William Ward: 1813 ![]()
My. William Ward
IndiaC. H. M. disclaimer . *=Library, **=Online
**Book: The History of Baptists (2004) Pastor Doug Hammett [Robert Sargent outline] [Outline]
[p. 246b: Wm. Ward.]**Book: A History of the Churches from a Baptist Perspective (2002, 6- 2005) David W. Cloud, WOLL [Contents]
[pp. 454, 457: William Ward.]*Book: THEY DARED TO BE DIFFERENT (1967) A. T. M., MP
pp. 132 "By 1808 Carey, with the help of Ward and
Marshman, had translated at least a part of the
Scriptures into Sanscrit, Bengali, Mahratta, Orissa,
Hindustani, Gujarati, Chinese, Sikh, Telinga, Kur-
nata, Burman, and Persian[.]"]**Book: William Carey (1980) F. Deaville Walker, MP [A pen-portrait of Carey himself.]
"By 1820, Carey and his team published the entire Bible in five languages, namely
Bengali, Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, and "Kyt'hee," and the New Testament in ten
other languages including Chinese, Telugu, Assamese, Konkani, Gujarathi, the Sikh
languages of Punjabi and Multan, Pashto of Afghanistan, Bikaner of Rajasthan, and
Kashmere.21"--21 Carey, W., et al.: Seventh Memoir Respecting the Translations of the Sacred Scriptures into the
Languages of India conducted by the Bretheren at Serampore, Serampore: Mission Press, 1820, pp. 5-
7.Life and Times of Carey, Marshman and Ward (1859) J. C. Marshman
[Christian Helps Ministry (USA)] [Christian Home Bible Course] [Marathi Ministry]