**List: Hungarian Ministry
Holy Bible ( Szent Biblia )
"Hungarian, or Magyar, is spoken by about 12
million people.
The official language of Hungary, it is also the native tongue of
more than a million Szekely (Siculi) in Transylvanian Russia. The
Magyars, a Turkic people, arrived in
Hungary from east of the
Urals in the 9th century. Their first king, Stephen, completed
the conversion of the Magyars to Christianity and established the
Hungarian State. Although Latin
was the literary language of
Hungary until the middle of the 19th century, Hungarian
manuscripts exist from as early as the 13th century. A Ugric
language of the Uralian family, Hungarian is related to the
Finnic tongues.
Among the historical distinctions of the Bible, it must be noted
that the first book printed in Hungarian was a portion of
Scripture. Surprisingly, this was as late as 1533, a date that sug-
gests the important role of the Reformation in the history of the
Hungarian Bible. Even the few manuscripts still preserved
from before the days of printing were rendered from the Vulgate
by Franciscan friars who had to flee Hungary because of Hussite
sympathies. So, also, when the whole New Testament first
appeared in Magyar, it was a pupil of Melanchthon, John
Erdösi, who translated it, and a Protestant nobleman afforded
protection to the press on which it was printed. Erdösi was
the only scholar in the troubled 16th century who made the Hun-
garian Bible his special task, but it remained for Gaspar
often called the ‘Tyndale of Hungary’, to carry the first
Magyar Bible to triumphant conclusion. That Karoli did not
suffer martyrdom as Tyndale
did, but lived to see his Bible
accepted and used in his own country, was due solely to the
armed protection of such powerful Hungarian leaders as
Rakoczi and Bathori. They also defrayed the expenses of printing
the Bible. Known as the Vizsoly Bible, because it
was printed in
the village of Vizsoly, its publication in 1590 is remembered not
only in the history of the Hungarian Reformation, but also in
that of Magyar language and literature. With only minor re-
visions, the Karoli Bible was reissued more than 100 times in the
three centuries following its publication, and it has played a role
in Hungary analogous to that of Luther’s Bible in Germany."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only]
"Not until 1908 was the first thorough revision
of the Karoli Bible
published. Nonetheless, by 1930 the need for a new revision was
again apparent. Activated by increasing interest in the Scriptures
among Hungarian Protestants and by public consciousness of
linguistic archaisms in the Karoli text, a new
revision was under-
taken by S. Szegledy and S. Raffey, both of whom had previous-
ly published their own translations. But the tentative edition of
their joint effort, published in 1938, met with so much criticism
that after World War II a committee was appointed to revise
their work. This Joint Bible Commission has given to Hungary
a Bible that blends the best of Karoli’s
version with the results of
Biblical research and the gradual changes in the Hungarian
language."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
Beware of CT after 1909.]
**File: Hungarian Bible History (3)--1860
S. Bagster [Info only]
"1536 Gospels Vienna
Translated by G. Pesti."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
"1541 New Testament U.[j] Sziget,
Translated by John Erdösi (Sylvester). The first
edition is known as
the Sarvar Testament. Reprinted 1574, Vienna."--1000
Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
János Erdösi, a Lutheran.]
"1552-1565 New Testament Old
Testament (incomplete)
Translated by G. Heltai and others."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only: ?]
"1590 Bible V. Mantskovit, Vizsoly
Translated by Gaspar Karoli, a pastor at Göncz."--1000
Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
KAROLI BIBLE "1590" Mark 1:2 correct
(Prophétáknál = Prophets).
Gáspár Károli, a pastor in the Reformed Church per
"1608 Bible (revised) Hanau
A slight revision of the Karoli text by Albert
Molnar."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only]
"1719 Bible Leiden
Translated by György Csipkes, pastor and professor at Debreczen.
Most copies were confiscated by Counter-Reformation
Printing of Bibles was prohibited in Hungary between 1730 and 1770.
This Bible was often revised."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info
"Uj Testamentom, azaz a' mi urunk Jézus
Krisztusnak új szövetsége és a'
'Soltároḱ könyve. Magyar nyelvre forditotta Károli Gáspár. (Berlin,
Trowitzschés fia, 1859)" [Info only]
HUNGARIAN or MAGYAR--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: "1905" John
3:11b-19a, 26b-34 unknown.]
"1908 Bible BFBS, Budapest
A complete revision of the Karoli Bible by a
group which included Mor
Ballagi, J. Keresztesi, P. Hungalvy, Aron Szilady, György Radacsi,
Istvan Limberger, and Sander Poszvek."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only: ?]
"New Testament, NBSS & SGM,
1931. Frenkel Version: Old Tes-
tament; tr. by Dr. Bernat Frenkel, 1927, published at Budapest by Dr.
Frenkel. CP: ABS, BFBS, NBSS."--1000 Tongues, 1939
[Info only: ?]
"1951-1952 New Testament 1951-1966
Old Testament
Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest
Together a complete revision of the Bible, prepared by a Joint Bible
Commission of Lutherans and Reformed Church scholars."--
1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
JOINT BIBLE COMMISSION REVISION "1958" Mark 1:2 correct (a
prófétáknál = the prophets).]
**File: Hungarian Critical Text History
"The Karoli Version, also known as the Vizsoly Bible,
published in 1590. The translation effort was headed up by
Pastor Gaspar Karoli. It is one of the great Protestant era
Bibles. A 1908 revision is the standard Hungarian Bible today
for evangelicals.
According to the Hungarian Bookstore (which also sells
Cat. Bibles): "Many Hungarians who read English
compared the language to that found in the King James
Version."--PS [Info only]
"Szent Biblia, azaz Istennek OésUj
Testamentomában foglaltott egész Szent írás.
Magyar nyelvre fordította Károli Gáspár.
(Budapest, A Brités külföldi Biblia-társulat,
1908)" [Info only]
"Szent Biblia, azaz, istennekOés Uj
Testamentomában, foglaltatott egész szent frás. Magyar
nyelvre forditotta Károli Gáspár. (Budapest,
Brités külföldi Biblia-társulat, 1912)"
[Info only]