Acholi Ministry: 10/20/2016 ![]()
[Elohim] - [Jehovah] (Rwot) - Jesus ( Yecu ) Christ ( Kricito ) = God ( Lubaŋa ).
[Elohim] - [Jehovah] (Rwot) - Yecu Kricito = God ( [Lubaŋa] ).Useful Resources Hebrew O.T., Greek N.T. English King James Bible.
Alur, Arabic, Ganda, Lango, Luo,
Sudan Key.
the Bible ( the Bible )
"Acholi, or Gang, is spoken with minor local differences of pro-
nunciation by about 300,000 people. The tribe is generally con-
tained within the Acholi District of northern Uganda, except for
elements in adjacent Sudan. A Western Nilotic language,
Acholi is related to Lango, Luo, and Alur. An attempt to prepare
a Union Bible in a union language called Lwo, for use by both
the Acholi and Lango people, was abandoned in favor of Scrip-
tures in both languages."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"1905 Mark 1906 Matthew 1907 Luke John
1914 Gospels (revised) BFBS
Translated and revised by A. L. Kitching, Church MS."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"1921 Gospels (revised) 1928 Acts Ephesians-Colossians
Philemon James BFBS
Translated and revised by P. H. Lees, CMS."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"1933 [n]ew [t]estament BFBS
Translated by A. L. Kitching, P. H. Lees, T. L. Lawrence, and H. F.
Davies."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
"1933" Mark 1:2 incorrect (lanebi Icaya = prophet Isaiah).]Acholi-Lango Union (Lwo)...
"The Lwo Scriptures were prepared to serve as a common Bible
for the approximately 700,000 speakers of Acholi and Lango.
This project was later modified in favor of Scriptures in both
tongues. In the past, considerable confusion has arisen from the
interchangeable use of Luo and Lwo in reference to tongues,
tribes, and linguistic groups. The term Luo (q.v.) is generally
restricted to the Jo Luo people of the Kavirondo Gulf Region of
Kenya. Although there are tribes in southwestern Bahr el
Ghazal Province of Sudan who refer to themselves as Lwo, the
term is here used to denote the Acholi and Lango tribes of
northern Uganda. The Western Nilotic group of the Eastern
Sudanic family, in which these tongues are classified, is also
sometimes known as the Lwo Group. It is divided into the
Southern Lwo tongues - Acholi, Alur, Adhola, Lango, and Luo
- and the Northern Lwo - Anuak, Maban, Shilluk, and the Lwo
of Bahr el Ghazal."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"1960 [m]ark 1962 Genesis BFBS, London
Translated by E. Mildred Brown, Church MS, and a representative
committee of Acholi and Lango people."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
"1960" Mark 1:2 incorrect (lanebi Icaya = prophet Isaiah).]Bible Studies ( Baptist = Labatija )
**Book: English Bible Dictionary (~1840) Compiled by CHMBooks
**Book: TWICE-BORN MEN (after 1931) Compiled by Hy. Pickering
Tracts ( Gospel = Jiri, Lok Maber )
**List: Christian FilmsWeb Media
[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]