Papiamento Bible History (3) ![]()
**List: Papiamento Ministry
Bible ( [Biblia] )
CURAÇOA. "CURAÇOA (or Curaçao) is an island of the Caribbean Sea, belonging to the Dutch. It lies off the
north coast of Venezuela, between lat. 12° 3' and 12° 24', and long. 68° 47' and 69° 16'. Its area is about
260 square miles, and its population upwards of 15,000, about half of whom are slaves, and the greater
proportion of the remainder free negroes. The soil is unfertile, but the island was formerly of some
importance, on account of its contraband trade with the Spanish colonies. The language of the
coloured population is a kind of broken Spanish with a Dutch orthography. A translation of part of
the New Testament into this language has been effected by the Rev. Mr. Conradi; and a small edition
of the Gospel of St. Matthew was printed, in 1846, at the expense of the Netherlands Bible Society."--The Bible of Every Land. (1860, Second Edition) Samuel Bagster [Info only]CURAÇAO.--1860 S. Bagster [Info only: n.d. Matthew 5:1-12 unknown.]
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]