Hope Tract Ministry: 5/13/2020 C. H. M. disclaimer . *=Library, **=Online
The Next Great Event - #001
This is the first tract printed by this ministry. The imminent return of Jesus Christ is the Blessed Hope of believers, but to the unbeliever it is a dire warning. Download Tract
Know Your Rights! - #002
So many in the U.S. are obsessed with their rights yet, some fail to realize their most important rights. This is a great tract for every day, but especially good for patriotic observances and events. Download Tract
How Much Time Do You Have? - #003
We are surrounded by reminders of our own mortality. Mankind seems to have perfected the art of blocking this reality from their conscousness. This tract is a great reminder that eternity may come sooner than we think. Download Tract
What Is The Gospel? - #004
Most people have heard the word used but few know what it means. The word gospel means "good news", and no other phrase best describes our message to a world who, otherwise is without hope. Download Tract
The Coming Plagues - #005
Reading like today's headlines, this tract, which was written many years ago, is more relevant today than ever. With the threat of EBOLA upon humanity, there is an increased interest in The Coming Plagues. Download Tract
The Price Of Freedom - #006
Another great tract with a patriotic theme, which points out, not only the price that our forefathers paid for our freedom in America, but the even greater price that was paid by God for our spiritual freedom in Christ. Download Tract
What Is The Most Important Thing In The World? - #007
With the pervasiveness of moral relativism, truth is becoming harder and harder to find. There are absolute truths and this tract shines the light on several of them. Download Tract
Which Way? - #008
The Bible tells us that there is a broad way which leads to destruction, and the majority of people are following this way. Download Tract
The Romans' Map To Heaven - #009
The book of Romans has often been described as a road map to Heaven. A favorite tract of many for years, it is easily the most simple, and to the point, plan of salvation ever used. Download Tract
The Water Of Life - #010
Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well in John chapter 4, is a wonderful example of salvation for us to follow, when presenting the Gospel of Christ to an unbeliever. Download Tract
Where Are You Going? - #011
This is a very thorough tract which provokes the reader to ask themselves this question: "Where are you going when you die?". Download Tract
Saved, Sure And Serving (New Christians) - #012
This is the only tract we print which was written for new Christians. These first principles are essential to the growth of any new believer in their relationship with the Lord. Download Tract
The Love Of God - #013
With so many counterfeits of love present in the world, the reader is shown from Scripture, what true love is and where it originated. The Love of God is a reminder that He paid the ultimate price for us because of His love. Download Tract
Christianity, What Every Musl_m Should Know - #014
Written by a converted Musl_m, this tract uses the Five Pillars of the Isl_mic faith to teach Musl_ms basic Christian doctrine as taught from the Bible. The word Download Tract
Jesus Is Wonderful - #015
The birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the focal points of this tract in presenting Him as Saviour of the world. The empty tomb depicted on the front makes this an excellent tract at Easter time. Download Tract
If There Is A God, Why Doesn't He Prove It? - #016
We are surrounded by the evidence of God's existence and the ways He has chosen to reveal Himself to mankind. Various aspects of science are discussed, making this tract a challenge to the evolutionist and humanist. Download Tract
It Is Finished - #017
Religion teaches man that he must earn God's favor, either through his own morality or good works. In reality, God has already performed the only work capable of redeeming mankind, and His work is finished! Download Tract
The Best Gift In Life! - #018
Only biblical Christianity offers salvation to mankind as a gift of God's grace, separating it from all other world religions. Any other gifts we receive in this life pale in comparison to the gift of God's Son. Download Tract
Is Hell A Real Place? - #019
While many trust Christ after being presented with the love of God, others respond more to the fear of Hell. Liberalism has attempted to diminish it, but Hell is real, and although it is unpopular, we must warn people of this awful place. Download Tract
Five Roadblocks - #020
God is intimately involved in the lives of every human being and desires that no one perish. He has, not only, provided for our salvation, but has placed obstacles in our path to deter us from going in the wrong direction. Download Tract
From Tragedy To Triumph (Prison) - #021
This is the personal testimony of a man who is presently serving a life sentence in prison for murdering his wife. After being incarcerated, he gave his life to Christ and now has a vibrant ministry of witnessing to his fellow inmates with our tracts. Download Tract
Are You Prepared To Die? (Military) - #022
This tract is written to try and reach our military servicemen and women. They put their lives in danger to protect our freedom yet, so many are unprepared to face eternity. Download Tract
You Can Have A Wonderful Christmas - #023
With everyone in the holiday spirit, the Christmas season is a wonderful time to hand out tracts. Christmas is so much more wonderful when we have a personal relationship with the One whose birth we celebrate. Download Tract
Can You Believe Your Eyes? - #024
Deception is one of Satan's greatest tools. Many people are deceived into thinking that they are good enough to go to Heaven. This tract is a warning against this deception. Download Tract
The Only Cure (Alcohol) - #025
The medical community would have us believe that alcoholism is a disease that can never be cured, only controlled. Those enslaved by it need to know that there is a cure and that it is only found in Jesus Christ. Download Tract
What Will It Take To Make Yours A Merry Christmas? - #026
While many enjoy this time of year, for others, it is a time of depression. They have no families to spend the Christmas season with, no money to buy gifts, and no friends to buy them for. Let them know there are good reasons to have a Merry Christmas. Download Tract
The Cost Of Getting High (Drugs) - #027
Drug addiction is rampant throughout the world. So many use drugs but never give a thought to the enormous cost of getting high. Not only does it cost them their money, but their health, their families, their freedom, and ultimately their soul. Download Tract
Where Is The Evidence That The Bible Is The Word Of God? - #028
Scripture is the most important part of any tract because it is the Word of God, and has the power to impart saving faith. But what if the reader does not believe it is God's Word? Then this tract is for them! Download Tract
Your Life Can Have A New Beginning - #029
Anyone can have a new beginning if they will allow God to do His work in their life. Many people in the Bible did just that and five of them are referenced in this tract. Download Tract
What Must I Do To Have Eternal Life? - #030
This tract examines the account of the rich young ruler found in Matthew chapter 19. Like him, many allow their love for things to stand in the way of their salvation. Download Tract
The Best Is Yet To Come (Seniors) - #031
This tract is especially for our senior citizens. It will be an encouragement to those who know the Lord and an appeal to those who do not. Extra large print makes this tract easy to read. Download Tract
The Great Pretender - #032
While none of us can know someone's heart, it is certain that there are many in our churches who pretend to be Christians. The Great Pretender is perfect for reaching those who are playing this deadly game. Download Tract
I Did It, And You Can Do It Too...Right Now! (Kids) - #033
Erica just asked Jesus to save her and is so excited that she wants her friend Kristen to be saved too. Kristen isn't very receptive at first, but it doesn't take Erica long to show her that she needs Jesus. Download Tract
Messiah, What Every Hebrew Should Know - #034
A number of Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah are shown to have been fulfilled in the New Testament by Jesus Christ. Jews must see that Christ is their Messiah in order to be saved. The word Messiah is written in Hebrew on the front. Download Tract
The Greatest Love Of All - #035
All that God has done for us is motivated by His love for all mankind. Everyone needs to know that God loves them in spite of everything they have done. There is no sin so great that God will not forgive. Download Tract
If Not Today, When? - #036
Putting off salvation is a dangerous game which many lose. In Acts chapter 24, the Roman governor Felix made this mistake. Download Tract
Do You Believe? (The Occult) - #037
Much of what we see practiced in the occult today is fakery however, some of it is real. This tract makes it clear that God condemns these practices whether real or fake. Download Tract
Are You 100% Sure That You Will Go To Heaven When You Die? - #038
This is definitely our most popular tract. God's plan of salvation is presented as clearly and concise as it can be, using lots of Scripture. Download Tract
You Have An Appointment - #039
You might think it is a hair appointment that she has, but don't let the picture fool you. This lady has an appointment with God, but then we all do. Have we prepared for this appointment? Download Tract
Its Time To Face The Truth - #040
The subjects of abortion, fornication, alcoholism, and h*m*sexuality are used to show that sinful behavior is often accompanied by a host of excuses used to justify this wicked behavior. Download Tract
Grief, Why Is This Happening To Me? - #041
All of us, at one time or another, have wondered why certain things happen to us or someone we know. Some even blame God and this becomes a stumbling block in their spiritual life. To the believer and unbeliever, this tract has a message of healing. Download Tract
What Do I Have To Lose? (Gambling) - #042
This is a tract that exposes the dangers of gambling, in all of its forms. This tract is not for everyone, but even those who buy a lottery ticket need to be warned of the dangers of gambling. Download Tract
Are Jehovahs Witnesses Christians? - #043
Of the many cults around the world that seek to deceive their followers into believing false doctrine, the JWs are at the top of the list. They are in most countries and everyone needs to be warned. Download Tract
Are Mormons Christians? - #044
Most people have no idea what the Mormons teach and some of it is so outrageous that they keep it well hidden until their members are well indoctrinated. They are gaining more acceptability in recent years, but make no mistake, they are a cult! Download Tract
Wonderful Truths From The Holy Bible For Our Catholic Friends - #045
We have no desire to be rude to Catholics no matter how strongly we feel their doctrine is in error. This tract is not filled with insults as some anti-Catholic material is, but clearly points out the error of Catholicism, especially regarding salvation. Download Tract
The Gay Way (H*m*sexuality) - #046
To believe that a h*m*sexual is a reprobate and cannot be saved is treading into an area only God can go. We have no way of knowing who is and who is not, so it is our responsibility to preach repentance to them and this tract does just that! Download Tract
There's Gotta Be More Than This! (Teenagers) - #047
Everyone in her high school class can see the change in Emily since she received Christ, but her classmate Zane hates school and wants her to go party. She explains salvation to him but he's not ready. She hopes he doesn't wait until it's too late. Download Tract
The Heart Of Christmas - #048
What has happened to this holiday we all love so dearly? Christmas has become a trap of commercialism and Christ can scarcely be found. This tract is a call for us to return to the heart of Christmas, which is the salvation Jesus came to bring. Download Tract
Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People? - #049
Blaming God for all the evil and suffering in the world is an excuse so often used, to justify the rejection of Him. This tract takes away that excuse and confronts the reader with a decision to make. Download Tract
What Does The Future Hold? (Earth's Coming Judgment) - #050
The Bible tells us of some very important events which will take place in the future, beginning with the Rapture of the church.This will unleash a series of catastrophic judgments upon the Earth and all who remain, culminating with the return of Christ. Download Tract
Why Do Mothers Matter? - #051
This is a great tract to give to any mother to let let them know how important they are. It is appropriate for any occasion, but is especially good to use on Mother's Day. Download Tract
Who Is Jesus? - #052
The identity of Jesus is the single greatest truth that you can know. Your eternal destiny depends upon it. The deity of Jesus Christ is what separates the true believers from the many antichrists that are in the world. Download Tract
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