William Carey: 1761 - 1834 ![]()
My. William Carey
Serampore . IndiaC. H. M. disclaimer. *=Library, **=Online
**Book: William Carey (1980) F. Deaville Walker, Moody Press [A pen-portrait of Carey himself.]
**Book: The History of Baptists (2004) Pastor Doug Hammett [Robert Sargent outline] [ Outline ]
[pp. 202, 250: Wm. Carey.]**Book: A History of the Churches from a Baptist Perspective (2002, 6- 2005) My. David W. Cloud, WOLL [ Contents ]
[pp. 423, 448, 452-455: William Carey.]*Book: How Great Christians Met Christ (1973) J. C. H., MP
[pp. 46-49: The Case of the Curious Cobbler WC.]Landmarks of CHURCH HISTORY (n.d.) Pastor Robert J. Sargent
[pp. 429, 451: William Carey.]*File: MODERN BIBLE VERSIONS (1994) My. David W. Cloud [DOS. Received Text list.]
*Book: My. Stories with the Millers (1993) Mildred A. Martin
[pp. 147-152: THE BOY WHO WAS DETERMINED.]*DVD: Pioneers in Mission Publishing (n.d.) White Unto Harvest
[Felix Carey Mission Press William Carey
Jotham Meeker Henry Martyn.]*Book: THEY DARED TO BE DIFFERENT (1967) A. T. M., MP
pp. 132 "By 1808 Carey, with the help of Ward and
Marshman, had translated at least a part of the
Scriptures into Sanscrit, Bengali, Mahratta, Orissa,
Hindustani, Gujarati, Chinese, Sikh, Telinga, Kur-
nata, Burman, and Persian[.]"]**Book: TWICE-BORN MEN (n.d.) Compiled by Hy. Pickering [William Carey]
TRUE CONVERSION RECORDS OF 100 WELL - KNOWN MEN IN ALL RANKS OF LIFE]*File: 554.html#carey (2001) C. P. Hallihan, TBS [Info only.]
"By 1820, Carey and his team published the entire Bible in five languages, namely
Bengali, Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, and "Kyt'hee," and the New Testament in ten
other languages including Chinese, Telugu, Assamese, Konkani, Gujarathi, the Sikh
languages of Punjabi and Multan, Pashto of Afghanistan, Bikaner of Rajasthan, and
Kashmere.21"--21 Carey, W., et al.: Seventh Memoir Respecting the Translations of the Sacred Scriptures into the
Languages of India conducted by the Bretheren at Serampore, Serampore: Mission Press, 1820, pp. 5-
7.**File: Greek: Ancient Critical Text History [Info only: 1777.]
"The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments / translated from the originals into mooltan language by the Serampore missionaries. (Serampore : Printed at the Mission Press, 1819), by Biblia" [Info only]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009654876"The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments / translated from the originals into the bhugelkhunda language by the Serampore missionaries. (Serampore : Printed at the Mission Press, 1821), by Biblia" [Info only]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009653835"The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments / translated from the originals into the goozuratee language by the Serampore missionaries. (Serampore : Printed at the Mission Press, 1820), by Biblia" [Info only]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009275106"The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments / translated from the originals into the harotee language by the Serampore missionaries. (Serampore : Printed at the Mission Press, 1821), by Biblia" [Info only]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009275105"The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments / translated from the originals into the Kashmeera language by the Serampore missionaries. (Serampore : Printed at the Mission Press, 1821), by Biblia" [Info only]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009654869"The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments / translated from the originals into the nepala language by the Serampore missionaries. (Serampore : Printed at the Mission Press, 1821), by Biblia" [Info only]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009275101"The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments / translated from the originals into the telinga language by the Serampore missionaries. (Serampore : Printed at the Mission Press, 1818), by Biblia" [Info only]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009275104"The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments / translated from the originals into the Vikaner language by the Serampore missionaries. (Serampore : Printed at the Mission Press, 1820), by Biblia" [Info only]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009331766Book: An Inquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens (1792) WC [Info only: Enquiry]
Life and Times of Carey, Marshman and Ward (1859) J. C. Marshman
Memoirs of Dr. Carey (1836) Eustace Carey
WILLIAM CAREY (n.d.) Basil Miller
Old and New Testaments translated and published:
1. Bengalee (sixth edition in preparation)
2. Sanscrit (second edition in press)
3. Hindee (second edition in preparation, including Rev. John Chamberlain's
translation of the New Testament)
4. Orissa (second edition in the press)
5. Mahratta (second edition in the preparation)New Testament (and some portions of the Old Testament) translated and published:
1. Chinese
2. Shikh
3. Pushtoo, or Affghan
4. Telinga, or Teloogoo
5. Kunkuna
6. Wook, or Mootanee
7. Assam
8. Gujuratee
9. Bikaneer
10. KushmeerNew Testament translated, and "more than half through the press" as of September, 1821:
1. Kurnata
2. Nepel
3. Harotee
4. Marwar
5. Bhughulkund
6. OojeinNew Testament translated and ready for publication, September, 1821:
1. Jumboo, printed to John
2. Kenouj, printed to John
3. Khassee, printed to John
4. Khaoul, printed to Mark
5. Bhutuneer, printed to Mark
6. Dogura, or Palpa, printed to Mark
7. Magudha, printed to Mark
8. Kumcoon, printed to Matthew
9. Gudwal, printed to Matthew
10. Muni-poora, printed to Matthew
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