Hope Tract Ministry: 5/13/2020 C. H. M. disclaimer . *=Library, **=Online
Go to: English HTM Tracts
Heaven Or Hell? - #301
If a person believes in God, then they are left with a choice. It is either Heaven or Hell. This tract leaves the reader with that choice to make.
Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #302
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture.
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The Romans’ Map To Heaven - #303
The book of Romans has often been described as a road map to Heaven. A favorite tract of many for years, it is easily the most simple, and to the point, plan of salvation ever used.
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Saved From Hell To Heaven - #304
This tract is almost all Scripture and lots of it!
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Which Way? - #305
The Bible tells us that there is a broad way which leads to destruction, and the majority of people are following this way.
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Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Christians? - #306
Of the many cults around the world that seek to deceive their followers into believing false doctrine, the JWs are at the top of the list. They are in most countries and everyone needs to be warned.
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Are Mormons Christians? - #307
Most people have no idea what the Mormons teach and some of it is so outrageous that they keep it well hidden until their members are well indoctrinated. They are gaining more acceptability in recent years, but make no mistake, they are a cult!
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Wonderful Truths From The Holy Bible For Our Catholic Friends - #308
We have no desire to be rude to Catholics no matter how strongly we feel their doctrine is in error. This tract is not filled with insults as some anti-Catholic material is, but clearly points out the error of Catholicism, especially regarding salvation.
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If You Died Today - #309
No one wants to think that they might die today. But they might, and what if they did? This is just a straight forward tract which gives them the truth.
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It Is Finished - #310
Religion teaches man that he must earn God's favor, either through his own morality or good works. In reality, God has already performed the only work capable of redeeming mankind, and His work is finished!
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The Greatest Love Of All - #311
All that God has done for us is motivated by His love for all mankind. Everyone needs to know that God loves them in spite of everything they have done. There is no sin so great that God will not forgive.
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There’s Gotta Be More Than This! (Teenagers) - #312
Everyone in her high school class can see the change in Maria since she received Christ, but her classmate Juan hates school and wants her to go party. She explains salvation to him but he's not ready. She hopes he doesn't wait until it's too late.
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The Heart Of Christmas - #313
What has happened to this holiday we all love so dearly? Christmas has become a trap of commercialism and Christ can scarcely be found. This tract is a call for us to return to the heart of Christmas, which is the salvation Jesus came to bring.
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I Did It, And You Can Do It Too! (Kids) - #314
Rosa just asked Jesus to save her and is so excited that she wants her friend Maria to be saved too. Maria isn't very receptive at first, but it doesn't take Rosa long to show her that she needs Jesus.
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Saved, Sure & Serving (New Christians) - #315
This is the only tract we print which was written for new Christians. These first principles are essential to the growth of any new believer in their relationship with the Lord.
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What Is The Most Important Thing In The World? - #316
Have you ever wondered what God thinks is the most important thing in the world? Since God gave His only begotten Son to die for us, we can say with assurance that it is you and me.
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You Can Have A Wonderful Christmas - #317
With everyone in the holiday spirit, the Christmas season is a wonderful time to hand out tracts. Christmas is so much more wonderful when we have a personal relationship with the One whose birth we celebrate.
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Hello Friend (I don’t speak Spanish) - #318
You don't speak Spanish? Don't let that stop you from witnessing to the Hispanic community. We have just the tract for you! This tract immediately tells the reader that you don't speak Spanish.
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