Thado Bible History (1)

Useful Resources

**List: Thado Ministry

the Bible ( the Bible )
"Thado, or Thado-Kuki, is spoken by about 100,000 people in
scattered groups throughout Manipur, India.   Thado was once
promoted as a regional lingua franca for many of the hills tribes.
Also known as Khongsai, Thado is spoken in many dialects,
including Hawkip.   A Kuki-Chin language of the Tibeto-
Burman family, it is the largest of the New Kuki tongues, a
subgroup which also comprises Gangte, Paite, Simte, Vaiphei,
and Zomi.   Thado is also closely related to the Tiddim Chin
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only]

       "First publication, Selections in
    1921.   St. John’s Gospel, BFBS, Calcutta, 1924; tr. by Ngulhao,
    a native Christian, supervised by Mr. Pettigrew.   St. Luke, the Acts,
    1926; St. Matthew, 1932; St. Mark, Romans, 1933.
    --1000 Tongues, 1939   [Info only]

CHIN: Thado-Kuki dialect   [Info only: "1924" John 3:16 unknown.]

"1924 John   1925 Luke   Acts   1932 Matthew
1933 [m]ark   Romans   1942 New Testament
BFBS, Calcutta
Translated by Ngulhao Thomsong, aided by Mrs. G. G. Crozier and
W. Pettigrew of the American Baptist Foreign MS.
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only:
"1933" Mark 1:2 incorrect (Isaia = Isaiah).]

"1961 Genesis BS of India and Ceylon, Bangalore
Translation begun by Mangkho Thomsong and continued by a
--1000 Tongues, 1972   [Info only: ?]

[Chr. Helps Ministry (USA)] [Chr. Home Bible Course]