Norwegian Bible History (1) ![]()
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**List: Norwegian Ministry
Bible ( Bibelen, Bibel )
"Norwegian is spoken by about 4 million people, of whom 85 per
cent live in fjord-fringed, mountainous Norway. One of the
Scandinavian peoples who ranged far during the Viking Period,
the Norwegians were united in the 9th century by King Harold.
Christianity was gradually established a century later under
Kings Olaf I and II. Norway came under the rule of Denmark
in the 14th century and remained under the control of the Danish
crown until 1814. During this period Danish was the official and
literary language of Norway. However, during the 19th and 20th
centuries a distinct Norwegian literature has developed."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]"Two distinct forms of Norwegian exist: Riksmål, or Bokmål
(spoken by three fourths of the population, primarily in the
urban areas and southeastern Norway); and Landsmål, or
Nynorsk (spoken primarily in rural regions of central and
western Norway). Both are official and each is the tutorial lan-
guage in schools of the region to which it is common; both are
used in newspapers, radio, and government. Since the political
separation of Norway from Denmark, Norwegian has developed
considerably, its two forms [chang]ing side by side. (See also
Norwegian: Nynorsk.) Until the beginning of the 19th century,
Danish Scriptures were used in Norway. Since then separate
editions have been prepared in Norwegian and Danish."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]"Spoken by nearly 3,000,000 people in Norway. Previous to 1819
the Danish Scriptures had been used both in Denmark and Norway. Since
then separate editions have been printed, the differences in pronunciationand idiom tending to become more marked."
--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
"First publication, the New
Testament in 1819 at Christiania by A. Jensen; the Danish text revised
by a committee appointed by the Norwegian Bible Society and includingF. J. Bech, S. B. Hersleb, S. J. Stenersen and Claus Pavels. Reprinted,
--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
BFBS, 1823. Bible, BFBS, Christiania, 1844."
"1819 New Testament Jensen, Christiania
A revision of the Danish Svaning- Resen version, prepared by a com-
mittee appointed by the Norwegian Bible Society (organized in 1816).The committee included F. J. Bech, S. B. Hersleb, Claus Pavels, and
--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
S. J. Stenersen. In 1830 an edition appeared with corrections by S. B.
Hersleb."1816: From 1819 The Norwegian Bible Society started
publishing Bibles and New Testaments. During the first years these were imported from Denmark. At the same
time British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) also published Bibles in Norwegian. They had the bulk of Bible
distribution in Norway in the 19th century.1820: The first NT produced by The Norwegian Bible Society. It was a revision of the Resen-Svaning Bible
from 1740.
"1834 Bible Christiania
The BFBS reports a Bible published in this year in Christiania."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]"Bibelen, eller den Hellige Skrift, indeholdende det Gamle og Nye Testamentes canoniske bøger. (Christiania, Brittiske og udenlandske Bibelselskab, 1834)" [Info only: BFBS.]
"Norwegian Bible Society Version: Psalms,
Norwegian BS, Christiania, 1851; tr. by a committee appointed by the
NBS: Old Testament, 1869; New Testament, 1873; Pentateuch, 1876;
Joshua-Esther, 1878; Job-Song of Solomon, 1882; Isaiah-Malachi and
Apocrypha, 1888. .... First edition in roman character: New Testament,
BFBS, 1849. Bible, 1865. First ABS edition: New Testament, 1870.
CP: BFBS."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
"1851 Psalms Norwegian BS, Christiania
1854 Bible Gröndahl, Christiania
A revision of the Svaning-Resen O.T., prepared by a committee
including C. A. Holmboe, J. Kaurin, and C. P. Caspari."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
Caspari, a confessional Lutheran of Jewish parentage per CC.]1854: The first Bible produced by The Norwegian Bible Society. The OT was a revised version of the Resen-
Svaning Bible (1647), while the NT followed an edition from 1830. This Bible was translated from Danish and
not from Hebrew and Greek."Bibelen, eller den Hellige skrift, indeholdende det Gamle og Nye Testamentes kanoniske bøger. Tilligemed det Gamle Testamentes apokryphiske bøger, udgiven af det norske Bibelselskab. (Christiania, Grøndahl, 1854)" [Info only: Norwegian BS.]
"1873 New Testament 1876-1888 Old Testament
Norwegian BS, Christiania
A revision of the Norwegian BS text, prepared by J. F. Dietrichson[TR],
G. C. Johnson, and C. P. P. Essendrop."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: sup is CHM note.]
"1891 Old Testament BFBS, Christiania
1904 New Testament 1906 Psalms Norwegian BS,
A new translation; the O.T. prepared by a committee headed by C. P.
Caspari, and the N.T. by a later committee, composed of J. F.
Dietrichson[TR], F. W. Bugge[CT], A. C. Bang, S. Odland[TR], and J. Storm."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: sups are CHM notes.
Caspari, a Lutheran.]1891: First Norwegian direct translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew.
1904: This completed the first ever translation of the full Bible into Norwegian language
directly from the Hebrew and Greek texts.NORWEGIAN--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Gothic characters "1905" John 3:10b-18, 25-33a unknown.]
NORWEGIAN--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: Gothic Character "1914" Mark 1:2 correct (Profeterne = Prophets).]
"1966 Old Testament Selections 1967 Psalms Norwegian
BS, Olso
Translated by Oddmund Hjelde and Ole Ø. Gjerde."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: ?]**File: Norwegian: Nynorsk
**File: Norwegian Critical Text History
**printed Book: Norwegian Bibelen / Bible (1902) [ Title Page ] [Info only: "NORWegian Gotisch Style print"]
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