Tagalog Bible History (1) ![]()
Useful Resources
Alt. = Pilipino
**List: Tagalog Ministry
the Bible ( ang Bible, ang Biblia )
"Tagalog is the most common of several Filipino languages. Roger Riley sends this note about the Tagalog Bible:
"In 1987, Rev. Roger Riley, the director and founder of
Precious Seed Ministries, Inc., began to translate the Tagalog
Scriptures in the Philippines. Bro. Riley worked with several
Filipino pastors from the provinces of Cavite, Laguna, and the
city of Muntinlupa, Metro Manila, which are the Tagalog
speaking regions. These pastors had faithful men in their
churches who were educated in grammar and helped the team
to do research of the Tagalog language.Bro. Riley and his team of translators finished the Gospel of
John and Romans in 1989 and printed 10,000 copies so the
Filipino churches and Christians throughout the Philippines
could read and offer any comments of suggestions about the
doctrine or grammar of the translation work. Brother Riley and
the translators met almost daily as the work progressed. Many
Christians throughout the Philippines were greatly excited and
encouraged that this literal translation was verse by verse
equivalent to the King James Bible.The translation team was much in prayer as the verses were
translated. Any time there was a question or a difficult passage
of Scripture the translators and Bro. Riley would pray and
research the text for days until God would give peace to pen the
exact words and most direct translation on paper.Bro. Riley had every translator to check each others work as
they met and discussed each chapter and books of the New
Testament of the Tagalog translation (Ang Bagong Tipan).In 1980 the Lord added more translators including those who
made the rough translation, then those who were better at
grammar to give better sense in the common Tagalog language.
There were those who were readers of the text for systematic
flow of the grammar in Tagalog.THE TOOLS FOR TRANSLATION Precious Seed Ministries supplied the equipment, computers,
and tools needed to complete the translation work. Offerings as
well as material support was given until the 7-year project was
completed in 1995. The team agreed from the beginning that
these Scriptures would be under the copyright of Precious Seed
Ministries, Inc. Philippines. Our common goal was to
distribute the Scriptures free of charge as the Lord supplies.The translation team and its director, Bro. Riley, decided as a
group to use the Textus Receptus text along with study helps
such as the Tagalog-English dictionaries, Interlinea[r] Greek Text
of Robert Stephens 1550 edition, Bible Concordances and the
Authorized King James Bible as a proof text from one language
to another.My. Riley has the copyright to this New Testament. It is
printed by some of the Bearing Precious Seed chapters."--Phil Stringer [Info only]Tagalog...
"Tagalog, or Filipino, spoken by about 5.7 million people, is the
basis of the national language of the Philippine Republic, and is
said to be spoken by more than 11 million. It is the dominant
language of the capital, Quezon City, and of eleven provinces in
central and southern Luzon, Mindoro, and Marinduque. Posses-
sing a considerable literature, Tagalog has come into cultural
prominence among the more than 70 Philippine languages.
Tagalog dialects, differentiated by pronunciation and loan words
from neighboring tongues, are generally divided into seven
major groups: Manila, Bataan, Batangas, Bulakan, Palawan,
Panay-Paete, and Tayabas. All are mutually intelligible.Tagalog is a Malayo-Polynesian tongue, linguistically classed in
a Philippine sub-group of the Western Malay, or Indonesian,
branch of that far-flung language family. All the languages
native to the Philippines are related within this group. Any fur-
ther subdivision within the general Philippine grouping is
generally made on a geographical basis. There are, as well,
Spanish-based pidgins in use: Caviteño and Erminteño on Luzon
(Spanish and Tagalog), and Davaweño and Chabakano on
Mindanao (Spanish and borrowings from Visayan, Moro, and
surrounding dialects).The island republic of the 32 million Filipinos stretches across
more than 1,150 miles of the Pacific, and includes about 7,000
islands. Visited by Magellan in 1521, and by later Spanish ex-
plorers who named the islands after Philip II, the Philippines
were conquered, colonized, and converted by the Spanish
during the second half of the 16th century. The islands were
transferred to the United States after the Spanish American War.
The independent Philippine Republic was set up in 1946.At the time of the Spanish settlement of the Philippines, the
-- 1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
larger tribal groups used related alphabetic systems of writing,
based on the early (Indic) scripts of the Indonesian Archipelago,
although their exact derivation is a matter for scholarly dispute."
"First publication, St. Matthews,
St. Marks, and St. Lukes Gospels and the
Acts in 1898 by the BFBS (Madrid printed);
tr. by Pascual H. Poblete aided by R. O.
Walker. St. Matthews and St. Marks Gospels
reprinted by BFBS, Manila, 1899; and with St. Lukes Gospel, byABS and BFBS, 1900. St. Johns Gospel, BFBS, Madrid (Manila
--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
printed), 1900. New Testament, ABS and BFBS (Manila
printed), 1902; tr. by Sofronio Calderon, J. B. Rogers and H. F. Miller."
"1898 Matthew Mark Luke Acts BFBS, London
1900 John BFBS, Madrid
1901 Luke (revised) 1902 New Testament
1905 Old Testament BFBS, Manila
Translated by Sofronio Calderón and H. F. Miller, on the basis of
earlier work by Pascual H. Poblete."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: ?]"Ang bagong tipan sa macatuid baga, i, el Nuevo Testamento nang ating panginoon at tagapagligtas na si Jesu-Cristo. [The New Testament; in Tagalog] (Manila, Sociedad Bíblica Británica y Extrangera, 1905)" [Info only: BFBS.]
"1911 New Testament 1915 Bible BFBS, ABS, Manila
A revision prepared by J. L. McLaughlin, G. Zarco, Sofronio
Calderón, Emiliano Quijano, T. Eldridge, C. N. McGill, and
Cypriano Santos."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]"Revised Version: New Testament, BFBS,
Manila (Yokohama printed), 1911; tr. by....
Old Testament, 1915. (Transferred to ABS, 1918.)"-- 1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]"Bible: Ang Bagong Tipan nḡ ating panḡinoon at tagapagligtas na si Jesu Cristo, isinatagalog nḡ boong inḡat siniyasat at itinumpak ang mḡa kamalian. (Manila [Printed by the British & foreign Bible society, for the American Bible society], 1911)" [Info only: NT.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001937661TAGALOG--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: "1914" Mark 1:2 incorrect (Isaias na profeta = Isaiah the prophet).]
"1930 Bible (N.T. revised) ABS, Manila
Revised by Leslie Wolfe, C. N. McGill, Leon Baña, Agaton Pascual,
Catalino Paulino, and J. B. Cottingham. Later other corrected editions
of the Bible, with minor revisions, were published."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: ?]TAGALOG--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: "1935" John 3:12b-19a unknown.]
**File: Tagalog Critical Text History
"Say masantos a evangelio na cataoan tin Jesu Cristo : ed onung~ na dinemuet nen San Juan. (London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1899)" [Info only: John.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/002459353"Ing Santo Evangelio (Ing banalá balita) na ning Guinutang Jesucristo, á sinulat nang San Mateo. (Manila : [American Bible society, 1902])" [Info only: Matthew.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001938342"San Mateo, San Marcos, San Lucas, San Juan, Manga Apostol. (Manila : [American Bible Society], 1903)" [Info only: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001938172"Ang evangelioó ma-ayong balita sa atong guino-ong Jesu-Cristo matud ni San Juan. (Manila, Sociedad Bíblica Británica y extrangera, 1904)" [Info only: John, BFBS.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001938482"Ang evangelio ó ma-ayong balita sa atong guino-ong Jesu-Cristo matud ni San Lucas. (Manila, Sociedad Bíblica Británica y extrangera, 1904)" [Info only: Luke, BFBS.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001938434"Ang Matandang Tipan sa Makatuid Baga, : i, El Antique Testamento nang Santa Biblia. (Manila, : Sociedadbíblica británica y extranjera, 1905)" [Info only: O.T., BFBS.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001938008"Ang Bagong Tipan sa Macatuid Baga, i, el Nuevo Testamento nang ating Panginoon at Tagapagligtas na si Jesu-Cristo. (Manila, Soc. bíblica británica y extranjera, 1907)" [Info only: N.T., BFBS.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008602210"Ing Santo Evangelio (ing banal á balita) ning guinu tang Jesu Cristo dikil kang San Lucas. (Manila [Philippine agency: American Bible society], 1907)" [Info only: Luke.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001938442"Say Evangelio nen Cristo onong na insulat nen apóstol Marcos. (Manila [Philippine agency: American Bible society], 1907)" [Info only: Mark.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001938398"Say masantos ya Evangelio, ono maong á balita na catacan tayon Jesu-Cristo onong na insulat nen Lucas. (Manila; Sociedad Bíblica Británica y extrangera, 1908)" [Info only: Luke, BFBS.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001938443"An Bagong Tipan • Testamento nin cagurangnan tang Jesu-Cristo na nalalagdaan can magña evangelio asin magña gawe nin magña apostoles. (Manila, Sociedad bíblica británica y extrangera, 1909)" [Info only: N.T., BFBS.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001937526"Is Santa Biblia. Ya egga saá netura ib bagu naquipanabban onu Bagu Testamento nay yafu tamá si Jesu Cristo. (Manila [ New York, American Bible society], 1911)" [Info only: Bible.]
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001937656"Ti Santa Biblia; ng~a isu. Ti Daan a Tulag ken ti Baro a Tulag. (Manila, Sociedad biblica americana, 1912)" [Info only: Bible, ABS.]
[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]