"1471 [b]ible V[indelinus]. de Spira,
The first printed Italian [b]ible, translated by Niccolo Malermi, a
of Venice. The text primarily follows the Vulgate. It was often
printed during the 16th century."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info
MALERMI [b]IBLE "1471" Mark 1:2 incorrect (ysaia propheta = Isaiah
incorrect Latin text.]
ITALIAN The first printed Italian [b]ible, Malermi, 1471--1000
Tongues, 1939 [Info only: "1471" John 3:15-17, 32-36 {incorrect w/ God
2 times @ 3:34}.]
"1471 [b]ible Jenson, Venice
A text partially derived from pre-existing Ms. versions. However,
before the printing was finished, Jenson procured a copy of the Malermi
[b]ible and began to follow it."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info
incorrect Malermi [b]ible.
The "October Bible," per 1939]
"1530 New Testament 1531 Psalms
1532 Bible
di Giunta, Venice
Translated by Antonio Brucioli and often revised and reprinted.
place of this version in Italy corresponds to the Lefèvre version in
France."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: AB, said
"1536 New Testament di Giunta, Venice
A revision of Bruciolis version by Fr. Zaccheria of Florence.
slight revision by S. Marmochino was published by di Giunta in 1538,
in some places bringing the text into line with the
Vulgate."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only:
incorrect Latin text.]
"1769-1781 [b]ible (23 vols.) Stamperia
Reale, Turin
Translated by Antonio Martini at the suggestion of Pope Benedict XIV.
This became a popular Roman
Catholic [b]ible and was often reprinted."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only:
AM, "a scholar who was later to become the Bishop of
"1873 [g]ospels J. Manuelli, Florence
1880 [n]ew [t]estament Bocca, Turin
Translated by Carlo M. Curci, a Jesuit. Based on
Martinis version."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"1881 New Testament Florence
Translated by A. Revel, a Waldensian."--1000
Tongues, 1972 [Info only: ?]
"1885 Bible BFBS
A new edition of Diodatis text, with the addition of select
references by
T. H. Bruce and his successor as BFBS agent in Rome, A. Meille;
assisted by A. Revel. This became the BFBS standard edition until
1924."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: CT?]
"Luzzi Ver-
sion: Acts, Firenze, 1900; tr. by Giovanni Luzzi; Gospels, Roma, 1909;
New Testament, the Società "Fides et Amor," Rome, 1911; Bible,
Florence, 1930."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: CT?]
"1902 [g]ospels [a]cts
Vatican, Rome
Translated by P. Clementi for distribution by the Pia Societá
S. Girolamo per la Diffusione del Santi Vangeli."--1000
Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"Revised Version (Versione
Riveduta): prepared by a committee
headed by Dr. Giovanni Luzzi, revising the Diodati version with Nestles
Greek text for the New Testament; Gospels and Acts, BFBS, 1912; New
Testament, 1916; Bible, 1925."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info
corrupt Nestle Greek text.]
ITALIAN Versione Riveduta, 1924--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info
only: "1924" John 2:23-3:4, 10-18 {correct w/ "Jesus" @ 3:2a}.]
"1912 Gospels Acts 1916 New
Testament Psalms
1924 Bible BFBS, Rome
A revision of the Diodati text, prepared by Giovanni Luzzi, V. Bani,
and E. Bosio. It is still the text published by the Bible Societies.
previously published his own version: Acts, 1900; Gospels, 1909;
N.T., 1911; complete Bible, 1930."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only: CT.]
"1922 [p]entateuch (tentative) Vita
e Pensiero, Milan
1925 [j]ob-[s]ong of [s]olomon Pontificio Instituto, Rome
Translated by Alberto Vaccari, a Jesuit. His work was
later revised and
continued by a committee under Fr. Vaccari.--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only]
"1929 [b]ible
Cardinal Ferrari Society,
Translated by G. Ricc., G. Castoldi, G. Giov., G.
Mezz., F. Ramo., G. Bonacorsi, and G. M. Zampini."--1000 Tongues,
1972 [Info only: RCC.]
"Compagnia di S. Paulo
[b]ible, Cardinal Ferrari Society, Florence, 1929."--1000 Tongues,
1939 [Info only: RCC.]
ITALIAN Compagnia di S. Paulo version, 1929--1000 Tongues, 1939
[Info only: "1929" John 2:25b-3:8a, 13b-21 {correct w/ "Jesus" @
"1931 Bible [R.] Berruti [e C.], Turin.
Translated by [P.] Marco Sales[, O. P.]"--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only: ?]
"1931 Bible Societá S. Paolo,
Translated by Eusebio Tintori."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only: ?]
"1943-1958 Bible Salani, Florence
Translated by Alberto Vac., Francesco Sce., Giacomo Mez.
Raffaele Tra., Mario Toc., and others."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only: ?]
"1961 [b]ible Marietti, Turin
Translated by Salvatore Garofalo and others. Influenced by the
Jerusalem [b]ible."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: RCC.]
"1962 Bible Ed. Paoline, Rome
Translated by Giovanni Rob., Giovanni Cas., Fedele
Pas., Vito Mul., and Fulvio Nar. A shorter Bible."--1000
Tongues, 1972 [Info only: ?]
"1963 [n]. [t]. Watch Tower, New York
The New World [b]ible Translation Committee version."--1000
Tongues, 1972 [Info only: cult.]
"1967 [a]cts Vatican City
Translated by Carlo M. Martini and
Nereo Venturi, Jesuits."--1000
Tongues, 1972 [Info only: RCC.]
"1968 [b]ible Mondadori, Milan
An ecumenical version called the Biblia Concordata, influenced
by the
French Jerusalem [b]ible. The
committee included Felice Montagnini,
Roman Catholic; Alberto
Soggin, Protestant; Panagiotis
Orthodox; and Elia Piattelli,
Jewish."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: CT.]