ภาษาไทย / Thai: Northeast, Isan Bible History (1) ![]()
Useful Resources
**List: Thai: Northeast, Isan Ministry
Bible ( คัมภีร์ไบเบิล )
**File: Thai Bible History
"The Bible has never been translated into the Isan language
before--a variant of Central Thai--spoken by one-third of
Thailand's total population (21 million as of 2008). The
"official" Thai Bible is controlled by the Bible Society.
Besides being Alexandrian based (American Standard Version,
Revised Standard Version, New International Version), it is
directly mistranslated in numerous important passages. Various
new Thai translations have been done, some better than others,
but all are Alexandrian based (except for one).Veteran church-planting my., Ron Myers, is translating
the King James Bible into Isan and referencing the Received
Text as a textual authority.Ron Myers has an excellent website explaining the process and
principles involved in this translation. It would be worthy of
study by anyone involved in Bible translation--look up
www.IsanBible.com. Ron can be contacted at
ronmy0@gmail.com"Thai: Northeast, Isan...
"The Isan are 23 million people who live in northeast Thailand. They speak a language called Isan-Lao,
which is a separate dialect of Lao. Although most of them speak and read Thai as a second language
and the Thai alphabet is used for Isan, Thai is not their mother tongue."--BPSG [Info only]
"2011 John and Romans
2016 New Testament Uma Watanatham, Bangkok
Translated by My. Ron Myers."--BPSG [Info only]
[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]