Miao Bible History (1) Useful Resources
**List: Miao Ministry
the Bible ( the Bible )
Miao: Chuan...
"The Miao, an independent people who number as many as 2.5
million, live in Kweichow and adjacent areas of Hunan,
Kwangsi, Szechwan, and Yunnan provinces of China. Known as
Meo in Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam, the Miao are divided
into a number of groups, generally based upon characteristic
habits of dress: He (Black) Miao, Hwa (Flowered or Variegated)
Miao, Chuan, or Pe (White), Miao, Ching (Blue) Miao, and
Hung (Red) Miao are the most common distinctions.These Miao groups speak languages that are related, but generally
--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
not mutually intelligible. There are numerous dialects. Although
Miao and Meo are related to Yao, the precise linguistic affiliations
of these tongues have not been fully determined. They are
generally considered a part of the Sino-Tibetan group. Since the
Miao had no writing of their own, their monsyllabic languages
have been written either in the syllabic script devised by
Samuel Pollard in 1904, or in the Chu Yin phonetic system.""The White Miao are found in southern Szechwan Province
China, where they are known as Chuan Miao, and southwardinto southern Kweichow, where they are called Pe or Pei
--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
Miao. The Pei Miao live in proximity and contact with the
Hung Miao, of the eastern Kweichow border areas, and the
Ching Miao of central Kweichow."MIAO: Chuan dialect--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Pollard script n.d. Mark 3:35 unknown.]
Pollard Script
"1922 Mark BFBS, Yunnan
Transated by [Rev.] H. Parsons, United Methodist Mission."-- 1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"1938 Mark (revised) China Bible House, Shanghai
A revision prepared by Yang Kuan-I, a Hwa Miao teacher."- -1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
POLLARD SYLLABIC SCRIPT "1938" Mark 1:2 unknown.]Miao: He...
"He, or Black, Miao is spoken in the upper Tsing Shui Ho River
area of southeastern Kweichow, and southward into Kwangsi
Province."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"First publication, St. Matthews and St.
Marks Gospels in 1928 at Shanghai by the BFBS; tr. by the Rev. H. M.
Hutton, of the China Inland Mission, aided by Yang Kuan-I. St. Lukes
and St. Johns Gospels and the Acts, 1932. New Testament, 1934
(issued late in 1935)."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]MIAO: He or Black Miao dialect--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Chu Yin script "1934" Book ch: v unknown.]
Chu Yin Phonetic Script
"1928 Matthew Mark 1932 Gospels Acts
1934 New Testament BFBS, Shanghai
Translated by H. N. Hutton, China Inland Mission, assisted by
Mr. Yang."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
CHU YIN PHONETIC "1932" Mark 1:2 unknown.]**File: Miao: Hwa Bible History
[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]