Hope Tract Ministry: 5/13/2020 C. H. M. disclaimer . *=Library, **=Online
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The God Of A New Start - #375
Anyone can have a new start if they will allow God to do His work in their life. Many people in the Bible did just that and seven of them are referenced in this tract.
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What Is The Most Important Thing In The World? - #385
Have you ever wondered what God thinks is the most important thing in the world? Since God gave His only begotten Son to die for us, we can say with assurance that it is you and me.
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What Is The Most Important Thing In The World? - #402
Have you ever wondered what God thinks is the most important thing in the world? Since God gave His only begotten Son to die for us, we can say with assurance that it is you and me.
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The Next Great Event - #403
This is the first tract printed by this ministry. The imminent return of Jesus Christ is the Blessed Hope of believers, but to the unbeliever it is a dire warning.
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The Romans’ Roadmap - #404
The book of Romans has often been described as a road map to Heaven. A favorite tract of many for years, it is easily the most simple, and to the point, plan of salvation ever used.
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The Greatest Love Of All - #410
All that God has done for us is motivated by His love for all mankind. Everyone needs to know that God loves them in spite of everything they have done. There is no sin so great that God will not forgive.
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What Must I Do To Go To Heaven? - #411
Beginning with the religious ruler of the Jews who came to Jesus in John chapter 3, this tract leads directly into the plan of salvation to answer the question, "How can a man be born again?"
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The Best Gift In Life! - #412
Only biblical Christianity offers salvation to mankind as a gift of Gods grace, separating it from all other world religions. Any other gifts we receive in this life pale in comparison to the gift of God's Son.
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Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #420
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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The Greatest Love Of All - #421
All that God has done for us is motivated by His love for all mankind. Everyone needs to know that God loves them in spite of everything they have done. There is no sin so great that God will not forgive.
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It Is Finished - #422
Religion teaches man that he must earn God's favor, either through his own morality or good works. In reality, God has already performed the only work capable of redeeming mankind, and His work is finished!
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Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #425
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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The Greatest Love Of All - #426
All that God has done for us is motivated by His love for all mankind. Everyone needs to know that God loves them in spite of everything they have done. There is no sin so great that God will not forgive.
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It's Up To You - #450
God has done everything necessary to provide for salvation. "It's Up To You" to decide if you will receive or reject His salvation.
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Salvation - #451
The subtitle of this tract is, "a work of man or a work of God?". Is Salvation man's work or God's? That is the fundamental question which this tract answers.
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Are Jehovah's Witnesses Christians? - #452
Of the many cults around the world that seek to deceive their followers into believing false doctrine, the JWs are at the top of the list. They are in most countries and everyone needs to be warned.
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Wonderful Truths From The Holy Bible For Our Catholic friends - #454
This is the first tract printed by this ministry. The imminent return of Jesus Christ is the Blessed Hope of believers, but to the unbeliever it is a dire warning.
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What Is The Most Important Thing In The World? - #465
Have you ever wondered what God thinks is the most important thing in the world? Since God gave His only begotten Son to die for us, we can say with assurance that it is you and me.
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The Romans' Map To Heaven - #466
The book of Romans has often been described as a road map to Heaven. A favorite tract of many for years, it is easily the most simple, and to the point, plan of salvation ever used.
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Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #467
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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Is Hell A Real Place? - #468
While many trust Christ after being presented with the love of God, others respond more to the fear of Hell. Liberalism has attempted to diminish it, but Hell is real, and although it is unpopular, we must warn people of this awful place.
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Wonderful Truths From The Holy Bible For Our Catholic Friends - #469
We have no desire to be rude to Catholics no matter how strongly we feel their doctrine is in error. This tract is not filled with insults as some anti-Catholic material is, but clearly points out the error of Catholicism, especially regarding salvation.
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Where Is Your Destiny? - #475
While many people know where they would one day like to be in this life, most don’t stop to consider that they have a destiny that ultimately ends up in eternity.
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Do You Believe? (The Occult) - #476
Much of what we see practiced in the occult today is fakery however, some of it is real. This tract makes it clear that God condemns these practices whether real or fake.
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The Best Gift In Life - #477
Only biblical Christianity offers salvation to mankind as a gift of Gods grace, separating it from all other world religions. Any other gifts we receive in this life pale in comparison to the gift of God's Son.
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How To Be Saved - #480
This tract presents a very thorough explanation of the plan of salvation using lots of Scripture!
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This Could Be Your Last 5 Minutes Alive - #481
So many people don’t have time in their busy life to contemplate what will happen to them when they die. How many of them would take the time if they knew that this could be their last five minutes alive.
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It Is Finished - #486
Religion teaches man that he must earn God's favor, either through his own morality or good works. In reality, God has already performed the only work capable of redeeming mankind, and His work is finished!
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The Great Question To Romania - #490
The great question for Romania is really the same question that we all must answer; are you absolutely sure that you would go to Heaven if you died right now?
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The Greatest Love Of All - #491
All that God has done for us is motivated by His love for all mankind. Everyone needs to know that God loves them in spite of everything they have done. There is no sin so great that God will not forgive.
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Are You Ready For The Judgment Day? - #496
Except for a few headings, this tract is all Scripture, and is a definite wake-up call to any lost sinner!
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Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #500
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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I Am The Bread Of Life - #501
Do You Know? - #502
What Is The Most Important Thing In The World? - #505
Have you ever wondered what God thinks is the most important thing in the world? Since God gave His only begotten Son to die for us, we can say with assurance that it is you and me.
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Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #506
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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Baptism - #510
This tract was originally written in 1975 and features a picture of Lee Roberson on the front. It explains the Scriptural reasons for baptism and the proper biblical mode.
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How To Know You Are Going to Heaven - #511
The Romans' Roadmap - #515
The book of Romans has often been described as a road map to Heaven. A favorite tract of many for years, it is easily the most simple, and to the point, plan of salvation ever used.
Jesus Christ Is The Only Way - #516
The lie that Jesus Christ is just one of many ways to God is becoming more prevalent with increase of the ecumenical movement. Jesus Himself said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
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The Greatest Love Of All - #517
All that God has done for us is motivated by His love for all mankind. Everyone needs to know that God loves them in spite of everything they have done. There is no sin so great that God will not forgive.
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Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #518
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #520
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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If Not Today, When? - #524
Putting off salvation is a dangerous game which many lose. In Acts chapter 24, the Roman governor Felix made this mistake.
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Which Way? - #525
The Bible tells us that there is a broad way which leads to destruction, and the majority of people are following this way.
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Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #526
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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The Greatest Love Of All - #527
All that God has done for us is motivated by His love for all mankind. Everyone needs to know that God loves them in spite of everything they have done. There is no sin so great that God will not forgive.
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Choose You This Day - #530
This tract was provided to us by Bill Ashbury, missionary to Malawi, Africa. It begins with the question found in Joshua 24:15, “Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” (Jesus Christ or the Devil!)
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What Is The Most Important Thing In The World? - #531
Have you ever wondered what God thinks is the most important thing in the world? Since God gave His only begotten Son to die for us, we can say with assurance that it is you and me.
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If There Is A God, Why Doesn't He Prove It? - #532
We are surrounded by the evidence of God's existence and the ways He has chosen to reveal Himself to mankind. Various aspects of science are discussed, making this tract a challenge to the evolutionist and humanist.
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If There Is A God, Why Doesn't He Prove It? - #535
We are surrounded by the evidence of God's existence and the ways He has chosen to reveal Himself to mankind. Various aspects of science are discussed, making this tract a challenge to the evolutionist and humanist.
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The Coming Plagues - #536
Reading like today's headlines, this tract, which was written many years ago, is more relevant today than ever. With the threat of EBOLA upon humanity, there is an increased interest in The Coming Plagues.
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Where Are You Going? - #540
This is a very thorough tract which provokes the reader to ask themselves this question: "Where are you going when you die?".
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No Escape - #541
Life is full of things that we cannot escape from; age, disease, society, death, and finally judgment. This tract is a sober reminder of that fact with a clear gospel message.
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The Love Of God - #542
With so many counterfeits of love present in the world, the reader is shown from Scripture, what true love is and where it originated. The Love of God is a reminder that He paid the ultimate price for us because of His love.
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Jesus Is Wonderful - #545
The birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the focal points of this tract in presenting Him as Saviour of the world. The empty tomb depicted on the front makes this an excellent tract at Easter time.
Who Is Jesus? - #550
The identity of Jesus is the single greatest truth that you can know. Your eternal destiny depends upon it. The deity of Jesus Christ is what separates the true believers from the many antichrists that are in the world.
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Where Are You Going? - #560
This is a very thorough tract which provokes the reader to ask themselves this question: "Where are you going when you die?".
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It Is Finished - #561
This is the first tract printed by this ministry. The imminent return of Jesus Christ is the Blessed Hope of believers, but to the unbeliever it is a dire warning.
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No Escape - #562
Life is full of things that we cannot escape from; age, disease, society, death, and finally judgment. This tract is a sober reminder of that fact with a clear gospel message.
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The Love Of God - #563
With so many counterfeits of love present in the world, the reader is shown from Scripture, what true love is and where it originated. The Love of God is a reminder that He paid the ultimate price for us because of His love.
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Where Are You Going? - #565
This is a very thorough tract which provokes the reader to ask themselves this question:
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The Mediator - #570
Jesus Christ is presented to the reader as the only Mediator who can reconcile sinful man to a holy God. Note: Arabic is read from right to left.
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What Must I Do To Go To Heaven? - #580
Beginning with the religious ruler of the Jews who came to Jesus in John chapter 3, this tract leads directly into the plan of salvation to answer the question, "How can a man be born again?"
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If Not Today, When? - #582
Putting off salvation is a dangerous game which many lose. In Acts chapter 24, the Roman governor Felix made this mistake.
Where Is Your Destiny? - #583
While many people know where they would one day like to be in this life, most don’t stop to consider that they have a destiny that ultimately ends up in eternity.
Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #615
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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The Coming Plagues - #620
Reading like today's headlines, this tract, which was written many years ago, is more relevant today than ever. With the threat of EBOLA upon humanity, there is an increased interest in The Coming Plagues.
Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #625
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #630
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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Saved, Sure & Serving - #631
Reading like today's headlines, this tract, which was written many years ago, is more relevant today than ever. With the threat of EBOLA upon humanity, there is an increased interest in The Coming Plagues.
Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #635
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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What Is The Gospel? - #645
Most people have heard the word used but few know what it means. The word gospel means "good news", and no other phrase best describes our message to a world who, otherwise is without hope.
Rukiga Runyankole
Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #651
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #654
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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If There Is A God, Why Doesn't He Prove It? - #655
We are surrounded by the evidence of God's existence and the ways He has chosen to reveal Himself to mankind. Various aspects of science are discussed, making this tract a challenge to the evolutionist and humanist.
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Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #660
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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