Henry Martyn: 1781 - 1813 ![]()
My. Henry Martyn
. India & Shiraz . PersiaC. H. M. disclaimer. *=Library, **=Online
*Book: How Great Christians Met Christ (1973) J. C. H., MP
[pp. 53-55: Salvation for a Scholar HM.]*DVD: Pioneers in Mission Publishing (n.d.) White Unto Harvest
[Felix Carey Mission Press William Carey
Jotham Meeker Henry Martyn.]*Book: THEY DARED TO BE DIFFERENT (1967) A. T. M., MP
[pp. 36-48: BORN TO SUFFER HM.]**Book: TWICE-BORN MEN (n.d.) Compiled by Hy. Pickering [Henry Martyn]
TRUE CONVERSION RECORDS OF 100 WELL - KNOWN MEN IN ALL RANKS OF LIFE]**Book: William Carey (1980) F. Deaville Walker, MP [A pen-portrait of Carey himself.]
*File: martyn1.pdf (n.d.) CPH, TBS [Info only]
*File: martyn2.pdf (n.d.) CPH, TBS [Info only]**List: Arabic N. T.
**List: Urdu N. T.
"The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ : translated from the original Greek into Persian, at Sheeraz / by Henry Martyn ... with the assistance of Meerza Sueyid Ulee, of Sheeraz. (Calcutta : P. Pereira at the Hindoostanee-Press, for the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1816)" [Info only]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009707689"The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; translated from the original Greek into Persian, by Henry Martyn. (London, printed by R. Watts for the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1837)" [Info only]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009733838"[Persian characters] = The | New Testament | of our | Lord and Saviour | Jesus Christ / | translated from the original Greek, into Persian, | by the | Rev. Henry Martyn, B.D. (Edinburgh : Printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1846)" [Info only]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008410160"The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ translated from the original
Greek, into Persian, by the Rev. Henry Martyn. Fourth Edition. [Facing tp in
Arabic character].
London, British and Foreign Bible Society, 1837.
628p. 22cm.
NUC 5:NBi 0049548. D & M 7337. 301" [Info only: f07.pdf]File: John / John (1837) Henry Martyn, BFBS
File: Romans / Romans (1837) Henry Martyn, BFBS
N. T. (1837) Henry Martyn, BFBS [4th. ed.] [Info only]
[CHM: * TestamentPersePersian183701.pdf]"MARTYN (Henry). See BIBLE. Old Testament. Genesis--Hin-
dustani. [The book of Genesis in Hindustani, translated by
Mirza Fitrit, revised by H. M.]" [Info only:
Book @ BFBS, 1857.]"MARTYN (Henry). See BIBLE. Old Testament. Psalms--Persian.
[The Psalms in Persian, translated by H. M., &c.]" [Info only:
Book @ BFBS, 1857.]"MARTYN (Henry). See BIBLE. New Testament--Hindustani. The
New Testament, translated into the Hindoostanee language by
H. M." [Info only:
Book @ BFBS, 1857.]"MARTYN (Henry). See BIBLE. New Testament--Persian. The
New Testament translated from the original Greek into Persian,
by H. M." [Info only:
Book @ BFBS, 1857.]"MARTYN (Henry). See BIBLE. New Testament. Gospels--Poly-
glott. The Gospels and Acts in English and Hindustani. St.
Matthew, translated by H. M., &c." [Info only:
Book @ BFBS, 1857.]"MARTYN (Henry). See SARGENT (J.) A memoir of the Rev.
H. M." [Info only:
Book @ BFBS, 1857.]"MARTYN (Henry). Christian India, or an appeal on behalf of
900,000 Christians in India who want the Bible; a sermon
preached at Calcutta, on Tuesday, January 1, 1811, for promoting
the objects of the British and Foreign Bible Society, Calcutta,
1811. 8°" [Info only:
Book @ BFBS, 1857.]"MARTYN (Henry). Controversial tracts on Christianity and Moham
medanism, by H. M., and some of the most eminent writers of
Persia, translated and explained, by S. Lee. Cambridge, 1824. 8°." [Info only:
Book @ BFBS, 1857.]
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