**List: Afrikaans Ministry
the Bible ( die Bybel )
"Afrikaans is one of the official languages of the
Republic of South
Africa, developed from the language of the Boers, Dutch immi-
grants who arrived in the middle of the 17th century. It is spoken
by more than 2.3 million people, both of European and African
The first attempts to reduce Afrikaans to writing were the result
of a desire to produce the Bible in this language. As early as
a Dutchman, Arnoldus Pannevis, a teacher at Paarl, argued that
the Dutch Bible was virtually a closed book to the Afrikaans-
speaking population. In 1875 Die Genootskap van Regte
(the Society of True Afrikaaners) was founded, with the primary
purposes of teaching their countrymen to write as you speak
and of translating the Bible. The literary organ of this Society
was edited by the Rev. S. J. du Toit, who translated several Books
of the Bible before his death in 1911." --1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only]
"Afrikaans is a mixture of
Dutch with English and Bantu words
has developed among the Dutch settlers of South Africa until it has dis-
placed the older language. The movement for its use as a literary
has been underway since 1872, when a Dutch teacher at Paarl, Arnoldus
Pannevis, urged the translation of the Bible into the common
speech."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
"Reduced to written form about
1872. First publication, Genesis,
1893 at Paarl by D. F. du Toit & Co.; tr. by S. J. Du Toit and
others."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only]
"1893 Genesis 1895 Matthew
1898 Revelation
D. F. du Toit, Paarl
Translated by S. J. du Toit and others. Also published were Song
Solomon, Mark, and Acts."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only:
"Bible, BFBS, Capetown
(London printed), 1933; tr. by a committee
including Rev. Profs. D. G. Du Toit, J. D. Kestall, and B. B. Keet.
Work on the translation of the Bible began with the
tentative publication
of Hosea, Jonah and St. John in 1920. Before the Bible had
been issued 30,000 copies had been ordered and paid for. Three
thousand copies were sold within the first two years of its publication.
CP: BFBS."--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info
DUTCH: Afrikaans dialect--1000 Tongues, 1939 [Info only: "1933"
John 2:20b-3:2a; 3:11-18a {correct w/ "Jesus" @ 3:2a}.]
"1920 Hosea Jonah John
Publisher unknown
1922 Gospels Psalms 1929 Gospels Psalms
1933 Bible BFBS, Cape Town
Translated and revised by a committee, including J. D. Kestell, B. B.
Keet, J. D. du Toit, and others."--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info
"1941 New Testament (corrected) 1953 Bible (revised)
BFBS, Cape Town
1907 Psalms Paarl Drukkery
Revised and corrected by representatives of the three Dutch Reformed
Churches, under the direction of J. D. Kestell, B. B. Keet, J. D. du
Toit, E. E. van Rooyen, and H. C. M. Fourie."--1000 Tongues, 1972
[Info only]
AFRIKAANS--1000 Tongues, 1972 [Info only: KESTELL AND OTHERS
"1948" Mark 1:2 correct (die Profete = the Prophets).]
"formal-equivalent translations
of the Bible were
made in...Afri-
kaans (Plenary Committee Dutch Ref. Church [BFBS] 1933, Revi-
sed 1953.
Portions of Scripture in Afrikaans were published in 1878,
1889 and
1893, but it was a lecture by Dr. B. B. Keet on 21 August 1914 in Stellen-
bosch which started a concerted effort to "Afrikaansify" the Dutch State
Bible. On 16 May 1916, a resolution was passed by the Free State Synod
the Dutch Ref. Church (N.G. Kerk), in collaboration with the Neder-
duitsch Hervormde Kerk and Gereformeerde Kerk to translate the Bible
into Afrikaans. The first attempt to translate the Gospels and Psalms
the State Bible met with such adverse criticism when it appeared in 1922,
that it was decided to start a completely new translation from the
languages. The first consignment of the new Bibles arrived from
on 1 June 1933, and it was officially taken into use by the three
on 27 August 1933. The final translators were Drs. J. D. Kestell, E.
E. van
Kooyen, B. B. Keet (N.G. Kerk), H. C. M. Fourie (Ned. Herv. Kerk) and
J. D. du Toit (Geref. Kerk). A revision of this Bible, under the
of Drs. J. D. du Toit and B. B. Keet was published in 1953."
Afrikaans Bible (1983) [Bib. Soc. of S. Africa] [Info only:
Probably corrupt--"Dynamic-/functional-equivalent