Eskimo Bible History (1) ![]()
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**List: Eskimo Ministry
the Bible ( the Bible )
Eskimo: Eastern Arctic, Baffin...
"The Eskimos, numbering as many as 90,000, are scattered thinly
across the vast distances of the Arctic littoral, from Greenland to
Siberia. Of Mongolian racial stock, the Eskimos maintain a
noticeably common culture, despite the lack of proximity and
contact between groups. Renowned for their practical genius
and their hunting prowess, which allow them to subsist in the
bleak north, they also have interesting art forms.Eskimo settlements are generally confined to coastal areas, except
for the small nomadic groups of Caribou Eskimos found
inland on the Canadian tundra near Chesterfield Inlet, North-
west Territories. Included in surveys of the Eskimos are the
Asiatic Eskimos of the Chukchi Peninsula (known as Aiwanat),
Cape Dezhnev (Nookalit), and the Bering Eskimos on St.
Lawrence Island (Siorarmiut).The languages of the Eskimos are related to the tongues of their
--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
cold-climate neighbors, the Aleuts, within the Eskimo-Aleut
linguistic group. The Eskimo languages of southern Alaska,
including the tongues of the Kuskokwim and Chugach groups,
are sometimes placed in a separate class of Eskimo tongues. The
Eastern Arctic, or Baffin Land, Eskimo tongue is spoken by
6,000 or more Eskimos of Baffin Island and its numerous
satellite islets. The Eskimo dialect known as Sadlermiut, once
spoken by the Eskimos on nearby Southhampton Island and
around the mouth of Hudson Bay, is now extinct.""Spoken by Eskimo people in Baffin Land and along Hudson Bay."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: 261.]
"Reduced to written form by Edmund J. Peck, of the CMS about 1878.
First publication, Selections in 1878 by the SPCK; tr. by Mr. Peck.
St. Lukes Gospel, BFBS, 1881. New Testament, BFBS, 1908.
CP: BFBS."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]ESKIMO: Baffin Land dialect--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Syllabic characters n.d. Book ch:v unknown.]
Syllabic Character
"1881 Luke 1897 Gospels 1903 Gospels Acts
1906 Genesis 1908 Romans-Revelation 1912 New
Testament 1914 Exodus 1917 Psalms BFBS, London
Translated by E. J. Peck, Church MS, generally by adaptation from
the Labrador Eskimo version, with the assistance of J. W. Bilby and
C. G. Sampson, CMS."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: EVANS SYLLABIC CHARACTER "1931" Mark 1:2 unknown.]
"1939 Isaiah BFBS, London
1950 Proverbs BFBS, Toronto
Translated by J. H. Turner, M. Flint, H. N. Duncan, and C. L.
Foster, Church of England."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]**File: Eskimo: Greenland [Greenlandic] Bible History
Eskimo: Kuskokwim...
"The Kuskokwim dialect is spoken in southwestern Alaska by
more than 6,000 Eskimos living around the mouth of the
Kuskokwim River, and eastward as far as Norton Sound. The
people refer to their tongue as Kuskokfigamiut, Yut Kanneriarait,
Kwigpak, and other local terms. Kuskokwim is a southern
Eskimo dialect."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"Reduced to written form by Moravian Mies.
about 1885. First publication, Liturgy, Hymns, and Scripture
lessons in 1902 at Bethlehem, Pa. by the Moravian Mission Board; tr.
by Augustus Schultze. St. Marks Gospel, 1915; tr. by J. Hinz.
Gospels, ABS, 1929; tr. by J. Hinz, F. Drebert, Arthur F. Butzin.
Robert Egsak, Jim Kinegak, Loyd Neck, and Ivan Petluska, Moravian
mies. and natives. CP: ABS."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: 263.
Liturgy?]ESKIMO: Kuskokwim dialect--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Roman characters n.d. John 3:14-17 unknown.]
"1915 Mark G. Winter, Herrnhut
1929 Gospels ABS, New York
1950-1951 Acts Galatians-Philemon James 1 Peter
Mimeographed"--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"1956 [n]ew [t]estament 1967 New Testament (corrected)
ABS, New York
Translated by Moravian mies., including Ferdinand Drebert,
A. Butzin, and J. Hinz, assisted by Robert Egsak, Jim Kinegak, and
others."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
"1956" Mark 1:2 incorrect (profetam Isaiam = prophet Isaiah).]**File: Eskimo: Labrador Bible History
**File: Eskimo Bible History (3)--1860 S. Bagster [Info only: Esquimaux.]Eskimo: Western Arctic, Copper...
"The Western Arctic Copper dialect is spoken by the Copper
Eskimos, who live in the shore areas around Coronation Gulf,
and in nearby areas of Victoria Island. They have traditionally
been known as Copper Eskimos because of their use of surface
copper for weapons."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"First publication, St. Marks Gospel in 1920 by
the BFBS; tr. by the Rev. H. Girling of the Canadian Anglican Mis-
sion."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: 265.]ESKIMO: Mackenzie River dialect--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Roman characters Mark 3:34-35 unknown.]
"1920 Mark BFBS, London
Translated by H. Girling, Canadian Anglican Mission, and pub-
lished in the Mackenzie dialect, with footnotes to make it intelligible to
the Copper Eskimos. The text had numerous compromises arising from
the attempt to adapt from one dialect to another. The Gospel, however,
was not acceptable to the Copper Eskimos."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
"1920" Mark 1:2 probably correct (the prophets).]Eskimo: Western Arctic, Inupiat...
"The Western Arctic Eskimo dialect is spoken by more than
3,000 people around Point Barrow, the northernmost tip of
Alaska. They call their language the Inupiat dialect.The Barrow Eskimos, who live 300 miles above the Arctic Circle,
have never seen a large town or running fresh water. Imagine the
problem of translating the Bible for such a people - to whom not
only the abstract concepts of the doctrine are new, but to whom
also the cities and deserts in which the Biblical narrative takes
place, the camels, wine, angels, lepers, figs, taxes, and turtle-
doves with which the story is filled, are all unknown.This challenge was met and overcome by Roy Ahmaogak, the
-1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
Eskimo translator of the Scriptures into his own Barrow Eskimo
tongue. Until he was forty-eight he had never seen a tree;
how, then, was he to communicate to his people the picture of a
forest? Roy Ahmaogak, was prepared for the task of Bible
translation by a year out. He studied at the Summer Ins.
of Linguistics to help him cope with the problems of putting
the particular phonetic and grammatical idiosyncrasies of his
tongue into written form. He also studied at a seminary, to
learn about theology; visited zoos and botanical gardens, to
learn about fauna and flora of other parts of the world; and
conferred with translations consultants, to know how to solve
some of the translation problems in his language. During the
year he was able to prepare translations of Mark and Romans,
as well as a primer to help his people learn to read and to
familiarize them with some of the terms and objects which they
would encounter in the Scriptures. Mr. Ahmaogak returned to
Barrow after the year with a Book and continued to work on
the translation of the New Testament with Donald Webster
of Wyc. Bible Translators."
See Translators Institute.]
"1948 Mark Romans 1964 John Ephesians James
1 John 1968 New Testament ABS, New York
Translated by Roy Ahmaogak, a Presbyterian."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
"1948" Mark 1:2 unknown.]Eskimo: Western Arctic, Mackenzie...
"The Mackenzie dialect is spoken by Eskimos who occupy coastal
areas around the mouth of the Mackenzie River."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]"Spoken by Eskimo along the Mackenzie River and Coronation Gulf,
northern Canada."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: 265.]
"First publication, St. Marks Gospel in 1920 by
the BFBS; tr. by the Rev. H. Girling of the Canadian Anglican Mis-
sion. St. Lukes Gospel in Western Artic Eskimo dialect, 1938; tr.
by Archdeacon C. E. Whitaker. CP: BFBS."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]ESKIMO: Mackenzie River dialect--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Roman characters Mark 3:34-35 unknown.]
"1938 Luke 1941 Acts 1944 John BFBS, London
Translated by C. E. Whittaker and J. H. Webster, Canadian
Anglican Mission."- -1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
"1944" John 2:1-4 unknown.]Eskimo: Ungava...
"Spoken by Eskimo people around Ungava Bay, northern Quebec."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: 266.]
"First publication, Selections in 1910 by the SPCK; tr. by S. M.
Stewart."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]ESKIMO: Ungava dialect--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: Syllabic characters n.d. Mark 1:11 unknown.]
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course]