around
sound Bible teaching, old
fashioned gospel music, and warm
Friendly Fellowship.

NOTE: We do have a nursery for Church services which
              is staffed by qualified Church Ladies.

Empire Baptist Schools...Great Plains Baptist College

Empire Baptist Temple
[Street] · Sioux Falls, S.D. 57104

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